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Aural Scan
Audio Frequency Scanner


Brown  •  Pink  •  White  •  Grey  •  Infra  •  Ultra •  Around 60Hz  •  125Hz  •  250Hz  •  500Hz  •  1kHz  •  2kHz  •  4kHz  •  8kHz  •  Speech Blocker •  AlertDrowsyBrain Scan 1Brain Scan 2 Surprise!

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mode Soft HardSolo Duo Trio
speed ÷8 ÷4 ÷2Normalx2 x4 x8
range [Low High]   set→ [Low High]

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G #A #BC #D #EF #
Speed ÷2Speed x2TransformReset

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iEQ • Calibration

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The ear-resetting scan tone

According to French ENT specialist Dr. Alfred Tomatis (1920-2001), abilities such as attention and learning can be improved by retraining the ear to listen to high-frequency sounds. This type of sound indeed provides a good stimulus to the brain's neurons. According to Dr Tomatis, once the ear is retrained - typically after a series of listening sessions extending over a couple of weeks - individuals concentrate better, and learn more efficiently.

Low frequency sounds tend to achieve the opposite effect, such as inducing relaxation and drowsiness: they may not be suited to improving your learning abilities, but are definitely worth trying when suffering from anxiety and insomnia.

This generator covers the entire audible spectrum: left sliders are for the lower frequencies and relaxation; right sliders are associated with the higher frequencies and alertness. Set the sliders according to these generic guidelines, adjust them to a position that intuitively feels right for you personally, then put more emphasis - only slightly - to the lowest slider(s) if you are about to experiment with relaxation, or the highest one(s) if you want to retrain your listening skills according to the Tomatis' theory. In this latter case, get into the habit of listening to your custom sound regularly over a couple of days, by continuing to emphasize the highest sliders as the training progresses.

Published by Stéphane on June 25th, 2014

User Stories

Write your own here. Click the blue bulletsto load associated settings.

  This is amazing! I absolutely love this. I paired this with Contemplation Caves on slider animation, and it is just like... Wow! Immediate focus. Love this. Would donate if my mom let me.

  What is this sorcery?! I listened for 3 seconds and it immediately switched something in my brain! This is so cool!

  I use these settings to study for basically everything now.

  Saving this setting for my studio work hours. Perfection.

  I... I focused. I never do completely, but now... I studied 40 pages. It felt like my brain was hooked to what I was reading. I went through a lot of tones and videos and even used lots of caffeine, nootropics, relaxing drinks, just about anytthing I could think of. I randomly stumble in this, and it works. Why is my brain like this... I hope it always works. I'll post more testimonials if so. -F

  Happy almost birthday to this generator, which has just now saved my focus during exam season... Ten years after it was created :-)

  I love this sound! It helps me stay awake and alert during long study sessions or online lessons. Beautiful!

  2kHz has been my absolute go to for flow-state work, within 5 minutes of putting it on I'm working like a madman for hours. Definitely my favorite sound I've found so far.

  Love the aural scanner! It has helped me through so many papers and projects!

  The aural scanner helps so much with maintaining my focus on assignments at hand. It isn't distracting and really helps me get in the zone!

  Very excellent sound generator. I use it for long study sessions.

  Perfect, and the article is really informative about the science behind it, the website is gotta be a hidden treasure.

  It will work instantly.

  Perfect. The bass always helps me focus. Great job :)

  This sound is very nice (Aural Scanner), especially combined with Impulse Noise on the Brown preset. It helps to block out the sound of other devices when I do homework. It tickles all the right parts of my brain and isn't distracting. The best part is that it doesn't put me to sleep!

  I've been up since around 5:30am at least and well, it's like around 8pm now, and I'm sure I might have to stay up until 11pm to do my school activities that piled up when I got sick and couldn't attend. This website is the only reason why I haven't gone to bed early today. Thank you!

  I always can't fall asleep when storm comes. I made the quartet: this sound (the "low frequency" preset)+Hurricane Irma on the "Hurricane Warning" preset+the "12a" binaural beat+the "Ultrasonic" Summer Night. I had been listening for 10 minutes and it worked instantly: I hope I'm not afraid of storm now!

  I don't know why, but this works so much better in masking and calming my tinnitus than the Neuromodulator... oh well, the important thing is that there is one generator that works! I love myNoise, all the generators are really wonderful and some of them even help healing... what more can one ask for?! I'm forever hooked!

  This helped me sleep. I love myNoise.

  This is amazing! I just wrote a 5-page essay in 90 mins!

  Been listening on this setting for the past half hour. It feels like a warm ear massage.

  Amazing. I found this relieved anxiety and brain fog, I think it would be good for people who disassociate often as it really pulls you back into the present moment. Pretty crazy, I'll definitely be subscribing.

  I like it when use the sub-bass with headphones. Most of it isn’t the sound though. The main reason is since it vibrates and massages my ear. It also dosen’t sounds so loud even if it is.

  This thing actually works, it's amazing.

  Went here with an anxiety attack, it was gone almost immediately. Thank you.

  I'm extremely confused. I tried turning up 1 or 2 individual sliders up all the way (the rest muted) and realized what the "scanning" means: it goes from one ear to another, gradually. It makes my skin feel really weird and tingly at some parts. not sure why yet, but I'm definitely gonna experiment with this more some time. Not as background music, but still fascinating.

  I've been looking around for sounds to help me focus, and this one with the sliders animating in extreme mode at 4x speed actually does!

  I often find it hard to focus or concentrate but if I need to get something done the Aural Scanner Noise Generator is almost magical. I easily find myself getting lost in my task when I'm listening to this and much more productive as a result.

