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Wide Noise
Variable Stereo-Width Noise Generator


MonauralUltra WideBlack NoiseBrown NoisePink NoiseWhite NoiseViolet Noise Surprise!

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mode Soft HardSolo Duo Trio
speed ÷8 ÷4 ÷2Normalx2 x4 x8
range Set→[ LowHigh ]←Set

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White Noise Designed for Headphones

White Noise & Co. is probably the most popular noise generator on this website. Its calibrated sliders produce all the classic spectral noise colors, but also any color yet to be named!

At first listen, the sounds on this page - Wide Noise - may seem not as versatile, but they offer headphone users the ability to modify their stereo image. THis generator creates an enhanced feeling of space and comfort when listened to through headphones, albeit with a slightly reduced versatility in the spectrum of sound colors it can generate. However, rest assured, all the classic sound colors - white, pink and brown - are represented here as well.

Wide Noise uses two types of sliders: in-phase (+) and out-of-phase (-) grouped in pairs. The in-phase slider gives you the usual one-channel, monaural sound. The out-of-phase version produces something that sounds monaural too, but with a strange auditory feeling: the noise will sound as if it was "twisted" between your ears. The out-of-phase version is created by transforming a mono-sound into stereo, then reversing the phase of one channel in relation to the other.

When you combine these two sounds, you get a variety of stereo effects. It's amazing how blending two single-channel sounds can create such a deep, immersive experience when you're listening through headphones. Try it out!
Published by Stéphane on August 2nd, 2021

User Stories

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  I really don't know how, but this somehow drowns out the TV when I'm working, but it doesn't drown out people! Very useful for doing homework in case someone needs to tell you something.

  This definitely helps to block out the annoying music my neighbor plays nonstop.

  Niagara Falls, off season.

  This is amazing and really helps me get my work done in class! Game changer!

  I use this at the office to drown out the random conversations in the halls and muffled voices through the walls. Really lets me concentrate on my work.

  This gen is lovely and possibly one of my favorites of this site. The simple white noise setting makes me think of a quick and light rain on asphalt, or frying stuff in the kitchen. Not as deep as binaural beats, just something that can sit in the back of my head while I do my schoolwork :)

  The best.

  The Month of March came in like a lion this year. My settings for this generator sounds like the gusty, swirling winds moving through the trees.

  This noise generator is really amazing. I can play two of my favourite color noises (brown noise, pink noise) together at the same time! This also helps me block out the higher and lower frequencies altogether.

  Use my settings, set your animation speed to 8x, your animation type to Deep 0-150% and BAM! You have a beautiful active field with winds. It sounds so much like where I lived back then. The fields were alive as the wind came.

  This blocks out higher-pitched sounds while still having a lower-pitched noise to balance it out. I like the lower tones in the background.

  When I plug in my earphones, it sounds like a pleasant breeze constantly passing by while laying in a cozy field.

  Sounds very nice. Deeper than the usual gray noise. Wide Noise vibrates pleasantly in open, full-size headphones. I like it very much. I listen to calm my chaotic thoughts and focus on work. From time to time, I listen to drone ambient, but this is very calming. Wide Noise is what I need.

  This speaks to an illimitable and incalculable abundance of whatever you wish for: water itself, knowledge, wisdom, even wealth. It's a rich sound of supply!

  My first association was Desert Wind, and I liked it immediately!

  For me, black is thunder, brown is a waterfall, pink is heavy rain, white is a stream flowing very fast, and violet is sand falling. It definitely sounds like it's inside my head (the other one feels like it's in front of me). I would love to know what's the best configuration for blocking speech in this one (there's a preset in the other generator).

  This sounds like strong winds and a radio static.

  There's such a wide diversity of sounds on these types of generators. Black feels like wind, while brown through pink is rain, and white through violet are waves. But all in all, everything feels like peace :-)

  This is amazing, a waterfall of white noise. You can feel yourself going into focus once this is turned on.

  I wonder? Lemme plug my headphones in... And... It's glorious!

  This quickly changing 3D lanscape feels like rain, a fan, sand, and wind all at the same time. Very interesting and relaxing.

  I love this mono effect <3