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Binaural Beats
10-carrier Pure Sine Wave Binaural Beat Generator


2-Carrier3-Carrier4-Carrier5-CarrierComplex LowComplex MediumComplex HighYour Eyes Will CloseWaking Up Surprise!

1 Hz • Delta | Lethargic
2 Hz • Delta | Deep Sleep
3 Hz • Delta | Dreamless
4 Hz • Theta | Drowsy
6 Hz • Theta | Fantasy
8 Hz • Alpha | Relaxed
12 Hz • Alpha | Conscious
16 Hz • Beta | Focused
24 Hz • Beta | Active
32 Hz • Gamma | Alert

Delta→ 1a1b2a2b2c3a3b3c Theta→ 4a4b4c4d5a5b6a6b7 Alpha→ 8a8b8c8d8e9101112a12b12c Beta→ 131516a16b16c1820a20b212324a24b2628293132

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Animation Parameters

mode Soft HardSolo Duo Trio
speed ÷8 ÷4 ÷2Normalx2 x4 x8
range Set→[ LowHigh ]←Set

Tape Speed Control

G #A #BC #D #EF #
Speed ÷2Speed x2Reset

iEQ • Calibration


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Visualizer • White • PiNk • Brown • J↓↑KHelp

Binaural Beats

Pure tones played together interfere with each other when they are close in pitch but not identical. When each tone is sent to a different ear, there will not be any physical interaction between the waves, yet your brain still creates an interference inside your head: the so-called binaural beat. In order to create a binaural beat, each ear must receive its dedicated signal. Therefore, binaural beats only work through headphones.

Most binaural beat generators on the Internet use two carriers: one for each ear. We use 10 of them instead, creating the most complex beating patterns ever produced online! We also use the purest sine waves generated from a professional test tone generator, ensuring the clearest and deepest beats.

Activating the motion feature ever-changes the beating patterns, entraining various brainwaves frequencies one after the other. Have a try!

A word to the purist here. This binaural beat generator offers ten carrier frequencies, but humans only have two ears! Therefore, carriers on this generator will produce amplitude-modulated beating patterns inside each ear canal. This is not necessarily a bad thing, as it increases the perception of the overall beating pattern, and helps our brain catch up with the binaural beat. This explains why this generator produces stronger beats than any other available. If you are looking for a pure binaural beat generator instead - one without any intra-aural interference but a weaker stimulus - try our Harmonic Binaural Beat Generator; its carriers have been set to distant frequencies, in order to suppress any amplitude modulation between carriers.

For faster brainwave waves, try 40 Hertz, a generator dedicated to the higher Gamma frequencies.

Published by Stéphane on July 23rd, 2013
     From the creator of myNoise, Brainaural is a parametric binaural beat generator that gives you complete control over frequencies, up to the higher Gamma waves.

User Stories

Write your own here. Click the blue bulletsto load associated settings.

  Every time I have listened to "Dreamless" before going to sleep, I have always managed to dream. I haven't yet experimented with other tones, but I imagine it will be an interesting experience! In fact, I plan to do so tonight. I would like to express my gratitude to those behind the entire structure of this website. You have helped and continue to assist hundreds of people. Thank you!

  This, together with the Data Center generator (cross-posted so y'all would know which preset I use), has been helping me focus for really long hours of study (I'm talking about 6-8 hours of just sitting there and focusing on my study material). I already passed a certification exam with the help of these apps and will continue using it as I work on my next ones to come! Super helpful.

  I already use an electronic device called NeuroSym, which sends tiny little pulsations to the tragus, which in turn activates and modulates Vagal tone. I'm giving this a go too. I'm looking forward to seeing results! Research suggests binaural beats can possibly calm the autonomic nervous system while promoting relaxation. I'm using between 4-6Hz. I currently suffer from autonomic dysfunction.

  I love these settings with a YouTube piano playlist just before studying for hours at midnight. Thanks for this; it's really keeping me sane right now. - A struggling A-level student

  I have ADHD and this tickles my brain in a way that works for me. It doesn't really matter whether something is placebo or legit, if it works for you. As far as I know, it's not dangerous.

  I am in my 50s with pretty severe ADHD. It's been a lifesaver for me when I just can't focus. Beta waves have turned my most distracted days into periods of high productivity. An absolute godsend when I'm working.

  This is really cool. I am 12 and homeschooled on the computer and this is helping a lot.

  This is literally the best thing ive come across. I struggle with staying awake and for some odd reason this is keeping me awake better than coffee ever did! if I finish studying my crazy curriculum it'd be thanks to you.

  I know I need noise but not music and this is the perfect solution. Thank you creators for helping me get through college!

  Very skibidi and enjoyable.

  I felt high after 15 min of this, then passed out.

  The best binaural beat generators out there. It helps me to retain my memory with beta 24Hz and I love it.

  I've combined it together with the Delta Dreamless preset, plugged my earpods in for 10 minutes and it was the BEST power nap I've taken so far. Ever.

  The 2 purple ones at max sends me into an extreme state of panic. Otherwise good!

