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Azure Trails
Electronic Music Sequences


Drum and BassPadsSpacetimeSpace Dust Surprise!

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mode Soft HardSolo Duo Trio
speed ÷8 ÷4 ÷2Normalx2 x4 x8
range [Low High]   set→ [Low High]

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G #A #BC #D #EF #
Speed ÷2Speed x2TransformReset

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The Color of Space Ambient

This site aims to create atmospheres that help people focus and relax. In music, we are looking for a genre that feels both tranquil and hypnotic. These two characteristics are found in a sub-genre of Electronic Music called Space Ambient, now playing.

In Space Ambient, synthesizers and sequencers create a slow-paced musical backdrop characterized by a lack of melody. As a fan of synthesizers, I like the genre very much, especially when its inherent repetition is one that embeds a myriad of subtle variations.

It is my pleasure and honour to welcome State Azure, a music producer from England and master of electronic ambient music. State Azure enjoys a solid reputation on YouTube. His ambient remixes of 80s classics are nothing less than amazing: listen to his cover of Tangerine Dream's Love on a Real Train for example.

For those who enjoy playing State Azure tracks on repeat like me, this generator provides a nice alternative: a track that plays infinitely and never repeats. Thank you, Pat, for allowing me to host one of your compositions here on myNoise!

Tip: for long listening sessions, try the slider-animated version.

If you like Space Ambient electronic music, check out State Azure's releases on Bandcamp.

Published by Stéphane on October 3rd, 2022

User Stories

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  This generator, along with Take it Easy, Now Loading, and EDM2, has helped me so much to maintain focus while writing my master's thesis. Thank you Dr. Pigeon!

  This is amazing Doc... Wonder if another collaboration with State Azure will ever come, I've lost the count of how many hours I've spent on this generator. Please let this happen :)

  Azure Trails + Deep Ocean is essentially an endless Subnautica ambience generator, extremely excellent work!

  When I saw this on the index page under "electronic music," I thought, "I wonder if this is going to be a State Azure homage," because boy do I love State Azure. How pleasantly surprised I was to find that it is BETTER than an homage! It's the real deal! Instantly favorited.

  Final Boss MODE activated. This soo cool! I love those deep vibrations.

  This soundscape immediately me lightly dancing as I suddenly began picking up the house. And I am smiling, which is uncommon! I set 4 of the sliders at 0 and put it on the auto-mutate thing. A mild energy high.

  Pop music is brash noise, and classical music demands my full attention (bc it's so beautiful). Ambient infinite looping soundscapes, on the other hand, are designed to be ignored. Grateful for a site that can occupy my lower appetites to free up the higher powers of my soul so they can do their thing.

  This is awesome! Helps me a lot to stay focused while the world around me is turning nuts. I combine it with a second tab of Grey noise <3

  Each one of myNoise's tracks is renewed bliss. Azure Trails is no exception.

  Really reminds me of Mirror's Edge Catalyst. This generator is quickly becoming one of my favorites. What a great generator, what a great site! Thank you.

  Enter Mr Rhodes...

  This has become my go-to on myNoise. I would love more of these ambient electronic music sequences, from State Azure and others.

  I'd like to become cosmic dust in next life.

  ← This setting here reminds me of the video game Spore's editor music. Weirdly nostalgic...

  ← Synthetic Bliss! This setting here helps create a more chill, ambient feel.

  I like this a lot. Great for extended work sessions at my desk. Chill, relaxing, alive, persistent. Good mix of textures and frequencies.

  As, like you, I'm one of "those who enjoy playing State Azure tracks on repeat" ;-) I'm very happy to find State Azure here at myNoise :-)

  Easily one among the best generators here! This is special because it is highly customizable, I am able to streamline the pipe in a lot of ways!