  I like it with a slight White Noise & Co. I would find a mono version better though!

  Oh my gosh! Why does this work so well? This helps me focus more than I ever thought I *could* focus. WOW

  My ear was ringing excessively today I come to this website and listen to this and now the ringing is gone. I love this. Thank you!

  I would love this a whole lot more if there was a way to make it mono rather than stereo. I find the back and forth-ness almost as distracting as the tinnitus. But it has AMAZING potential to temporarily zap my tinnintus.

  I'm a homeschooler with ADD and two loud younger brothers. This really helps me focus. Thank you for this generator!

  These sounds help me get my work done! So awesome! It sounds like music off of Minecraft a little...

  Hi there! Thanks for this awesome website. I donate few times now. I like this kind of calibrated sounds. It really help to make more edgy my ears. Will see how it affect my tinnitus. See you soon.

  This Aural Scan is unbelievable!! I've had tinnitus for ages, and I just listened to Aural Scan for 30 minutes, for the first time, I took off my earphones, and everything seems blissfully quiet in my ears! This is a life-saver, THANK YOU! AJC, Paris, France.

  I've suffered with high frequency tinnitus for decades. And it has only become worse with age. I can't tell you what a relief it is to listen to twenty or 30 minutes of Aural Scan and then only hear a faint background static instead of multiple high frequency squeals. It is such a blessing!

  I am so happy I found this site! Beautiful, relaxing and focusing sounds for concentrating on things that need to be done.

  I have high pitch tinnitus which has been tamer lately - but last night I saw the movie Dunkirk. The theater sound was so loud and intense that by the end, I had a chorus of high tones in my head making me feel pitched back to the first weeks of tinnitus onset. Accessing Aural Scan and accenting the high trebles have masked it beautifully. I must download the Android app. Bless you for your work!

  This really helped me with my concentration! Thank you!

  Wow! I just used my hearing curve on this and it sounds great! 10/10 Awesome!

  I use my hearing calibration, and this is great for calming myself so I can study: it helps suppress my anxiety and gives my mind the "space" to focus. A++ sound generator.

  This is some good stuff! My ears can really scream. 20 minutes of listening to my custom sound and everything is all well. Erniej

  I suffer from high frequency tinnitus, which makes me feel 'spaced out,' dizzy and unable to concentrate. The high tones of Aural Scan break up the continuous tinnitus note and after an hour or so I can think clearly and concentrate on my day. Far better than any music or 'White, Pink, Brown Noise' generators which don't seem to work for me. Aural Scan is brilliant!

  Homework. JOY! Not. This helps me focus and uh makes my brain melt every once and a while. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU !!! - Blurryface

  Seconding the observation that this generator will make your cat wig out! A strange glittering mix of tones both soothing and stimulating that somehow magically fades into the background and keeps you focused -- but pet owners might best enjoy it with headphones.

  This is fascinating! I just turned on Aural Scan and our cat woke up and ran to the computer's speakers, clearly attracted to the sound. She purred loudly while nuzzling her face into the speaker grill. Minutes later, I switched the sound output to a bluetooth speaker across the room and the cat raced across the room to that speaker, displaying the same fascination. Hmmmmm.

  Headache gone and I can focus. I won't miss my deadline! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  It certainly sounds like something in the Portal games. This can certainly fit.

  I've got three of these running at once, overlapping. It took about thirty seconds to wake me up and get me focused - when it would take several hours, lots of caffeine, and physical activity to do the same normally.

  High concentration! Great for reading long books or even just small school passages!

  Yay! I can concentrate better now! Start here and animate it. I feel as if I can read this entire book of poems without stressing or forgetting what I read! Thank you > . < Now... I must go make Ramen and finish my anime ;u; But I shall use this for school work, so I don't get all jittery and anxious about nothing!

  Done right, it makes you feel relaxed, but also eager to learn.

  Meditated to this. Had the best meditation I've ever experienced.

  I've been trying this out for studying. I feel it might be helping, although I also find grey noise helps get me into my own world!

  I'm calibrating my hearing curve and using that for this and mixing it with other calibrated generators and it feels like a super peak dose of adderal on my best day against my adhd. SUPER LAZER FOCUSED LIKE NO OTHER. For best results, recalibrate when the noise becomes annoying because that means that your perceptual curve has changed and the played curve no longer matches.

  It kinda tickles in my brain :o)

  That feels so so nice c:

  Thank you so much... I feel so good after hearing this..

  I never had concentration or focus problems when I was younger, but now I do. I had been procrastinating terribly for weeks on drafting a business plan for an international nonprofit. I wanted to see if one of your sound generators could help, so I tried Aural Scan. Within just two hours, I had written the entire document and it was much sharper and more astute than I imagined it could be.

  I feel like I just completed my transformation into a super saiyin after listening to this.

  Thanks a lot. I nearly failed this exam but this and a night of learning and everything went well. I'm so happy this exists ^-^

  Thank you Dr. Pigeon for this wonderful site. Doug

  There is something very soothing about these sounds. After I stopped listening, I felt a little tingling sensation in my head. Stimulated. Awesome.

  A very stimulating tone. It's great while reading textbooks and I always use this to study since it keeps me alert and focused. It's also such a fun and interesting tone that listening to it is motivating and puts me in a good mood. Studying and reading text books in a good mood is so much easier.

  A GIANT THANK YOU Stphane. I thought I was failing at a school assignment, but I remembered somehow about Aural Scan, and how it can help you. I gave it a try, I was a little skeptical at first, but I tried it anyway when I studied for the assignment, and IT WORKED. I learned pretty much 80