  Singing while listening to this makes it feels like there's a choir backing you up!

  I listened to Gamma 32 Hertz for about 30 minutes and as I was listening to it, I felt like I was going to yawn but for some reason, I didn’t. Now, I feel hyperactive and I like it. It is helping me zoom through my homework. Again, thank you to the creator of this website. God bless you!

  It is like I am imagining the universe, IF not the multiverse in my whole brain.

  Something I would listen to all day. Too bad that I have school. This is SO relaxing though! Thank you so much!

  This is satisfying!

  I have really bad sleep insomnia and this along with the thunder sound helps me go to bed, specifically when my room in the psych ward isn't comfortable and quiet...

  Will binaural beats save the world? Stay tuned to find out! My money is on 'yes'.

  Don't know if just Snake Oil, or real thing. But I mastered my Algebra Class with this in my ears every day. I'm not kidding. I HAD to have it one every day just to focus.

  Binaural beats coupled with healing frequency music like 432, or any of the solfeggio frequencies is totally recommendable.

  I instinctively built this setting fine-tuning it based on what my thoughts did. It takes up the spaces where the thoughts would usually be.

  This plus the binaural beats for creativity and focus have helped me write an entire book, something I never believed was possible. Thank you for this wonderful resource, it is a real treasure to so many.

  This is super helpful in helping me concentrate. I'm 11, and I always use this for my book reports. Absolutely awesome. -gaster2411

  Hypnotic induction music where fear and healing, submission and restfulness coexist.

  This feels like world around me stops.

  Combine this with thunder and rain for maximum concentration. ADD be gone.

  Using these for years and it is great help with focusing and staying alert. Thanks.

  You know, I easily get distracted, especially when I have a pile of deadlines to catch up on. I am so grateful for this focus keeper. It's ADD/ADHD-friendly!

  Unbelievable. Been a long-time listener of ASMR, so I'm familiar with binaural beats used for sleep. But this is the first time that I've tried it for concentration, and it's like flicking a switch. Placebo or not, who cares - I feel awake and alert. It's a massive difference.

  I've been using this for nearly a decade now. Probably use it for another decade. Making this and your other tools freely available has and is doing incalculable good for humanity as a whole. My very sincere gratitude, Dr. Pigeon.

  Helps me work & study with an ADHD-riddled brain.

  Possibly the most soothing sound I've head. Like a cyborg cat purring.

  Over the last decade I've used your site from everything from sleeping through noisey neighbours to studying for exams. I appreciate the consistent quality unadulterated by ads over the years. Thank you for all you do!

  It makes me study for long time and make my time productive.

  I come here when I write code. This website is turning into a second home.

  This is like the cheat code for productivity. Thank you so much.

  I get sooooooo much homework and struggle to get it all done but this has helped so much, Thanks.

  This helps me a lot to focus on my studies, thanks a lot!

  Thanks for doing this! I want to keep disconnected from my phone while working, and wanted to find web based alternatives. This is more than what I was searching for. Thanks again!

  Thanks for making this website, love you man.

  Love the clean, ad-free offering. Thank you!

  Having lived with severe chronic pain and migraines for over a decade, this type of energy center healing has continued to be groundbreaking in easing my disruptive blockages. Theta waves are especially helpful for pain.

  Immensely helpful

  Better than any focus group. Lifesaver for focused coding.

  Didn't expect this to work but turned on focused and I literally cant stop focusing on doing something. It's like my determination has increased by 1 million percent. I've never even written something like this before, thats how crazy this is!

  As an 11-year-old kid with too much work, this keeps me from mentally imploding under stress. THIS S**T'S GOOD

  When the whole world stand against you, stand by yourself. Krishna says do the work anyway.

  Don't be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart.

  As of now, I didn't know there were tools online to make binaural beats, let alone free, let alone this one, one of the best online. This is my making. Enjoy it!

  This generator is like a metronome for my mind, helping my focus to maintain a constant pace. It also plays very well in the background of other nature soundscapes.

  This noise is so good, you hardly notice its playing but somehow it has a way of helping you concentrate on what your doing.

  I've gone from being unable to read a single page in a book without checking my phone to reading for a full hour without distractions! Thank you so much!

  It works! My focus at work improved dramatically.

  Great, helped me focus on my work sessions to be as productive as I possibly can. 2 hours of work in a breeze.

  This is fire! I have insomnia so I use delta and it’s perfect.

  When coffee no longer works, this helps wake me up to get through my studies for my final medical exams. Thanks so much! Proud supporter!

  This is just great! So useful and game changing! Thanks a lot!

  I love this, as I am an eleven-year-old guy with ADHD and simply cannot live without this. THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!

  I am so emotional as I type this. You guys are doing the work of God, good human beings and creators of this free website. Wishing you many more successes & positive outcomes from this wonderful binaural initiative. Thank you!

  This makes me focus better than anything I've ever tried, I find it really hard to stay on task but 16Hz changes that completely.

  Anytime that I study, read, write, or work I use Binaural Beat's. This site is a life saver.

