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Electronic Dance Music Machine


Transistor RhythmMinimal SetArpoonNo DanceEthereal Digital Musicspace Surprise!

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Animation Parameters

mode Soft HardSolo Duo Trio
speed ÷8 ÷4 ÷2Normalx2 x4 x8
range [Low High]   set→ [Low High]

Tape Speed Control

G #A #BC #D #EF #
Speed ÷2Speed x2TransformReset

Spatial Width


iEQ • Calibration


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Handle with care (Do not drop)

Users sometimes ask if myNoise could be programmed to play Electronic Dance Music (EDM). The short answer is no, it can't... as illustrated by this sound generator ;-) But if you are a fan of ambient electronica, check out the No Dance slider setting!

To play EDM properly, one must master a key element: the drop. A drop is a point in a music track when a sudden change occurs. It is not the drop itself that makes a track interesting, but the intense buildup and anticipation that precedes it. The tension created - a wonderful one - resolves with the change, leaving the listener feeling shivers down their spine.

With myNoise, each stem is independent from the others. Getting all of them to drop simultaneously is highly improbable; they drop at their own pace. The effect is not the same, which might leave EDM fans frustrated as they wait for something that will probably never happen - though a possibility exists!

So, instead of standing by waiting for the unexpected, they can instead enjoy the intrinsic quality of myNoise, a quality that no static recording can compete with. With myNoise, stems are constantly shifting and beating against each other, creating a soundtrack that is always changing: not only over time, but also when the generator starts; if you try reloading the page, there are 1,024 different initial states the generator bootstraps from, and some are better than others.

A note to the purist here: all the sound sources used are hardware analog. Analog circuitry creates a sound that offers something special, creating almost-living sonic entities. You can enjoy both the music and the sounds here.

Published by Stéphane on December 13th, 2021

User Stories

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  Boom-did-did-do-dat, boom dat, boom-did-did-do-dat, boom dat. I love this! Dududum, dududum, dududum. BOOM boomboomboom!

  I love this! I'm dancing in my chair.

  This with the Tibetan Choir is amazing.

  My focus level is dialed in with these minimal settings.

  Love this one. It has been a wonderful background noise while working. Highly recommend listening to this one in headphones. It really elevates the experience.

  This is not a random sound generator. This is a musical piece. Absolutely awesome.

  I could literally hear those valves glowing this reminded me of the old John digweed days and those mellow beats. Hats off to the creators here whom have shared a thing of pure beauty.

  As a programmer, combination of EDM² (slider animation enabled) + Vintage office (Geeks@Work) + Calm office (Geeks At Work) instantly drops me into my ultra-focus zone! I could listen to it all the day along :)

  I use this as a "music bed" to play underneath podcasts I'm not particularly interested in, to keep me company, and awake.

  I like to mute some of the sliders, it creates a different tune every time, so I can really focus on each little melody line one at a time.

  I immediately picked up the background noise in this one and had it tuned to something that made complete sense for me in a matter of minutes. Love it.

  Reminds me of that game Geometry Dash. This sounds so cool, especially when animated. Awesome!

  These beats really help me study. When my brain wanders, this helps it focus. When I am focusing, this make me super productive. Also sounds really cool!

  This set up sounds so cool! I thought I would share...

  The Slider Animation in EDM2 was super!!! Thank you Dr. Ir. S. Pigeon!

  It's amazing how much a few changes to the sliders will affect this generator. A few tweaks and it sounds completely different, and yet, it's the same.

  This is so good. The continuous evolution of the music while retaining a constant rhythm is such an insanely good tool to help me focus. It retains just enough of my attention while letting my mind do what needs to be done. Very nice.

  The Random Button has brought me a gift! I figured I would share.

  After listening to this, a drop feels overrated. B)

  Absolute banger :D

  As an ADHD student, playing this in the background has helped me very much! It's also great to listen to for fun. It had me bopping as I work! Thanks, Dr. P!

  I love this so much! It has helped me focus immensely. Thanks a lot.