  I've always had trouble focusing cause I have ADHD and this really helped me. I'm studying for several hours everyday without losing my focus.

  I have adult ADHD and play this sound while I'm working on Ritalin. The hours just fly by and I finish all my work.

  I have idiopathic hypersomnia, which means I have extreme sleepiness that comes in bouts throughout the day when I may slip into a fog, a nap, or a waking dream. Binaural beats are my lifeline to keep me awake and working (or playing!), and with myNoise I am in control of the frequency and the volume of each tone. Being able to stay awake when sleepy changes my entire life, no exaggeration.

  ADHD never let me study for more than 1 hour, so 16 hz is a blessing for me!

  Thank you - These binaural beats are just the ticket to "free air travel" (astral projection).. Perhaps "air", will be your next fave thing, and you'd care to come fly with me? See you around ~ Creator bless Linni

  While I wait for my medication for ADHD and Bipolar disorder, I hope and trust that this will help me focus and to get my stuff done.

  Even if I have taken my ADHD meds, I still put on the "focus" setting, and and let it play. I t can either be the background noise, or sometimes played even behind instructional videos, and it really helps me stay focused. I also prefer it with headphones as well.

  16a with Japanese Garden calmed me down from an unexpected anxiety attack very well, and I could get back to studying!

  Living as a student in a noisy household, the 32Hz beat is a lifesaver!

  This website has helped me through so many rough times. I am grateful to you all!!!

  I didn't know what to listen to while studying, but I knew I had to listen to something.. Binaural beats did that for me. Not only is it pleasant and calming, but it also helps me focus! Thank you so much for this!

  This is very cool. I wish I had encountered it earlier. Nice job!

  This is the best music. It just, like hynotises you! You will be focused more than ever. Thanks to the team!

  Can't get enough of this! Really helps me to focus when I'm writing.

  Helps me shift to another reality!

  This 32 Hz beat itself helps me to wake up and to stay awake. I don't listen to it WHILE doing tasks but BEFORE.

  Oh my, an opportunity to self-express? Gladly, I shall take it. The noise in my ear that comes thru this website is much more conducive to focus than music, or even silence, for me. I appreciate it.

  Why does everyolne write wid perfecd grammaer here? Also I love this binaural beats generator.

  As someone who gets overwhelmed really fast, this helped me calm down almost instantly. It's helped me curb the overwhelm while I could feel it build up inside, I love this so much <3

  As a highly sensitive person, it helps me to calm down. And it helps to fade out every stressful/overstimulating noises (like construction work in front of the door).

  I can visualize the audio moving from my left to my right, it feels and sounds so trippy! I love it!

  I am so happy to find this site after Fractal Panda went down. You all deserve a medal for bringing this to us for free. I can achieve so much more in life by hacking my brain with alpha waves.

  The Binaural Beat Machine is awesome. The repetitive pulsing of the lower frequency presets is great for achieving a deep focus on my breath. Excellent for meditation!

  Stéphane, do you know Dr. Joe Dispenza? He says that it is necessary to stop overthinking and inner chatter to let our brain recover. When we close our eyes or just stop our usual hurry, our brainwaves become coherent and slow down to alpha and (then) theta diapazones.

  I feel all who have collectively worked on the binaural beats sounds, noted by countless people to help ease suffering, relax, find focus, peace and concentration from otherwise distracted and difficult brains, should be awarded the highest humanitarian honours. This art work unarguably, and fundamentally changes lives simply, and for the better. 16a, and similar lets me focus and keep my job. TY.

  I can get SOOO much done with this animated setting. It sucks when I forget to start it or leave it in another window and don't see it all day.

  ← All-carrier Oscillator

  Wonderful and fascinating - such a great variety - really valuable to me for focus and enhancing concentration and attentiveness.

  Use this for late night studies or when you're sleep deprived, and set bell for 10-15 minutes.

  Thank you Dr P for the new presets! For example, I am listening to Beta ->13. This is perfect, helps educate me on how to make binaural beats (appears that some will subtract and others will add) and enough activation to work, but not too much. And I can change them depending on my brain, how I feel that hour. This is helping me focus with work!

  This pulsates so comfortably! I really enjoy it! It gives me a total sense of peace and calm.

  This binaural beat generator is amazing! I wish I could personally thank the genius mind behind it! The higher frequencies definitely help with concentration and the lower relaxation. I have heard anecdotal claims that 528 hertz can heal and repair our bodies. Any idea if you'll include that frequency to try? Thank you so much for this tool regardless :)

  I use this setting every time I sit down to write. It helps me focus for longer periods of time.

  Managed to create a moving rythmic bassline of sorts. Pretty neat.

  The 16 and 24 Hz settings annihilate my ADHD. I am able to focus even without my medication. I can never thank this website enough! Much love from a physics student <3

  This helps me while learning, studying, reading technical notes and writing research papers. I have ADHD combined.

  This makes me want to go and start working, and I'm gonna start it now, infact!

  This one is a brain shaker.

  I have started with 16 hz with my studies at University. Every exam sesion I listen this while I am studying. Thanks so much. I would not be able pass all exams without this!

  At max volume, a nearly sub-aural brain massage.

  Feels really cool on my ears, would recommend.

  Thanks for this. Any plans on providing 40hz binaural beats? I'd love these, if this is no trouble for you.

  I should be asleep but I wasn't tired at all. This + Stormy Weather had me yawning in under 2 minutes. Thank you! Now, I'm going back to bed.

  This is amazing, but could you increase the frequency to 40 Hz sometime in the future? Many thanks for all you do.

  Wow this is like an cool massage for your brain :D

  My smart watch always complains I have low deep-sleep continuity. The very first time I used the generator to create a Theta pattern of 6Hz, my watch reports perfect deep-sleep continuity. I am no longer a sceptic! I will try other frequencies to see what other effects/differences are observed.

  This helps me wake up.

  What can I say? Put on your headphones and go on a beautiful soundscape journey! Right at this moment I am listening to the Binaural Beat Machine. I know I will spend many more hours here. Grateful that it is getting easier to support artists an creators these days - just registered for a recurring donation of $5 per month - bargain. Long may they prosper!

  I love this site, at first I thought the testimonials were fake but nope :)

  It feels like it’s massaging my brain... I love it.

  After all has failed I am trying out Binaural beats now... let's see how this goes. Will keep you guys informed.

  This is pretty cool. Using before bed relaxes me.

  I tend to get headaches quite often but this really helps ease the pain and tension. I've never felt calmer. I really do love these noise generators. Thanks so much! : )

  Amazing meditation assistance! Thanks for all of your hard work!

  This setting is great for me for intense focused work :)

  I've struggled with focus, motivation, and attention for years but have only recently looked into ADHD treatment. In the meantime, These binaural beats seem to keep my brain somewhat stimulated so that I can better focus on the task at hand.

  Very beautiful. I am so glad I tried them. These combine well with any other preset that I have tried.

  Helps me focus, and calms my anxiety.

  I'm really glad I found this. While I sometimes loose a bit of time playing around with the different settings I do find I'm more focused and my ears feel less lonely. I used to use the forest and nature noises to stay calm while working, but focus was sometimes still elusive, especially when I was tired. This has been helping with calming, staying awake and focused at the same time. Thank you.

  This really makes me feel less tired.

  It helps me calm nerves and fall asleep fast.

  It was really quiet, and when I turned my volume up, my computer started to break up. Other than that, it was great! Made me drowsy, but also boosted my productivity. Also, this is GREAT for customizing your meditation routine. 4.5 out of 5 stars :)

  This one helps me concentrate without getting me sleepy <3

  For someone who had a serious trouble at focusing... the solution is here... thank you thank thank you.

  Had a very vivid lucid dream for an hour listening to this.

  I like using this at 11 Hz to fully wake up.

  This one strangely helps focus my ADHD. Give it a try, hm?

  I get on with work so well with this playing. Thank you so much.

  I love this setting. Just use standard preset and add 6hz, 8hz and 24hz in evenly decreasing intervals. Makes my nethers float like feathers if you catch my drift... you'll also drift off to sleep pleasantly.

  It feels like my brain is getting a massage... I love it!

  I love this, thank you so much! I am in quite a lot of fear and pain, but this really helped in reducing both. It's like an auditory placebo and it works perfectly. My pain isn't completely gone, but I'm feeling much better, so this is allowing me to hold on for now at least.

  32Hz + Aquaduct (Blank banshee's song), is CRAZY, really a great experience.

  With work from home and having all my siblings yelling around my head, it's nearly impossible to focus. The waking up setting and the 16Hz are thus an absolute blessing.

  I have homeschool so it’s harder to work. I used 16 Hz and BOOM I felt so focused!

  This semester hit pretty hard on me. So I needed some 16hz to focus on my studies. Thank you :)

  It didn't really helped, but it was an interesting experience tho. Had an headache after half an hour of listening.

  Really been feeling unmotivated and have my final exams for highschool in a weeks time. These binaural beats are helping a lot! I'm feeling much more focused.

  This setting is amazing for skipping through boring classes real fast!

  Try putting it over a song with deep bass. If you don`t want to hack your brain, this is what you need.

  I have recently started using this generator and playing favorite music over it when I need to concentrate on writing projects. Super for helping me keep focus without the binaural beats feeling too noticeable.

  Fantastic background noise, went from bronze to platinum in valorant in the span of a few days with this sound.

  This generator has saved me from stress outbursts and allowed me to stay calm and think clearly. I am infinitely grateful for this magic!

  A bit weird, but it does make me a bit drowsy, sounds a bit like a heart beat, and strangely enough, I can feel my heart beating in my ears!

  When you want to experiment with brain hacking but your cheap earbuds only have one working side :(

  if you wear headphones, they will glitch and bug out

  I've used the 16 Hz (focus) setting behind instrumental music for years. It's especially helpful when I'm trying to complete an assignment or write an essay - keeps me focused and helps block out all the noise from dogs and roommates.