  No Dance + Didgeridoo drone on "Down Under" + "Dazed" Shepard Madness + Summer Night on "Bats" + Babble Noise on "Chic Dinner" sounds a bit like an Australian open-air disco.

  EDM² is an INSANELY good generator. Keeps me in the "zone" for hours, my brain being super super focussed without any effort. All the generators on this site are really great, but when it comes to real deep work, this is the one for me.

  Amazing mood with unexpected results. This website continues to amaze me and helps me focus or just have a good time.

  Pretty much any setting is a banger tbh.

  My dad had always been a fan of Trance, huge fan, the biggest fan there is. (He's even close friends with some of the big artists!) This setting reminds of the loud music always playing from his room that over the years has grown on me, thank you, Dr. Pigeon! Thanks to this generator, I have the infinite trance track!

  I found this is so good for replacing annoyingly repetitive tracks on some of my favourite online games. The perfect balance of beat and ambiance. It is more like Generative Trance than EDM though. I suggest it is renamed as such. Also makes pretty cool driving music! :D

  As a trance lover through my whole life, I think this is amazing. The subtle changes, even in the rhythmic parts keep things very fresh.

  The high pitches are as quiet and brief as possible, the bass is deep. Came here from the YouTube upload! Why do these vibes remind me of TRON...

  Slowed to perfection.

  Could easily stand for Ethereal Digital Musicspace....really good job on this one! Thank you! Gives me nostalgia vibes of the Unreal Tournament days from the 00's.

  I absolutely love this generator! A keeper in the tool kit for sure.

  Man, this makes me want to start up a Shadowrun-style futuristic RPG game just to run this as the ambient background noise. Also, I think I've found my new favorite ambient generator for the long audit sessions for work.

  Now Loading... is bright, Hydrogen XII is darker, and this one is the darkest :)

  I'm afraid that this can cause some delayed bad physical effects.

  This one transports me, gives me inspiration and hope, sends shivers my spine. One again, you nailed it Dr. Pigeon! Thanks for your ongoing amazing work. In these troubled times, you are a credit to humanity and a healer of souls. Eternal gratitude, love, Laurent F.

  This one floored me I immediately dropped it to G and was pleasantly surprised how versatile this is. This is a testament of your genius when it comes to putting the right audio elements together to create a certain experience. I love all the presets and the 'No Dance' version is ethereal and dreamy beyond words!

  This is pure gold when I have to work fast and focus! Takes away distraction at the same time as it helps me zoom in on my task.

  I liked "Arpoon" with the "Dreamless" bilateral wave. It really gives the effect of retarded time ;-]

  I find this a versatile noise. This morning I used it as a sonic blanket while getting ready for my day. Now I am using this + another noise gen to concentrate while working. Thank you Dr Pigeon for making gens that are great on their own and great blended together too!

  The bass is incredible! I'm on headphones now but can't wait to try it on my sound bar + subwoofer combo once I'm back home!

  Changing to a (lower?) Key like G transforms this into a fantastic downtempo generator. These slow beats with the trance atmosphere is incredible good. What an outstanding generator!

  This was truly unexpected. But as often with, unexpectations become immediate favorites :)

  When you half the speed twice, it produces a wonderfully disorienting soundscape. I love this one, Steph.

  Active listening = Instant energy. Passive listening = Instant trance/focus. Instant classic!

  Love, love, love this EDM2 music machine! More please! I can let it play for hours on animation and the hours of focused working at my desk seem to disappear. Thank you!

  Very versatile and absolutely brilliant! Chill, entrancingly calm, yet I can definitely dance to this. The flow is there and so easily melded together for infinite possibilities.

  It sounds amazing! Try it with Circuit Bender gen.

  I'm listening to this fantastic generator for some hours now. What an atmospheric and chill soundscape. The sliders blend soo good in another. I'm more into (hypnotic, monoton) Techno and Goa and hate EDM, but this electronic music generator is absolutely incredible. The last two trance sliders are pure magic!