  Tireless creator! Always innovating through the years! Kind from the first day he gave me the opportunity to enjoy his creations, I appreciate it with all my heart, A warm greeting from Argentina Dr. Thank you for your tireless work, Angel.

  I hear the "beat" coming out of each side of my head phones. Is there a setting where there is actually one pure tone per ear I wonder? Either way, it still feels nice [note from editor: check the Binaural Pure generator]

  I was randomly changing the tones and finally got to this one where all my tension is relieved! Amazing!

  I feel like this is fake because everyone is so positive and writes with perfect grammar.

  Induces a state of mild frantic focus and energy. Great for studying before an exam if you're not feeling motivated. I like to pair this with the "Study Jazz" playlist on Spotify. I have Tinnitus, Autism, and OCD- this really helps!

  This wave generator is super easy to understand if you're trying to learn more about binaural beats. Thanks so much for the presets too! Good show! ~ Starr

  This is awesome. I have to keep taking my headphones off to make sure the sound isn't coming from outside.

  ADHD student here, helps a lot.

  Feels like I'm inside a ship or something.

  The 16 hz is so effective my brain forgets to breath and blink.

  I have TDAH with a big difficulty to maintain focus when I have to read or write some technical papers. 14 Hz has been my best medicine for a long time and it always works!

  The one I created gives me shivers, not sure if it's just me but every time I hear it I get goosebumps.

  This one seems to change every few seconds... weird.

  These beats help me almost as much as meditation helps me. I imagine that paired together they'd work wonders. Would highly recommend.

  Sat down and closed my eyes. Started to see some trippy things with this one!

  I very like to combine a few of the generators in several tabs. For example the Binaural Beat Machine in a mood of my taste plus in another tab the 88 Keys with some automation and a bit of modulated tropical rain :)

  I keep forgetting to switch from the default setting, an hour later I'm yawning and frustrated. This slowly wakes me up and keeps me clear and task oriented.

  Just commenting to save my settings - but an ADHD/Aspie here and finding it helps me to actually focus and not procrastinate (bar the procrastination that led me to finding the site in the first place oop).

  I've been using you guys for years... thanks for always being the best.

  Really awesome! When I use 16 Hz Beta focused I can hear more noises that I ignore mostly. Means that this is really works! And just what I need to do more focus on "my" work.

  Wow, this keeps me alert!

  I turn this on, put on some energetic music (sometimes EDM, sometimes classical) and before I know it my knee is bouncing and I'm churning through my work with minimal distraction.

  Got a gamma wave. I hope this would help me with faster thinking and improved cognition.

  I have Parkinson’s Disease and binaurals help ease the symptoms. Happened across this one night during a bout of terrible insomnia. I’ll be sending a donation. Exponentially above all others I’ve experienced.

  I feel like I'm a machine now, and I'm working at maximum efficiency.

  This plus biosphere's album N-plants works just great for studying for me! Thank you!

  It´s really peacefull and kind of happiness if you use theta binaural beats whith ischrone tones at theta both on fantasy... Writting from South America Ecuadorean spanish speaker

  This I think is in gamma range.

  Just getting into this, but this is keeping me alert and energized.

  My god, this generator adds so much to others! Try activating - and animating - the first two slider and then add your pick of other generators. You'll be amazed.

  I suffer from a slight form of insomnia, that causes me to fall asleep in around 45 flippin' minutes. Nothing clinical, it's just for a fact. Listening to these for just 5 minutes makes me fall asleep like a baby. Me and my brain love this site and its creator so much. A big thank you <3

  I'm an ADHD high school student and I've found that this sound really helps me to get my homework done. Normally, I would be up very late writing essays and studying for tests because I can't sit down and focus on them, but this helps me to focus and also keeps me awake even late at night so I can continue to work. I love this site and I know I'll use it for a long time!

  This setting is aural caffeine!

  Do this and isochronic tones (set to theta) at the same time. You can thank me later.

  Helps to get through boring readings. I am an academic and have to do many of those...

  Its really nice, I can feel myself deeply relaxed and yet very alert. I will use it for meditation and mindfulness practice.

  I've been fascinated by binaural beats since 2007 or so. This is by far one of the most customizable generators.

  Ohh this setting is magnificent! It was recommended and saved as such in the testimonials and believe me... you can feel this melting away stress significantly from your mind/body! In one word, replenishing! I'm just exhaling deep relaxation as I type... <3

  Deep comfort.

  I'm a student with ADD and this helped me focus on my homework.

  I layer this under whatever music I am listening to while I write. It helps me stay more focused, creative, and energized than anything else I've tried.

  This helps me sleep, and it's amazing. A couple of minutes of this and my already tired person is now barely clinging to consciousness. This stuff really works.

  Hi, I just wanted to save my settings. But this stuff works, like, really well!

  I just loved this calm setting! Absolute bliss!

  If you put on White Rain with 8b Alpha waves, its like being in a car wash! (btw, a car wash would be an awesome soundscape ;) I love this site and use it whenever I need to study or work.

  It's like aural xanax.

  I LOVE the 24 Hz "Active" setting -- I listen to it at work when I'm feeling bored or sleepy and because of the changes in the sound, I feel like I'm tiny and magic and flying on a very small aircraft over the earth. A bit crazy I know, but my mood improves and I feel happier and more motivated :) VRRRROOM...

  The default delta not only made me sleepy and tingly but it made me climax so hard and deep. 10/10

  I have social phobia and I will admit 32hz helps with fear.

  I love how this generator helps me to focus on writing my essays. 10/10 would recommend having in the background with headphones on.

  Compare the testimonials here to the testimonials for other related soundscapes. This stuff is legit even if the benefits are sometimes over-hyped.

  Best thing ever! So much more focused at work!

  I struggle to stay awake in chemistry and math, and wanted to find something that would keep me awake so I can pay attention for once. Started using this today and it already helps tremendously especially since I wasn't able to stop for coffee!

  It works.

  While I love writing very much, I get distracted pretty easily. I've had this setting on for the past hour and a half, and I've been writing nonstop the entire time. Thank you so much! I will be recommending this to all my writer friends.

  I feel the frequencies help the parts of the brain affected by Asperger's and autism spectrum. It feels like it both relaxes and stimulates areas to a better balance, and the auditory pathways are an important entre and complimentary to visual and sensory stimuli. Thanks you for making this available, I recommend it to my family and friends.

  This sounds like my heartbeat and my brainwaves are following the same wavelength. Gives me a soothing feeling in the head and chest area.

  An odd setting of balanced tones, can't really decide on what I feel, I feel a bit tired, but also alert?

  This is awesome! It stops a lot of my frequent headaches. Also this helps me sleep.

  I think you have done some nice work. True binaural is 2 sine waves. I have done a few things in this area with my Prophet 12. Adding other tones is nice at times.

  With this noise, I seem to want to grab my pen and draw anything! It's nice to be an artist again, thank you!

  Can these tones block unwanted subliminal messages?

  ← This set of tones with the bird calls from Aotearoa is keeping me awake while I finish an essay I've been working on for the past four days. Focus beats + sounds I associate with morning = wakefulness. Still craving the bed, but at least I'm not falling asleep at my desk. Thanks myNoise, without you I'd probably be listening to music and distracted.

  Just this, combined with any drone or my own music, is enough to get me through long hours of work. I used to have trouble concentrating but now I'm more productive than ever!

  This is amazing! As a middle school student that has trouble focusing because of other classmates (5th period, I'm talking about you), this is like paradise!

  I love this! I play it alongside my Harry Potter soundtrack and the background binaural beat keeps me so focused on my work, especially if it's on animate mode, which sends pulses of different frequencies every now and then which I really really enjoy. Would definitely recommend.

  This is such an amazing website. I absolutely love the sound generators for when I'm simply trying to drown out external clamor so I can focus on my own thoughts, but I find the binaural beats to be a particularly powerful sound for when I am in a quiet environment but simply need assistance with focusing.

  This is an amazing website. I was very happy to know about binaural beats and how they are formed, their categorizations. Please keep this website going and please share more things about how binaural beats help in structuring human thought patterns. Thank you!

  I wanted Gamma brain waves so I listened to a 46 Hz beat, And it kid you not, it bloodly started to work almost instantly! I made it using base 32, base 8 and base 6.

  Today I tried this app for the first time (I used to use another app on my phone) and I noticed that it matches the time with my Pomodoro App on my mac! THAT'S AMAZING! I would have never imagined that you could have implemented that kind of interaction, great job! Love it! :)

  Haven't heard such satisfying sounds in a while. You're the best, thank you!There are so many services that advertise the so-called digital drugs and stuff, trying to misguide people, but your service just exists out here to give people shivers with amazing sounds.I LOVE YOU!

  I had a vision when I was trying to get to sleep after listening to this. I listened for maybe 30ish minutes a signal made of base, base+8hz and base+32hz.

  I fell asleep while listening to this last night. I haven't had such a good night's sleep in quite a while. Thank you for this!

  I have been using the purple for my dysautonomia. It has been very helpful. Thank you.

  OOOOO got the chills! I listened for a bit and then it got hard to breath! Woah!

  I was kind of skeptical of this, but it seems to really help me focus and not get distracted when programming or digging into data. I put it on pretty low and play a Spotify coder/developers focus music list overtop of it, the hum goes well with the ambient sounds of the playlist and I am in the zone!

  ← This will make your mind go blank after a while... Test and see what helps you!

  Try humming with your headphones on.

  I found the Binaural Beat Machine to be my #1 focus tool. I have ADD/ADHD and am too easily distracted when I really want to focus. I turn on the binaural beats using the 16b preset for focus and turn down the volume so it's just barely present to my ear. I couple it with some classical music and am able to focus on what I want for extended periods. This literally has changed my life. Thank you!!

  I've beeen training in self-hypnosis for a while (under supervision and for a reason) and found that the 8-4 Hz beats put me very quickly in a deeply relaxed state. Definitely the thing! With the timer, I can shut them for the real self-hypnosis. I haven't tried the other beat generators yet, but this one works much better than I expected and clearly does the job. In a few words: I'm impressed!

  ← Guaranteed relaxation and peace of mind.Made me fall into a trance where I was very concentrated, and relaxed. (32Hz)

  Wow. Listening to this makes me feel really dizzy after a while. Like my eyes are moving randomly. Kind of fun, actually.

  Second day I'm trying this generator (same for the website itself) along with a fire noise generator as a noise blocker while studying and it really helps me stay focused. Results are amazing, you should try it!

  Not quite sure what setting I started off with but I started laughing uncontrollably after one minute and as a plus I started to feel tingly. Haven't had the effect since the first time but it does still help me focus and wake up if I'm drowsy.

  ← your mind just goes blank after a while...

  At 56, I have tried many a thing. The default setting of Binaural Beat Machine does make me very relaxed. But it's not what it does on the moment, pleasant as this might be. It is the quality of the sleep, when I use it for half an hour before going to bed. I sleep a deep, restful sleep. I use it during day-time meditation as well, and the clear-mind feeling about an hour later is wonderful!

  I put on the 24hz and seems that I have been able to work without falling asleep. I usually have been having trouble concentrating lately. Seems that maybe this binaural thing is actually working. I have been working for about 4 hours now. Usually I find it hard to concentrate for more than 20 minutes.

  Loved it, I love drawing stuff but couldn't get creative work. After playing this with some grey noise on the background for like 30 minutes, my head started tingling and my hands were like asking for me to draw something. Thanks!

  I've suffered from patches of insomnia throughout my life, extending from a few days to dragging on for several weeks, and no amount of the usual proper "bedtime ritual" normally recommended, calms me, as my brain is overactive. Layering combos of the Binaural/Bilateral sounds right before sleep effectively resets me, allowing me to sleep like a normal human. I can't express enough gratitude!

  This with the White noise playing in the back really helped me focus in class. I have a huge research paper due on Friday and I'm not really close to being done... Anyways.. Great for focus and studying!! Even just by itself, but I suggest the white noise with it if you wanna concentrate and block out noise.

  This will make you feel dizzy and giddy after a little while! It's audio NOS. Try looking at optical illusion patterns while listening. I highly advise staying seated while listening to this setting. Woo. :D *giggle*

  Things got a little stuffy when I gradually switched from 6 Hz to 24 Hz while listening to Crazy In Love, the 50 Shades Of Grey version. Earthshattering.

  Playing these tones along with White Noise blocks out just about everything. I don't even realise that I end up studying for hours at a time.

  I suggest listening to this while playing the Kronos Explorer Series by the Kronos Quartet. Amazing for staying on task while studying.

  This helps you fight depression and daydream while staying awake.

  Late night focus. Especially good for pressure headaches from insomnia and all-nighter study/gaming.

  32 Hz is my favorite. Kills anxiety like no other. I share the link to this site on my facebook all every so often and have shown my friends: they like it too! Definitely the best genorator on the web.

  Something about this tone really zones me out, it's fantastic. Play it normal or animated and it's great.

  ← This is crey

  I love this site! Tried the 16hz with Deadmau5 and all I can say is, it totally harmonizes. Puts me in a good mood.

  Imagine a really bad ringing in your ear and the pain that it brought along or when your ear was throbbing with pain. Can you remember the sound coming from that ear? Probably not, since the pain was probably far more memorable. This sounds very similar to that, but it is not at all painful. Quite a unique experience, really. Try it out, but you need to be wearing earphones and have the volume up.

  Listening to Techno, House music with the 24Hz setting in the background makes me feel so euphoric! That is so fantastic!

  OH YEAH! This sound makes me board the Science Spaceship and travel through the Mysteries of the Universe! It's the power of Sblaic and I love it. Thank you.

  Very good, and relaxing brainwaves. I have been looking for them for too long, now found this and those are good. Very good.

  Makes my brain actually pulse. Feels very nice.

  Try this setting running in the background, while Johann Sebastian Bach's Suite No.1, BWV 1066 Ouverture is playing in the foreground. It really stimulates mental clarity. Enjoy! :)

  Taking the 16 HZ setting and combining it with a playlist of chilled out deadmau5 songs produces interesting effects, my right arm slowly began tingling and I eventually became rather focused on the task at hand. To be honest, although I don't go in for placebo and homeopathic remedies, the feeling I received from this combo made me feel... Alive... For the first time in a long time. It was nice.

  Played the 16 Hz with some Deadmau5... holy crap

  I'm a tired law student always looking for a study boost. I like to put on the Alpha waves and mix this with classical music for research and writing. The "beats" help to drive the music and add a feeling of focus and energy even during slower/softer passages. If you get the levels matched properly, you never even hear them. Throw in a cup of coffee and you'll be ready to save the world. Cheers!

  I'm hearing this with heavy metal. I don't know what's going to happen...

  ← should keep you awake

  When I learned about Binaural beats and found out how you can influence your state of mind, I utilized them for most of my college studies. I play 16Hz Beta waves behind my favorite study music. I've been using them for 3 years now and they help me stay focused longer. Just make sure you have quality headphones that can reproduce the frequencies accurately. 2Hz does make a difference with an EQ.

  Really helps me stay focused when having to do homework

  That is powerful. I was falling asleep one moment, fully awake the next!

  This sounds like a headache feels... like the pulses of pressure in your head. This version is actually soothing though.

  Awesome Techno.

  I made a washing machine out of "fear". It's peaceful.

  Scary. It makes my heartbeat soar and fear creeps in my mind.

  Tried out the "Fear" preset with a bit from the "Trainspotting" soundtrack. Just... Woah.

  Great for focusing while working, and has the advantage of being a Major 3rd interval (or the enharmonic equivalent - a minor 6th as I hear it) so there is a familiar musicality about it. A Major 3rd is a pleasant, consonant interval, so I find this less intense and uncomfortable than some other binaural pulses can be.

  Goes back and forth, my chest starts to feel tingly and then my arms get heavy.

  Wow, 30 years of insomnia cured!

  It feels like a circular brain massage. Trances me right to sleep.

  Achievement Unlocked: Give Yourself ASMR Whenever You Want. Amazing :D

  Throughout the day I listen to high volume Theta 6hz with equal base and a low volume of alpha 8hz and the result is calm and relaxing. If I sit down I pass out within a few minutes.

  Nothing quiets my thoughts and puts my mind at ease like this machine. Falling asleep has never been easier.

  I hate this but it shush my colleagues noises :)

  Without question, the 6Hz fantasy setting WORKS. I had it running quietly alongside 16Hz and 24Hz , and kept getting lost in daydreams. I dropped the 6Hz slider and in minutes I was back on track. Astonishing.

  Listen to 10 hertz if you're feeling sad! Within 2 minutes you will start laughing uncontrollably.

  It sounds just like an at-rest heartbeat. Such calming and focused energy!

  This gave me a wonderful calm and yet it made me feel a bit sleepy but got me to 'the zone' while studying... Play with some mellow piano in the background and you've got homework heaven!

  If you listen carefully, just for a minute or two, the sounds will make you feel relaxed so much that memories come flying everywhere at once. It feels like an ethereal heartbeat or the heartbeat of the universe.

  Feels a bit like MK Ultra, but it's nice.

  This has helped us through a difficult time, we feel like new men. New people, ready to take up the mantel of our elders.

  ← a 95hz tone nine carrier binaural. Mix with a 3k sweep for use as a sedative or pain killer.

  Thank you so much for making my life easier! Love this website!

  The focused setting is wonderful! I used to be trapped in an endless loop of web surfing and constant distractions, just glancing at my homework from time to time, but now I can actually sit down and write several pages of an essay without tabbing away or losing my focus.

  The 2Hz deep sleep setting absolutely lives up to it's name! 10 minutes of it and I can't keep my eyes open!

  Should I put fear on in the background while playing spooky video games?

  I used to not be ale to sleep due to hyperactivity. Not any more!!!

  Wow, the 8 hz relaxation setting literally has a tranquilizing effect. I felt like mush (in a good way ;). At first it sounds like the opposite of relaxing, but stick with it.

  Using the focused setting, I have completely changed my study/homework habits. My ADHD self was able to finish 4 assignments in one sitting! Thank you Dr. Stephane!!!

  This was a WOW experience for me. Before I found this website, all I could focus on was... you guessed, nothing. This website really helped me, thanks for the wonderful sounds.

  This allows me to focus on my work at night; normally, I would be a walking zombie then.

  Now I understand why I used to go to sleep with Pink Floyd's 'Welcome to the machine', an almost 2 Hz binaural beat.

  This is an odd sensation - but fun. It made me laugh - it's like a soothing massage in your head. Matt

  I used to get frequent headaches. At first it was because I wasn't drinking enough water. Then they started coming back. A great friend introduced me to this site and this sound. Now that I listen to this sound, I rarely have headaches. Thank you!!!<3 <3 <3

  Peaceful joyful

  Lately I have been getting a roaring sound coming from the back of my head. It sounds a lot like this, but listening to this helps a lot.

  I like to use this sound to help me focus on the more emergent work. It keeps me calm but focused so when people come by every 5 minutes asking "is it done yet?" I won't rip their head off.

  It helped me so much with my sleeping problem. Thank you so much!

  I admit that I do not know much about brainwaves and can be swayed by suggestion (ah, the fickle subconscious), but since using this machine and sort of hiding the noise with other sounds or my own music so it is not so obvious to me, it has helped me get through my email correspondences and other online tasks with the focus that I need. Thank you so much for making this!

  I had been having some trouble focusing, but listening to this noise helped me a lot! Also, if you listen closely, it sometimes sounds like music. :P-Some random girl that ended up here ^w^

  I like to listen to this on low volume whilst listening to radio at the same time. It keeps me relaxed and helps me find things more funny, strangely enough.