User Stories
Write your own here. Click the blue bullets ● to load associated settings.
The whole world was spinning around me, and in that instant, I remembered who I was.
So nice for sleep, I love imaging different things every night I turn this on.
Musical, yet has a sense of directionlessness. Very ethereal, it's so easy to just sit and relax to it.
Music for Nine Post Cards is one of my favorite albums of all time, and it was all composed on a Rhodes keyboard. This reminds me of the same magic that album had for me, but more replayability with all the settings and tweaks you can make to it, It's an endless form of that album and I love it.
I've used these settings with this noise generator for almost 4 years, and I listen to it every night, and it always relieves my stress and lets me fall asleep much easier. It's so relaxing and calming to me that I almost can't sleep without it anymore. It's been one of the biggest comforts I've had in the last 4 years, and listening to it each night makes me feel like things are okay.
This helps me during school to focus on what I need to do to relax and unwind. It also helps lift stess off of me.
I tried pairing this specifically, without much melody but with a lot of bass and pads, with Sleeping Dragon on subtle animation and Marimbas on normal animation. The pads mixed beautifully, resulting in a relaxing yet motivating experience. This is the first story I've written on this site, but it's amazing for calming me down and helping me focus!
I think this website is awesome. I use it during school and it amazes me how calm it gets me. I am even using this on a tv and it still works incredibly well. Whoever owns this site, you are an amazing person!
"Dreaming" sounds like a certain video game of the early oughts, for all you TES fans out there...
Like cozy and sweet childhood memories...
Thank you Harold.
This with Dust & Scratches really makes this sound so nice and calming with a nostalgic old timey feel. Glad this website exists. (:
This mixed with Into Balance and In the Sky is so simply beautiful that it takes my breathe away literally. Feels so awesome. Thanks for making these, its my go-to website to relieve my stress.
It kinda feels like I'm in some sort of trance...
This is great for studying.
I love the melody, but since I don't like a continuous background sound for too long, I set the 'pads' sliders really low, and combined this with other generators (right now I'm trying Railroads). I love that we can customize everything according to our sensory needs.
When my newborn was in the NICU, we listened to this all the time, both in my hospital room and his. It was so calming for us new parents and the hospital staff who regularly came in — nurses even noted it and said it was so nice to have something so calm, gentle and soothing playing in the background. It was the perfect sound therapy for everyone. THANK YOU for your work and this soundscape!
The music is so relaxing! It has an amazing relaxing tune. I would recommend using this to calm down, or sleep.
Sick. Just, Sick.
I feel like I'm flying! Or in a lucid dream!!
I am a music producer, and I am in love with this setting! My inspiration has been renewed! I use this with the Car Interior, and it is perfect! THANK YOU!
Some of my family tested positive. This was great to calm me down.
Just looking through different soundtracks, found this and....
paired with Marimbas by Ben Clark, it’s AMAZING.
Thanks so much.
Pair with Marimbas by Ben Clark and it adds a gorgeous shimmer over his clockwork-like playing. Gorgeous!
Beautiful - hook it up with the Tibetan choir. They are both seemingly in the same key and works great!
These are my peers and it is very good for me. I am a 7th grade child and I have stressful days. I found my myNoise Mr Rhodes music reveals the purity in me and eliminates stress. Very good site.
I found around 7th grade, a very hard time in my life. These sound generators, particularly Mr. Rhodes, gave me so much comfort when I needed it. Listening to it now, it gives me an immense amount of nostalgia. I love it. Thank you.
I´ve been looking for something like this for so long. It´s beautiful!
Trying it with the Bomber gives me one of the best experiences with this piano. The hum of the engine, mixed with this piano really just blows me away.
This entire website and project extrudes a deep deep passion! Love it so much. This website is more than your typical noiseblocker to make you more productive - this is an absolute treasure trove. Dr Pigeon, this work that you do is truly inspiring and is positively affecting peoples' lives!
So impressive! Thank you for this song.
The effect of this soundscape is instant. An immediate relief, an opening to feel, a physical impulse to drop shoulders and relax your face. I usually have to give it a few seconds before I can settle in and let that relief percolate. Amazing.
Sometimes, Mr. Rhodes is the only thing that saves me from going haywire in the office. Thank you, Mr. Rhodes. Also thanks from my colleagues, even though they don't know.
Mr. Rhodes pairs extremely well with Marimbas. It's a perfect harmony and matching scales...
I pair this with Sleeping Dragon and can chill for HOURS and get a lot of writing done. I love it!
My favorite setting: melody slider to zero, animate, animation mode deep, half speed - runs almost all day in my headphones at work :)
Dr Pigeon - I am grateful that I discovered you and your work at this time. Mr Rhodes has literally saved my life. Again, thank you!
I reckon this got me through my studies. The "floating" or "dreaming" settings, combined with Thunder, Railroads, or Rain in the City, and the ever-useful 25 minute timer.
The “good vibes” setting is literally everything to me right now. Thank you.
This combined with the Cave Water noises is the most relaxing combination I've found so far, really helps me concentrate at work. Thank you for creating this amazing website for us!
This is so gentle; it feels like I'm on a cloud.
This generator paired with Aircraft Cabin is one of my go-to combos for listening while at work. It's very calming, and aids my focus greatly.
Perfect for studying with ADHD and easing anxiety and obsessive thinking. My favourite one after 'Telecaster Licks'. Thank you!
I was so hungry for something to soothe me; a gentle, endless melody that did nothing but exist. No crescendo, no demands, no suggestion of complication, just.... a constant unquestioning cradling thing that I could exist in. This generator gives that, and it's an immeasurably comforting thing. Sometimes I mix it with other gens but it's a wonderful thing to come back to it in its pure form.
The transition between late night and early morning. Seeing the dawn after being awake all night.
I have never heard anyone play piano this soothing! NIce one.
This one makes my partner with ADHD actually do his homework instead fo pacing around and covering whiteboards with equations "a beautiful mind" style.
This generator is one of the gentlest and most soothing ones on the site. It's an excellent background or complement for almost any other--I especially enjoy it with Code Breaker for an ambiance that's profoundly relaxing but hard to describe. Working music for a benevolent spy of the mind? As noted, hard to describe. But this generator has a soft and uplifting graciousness. Wonderful.
Combined this (animated) with Subaquatic Dreams (bubbles, underwater, water only). Feels like you're drowning peacefully.
This setting (pad-less) paired with the Cafe (sans kitchen chatter, not too loud) puts me in the corner of somewhere, coffee getting cold, watching an old man on a Rhodes play for himself, his eyes closed, mouth tight and mind swimming. No one else really cares, but there are memories in his music. And the only thing missing is the life conversation with him after the song is over.
This setting, combined with the 'cocktail party' setting on Cafe Restaurant, creates the most interesting feeling. Like sitting by yourself in a busy coffee shop, watching the comings and goings from your own little corner of the world. It's so peaceful.
When my baby was born prematurely due to an emergency, we played this constantly, almost 24/7, in my hospital room the five stressful days I was hospitalized. It brought us so much peace and drowned out the hospital room noises; it was a therapy in sound. We also frequently played it in my baby's NICU/SCN room, and now we frequently play it at home, too, for a relaxing atmosphere. <3
Try opening the Rhodes and the Tele improv slide on two pages... nice!
I love listening to this each night as I fall asleep. It's incredibly soothing--and when I have a massive headache (like right now), it's one of the few sounds I can listen to that helps. THANK YOU for making this available!
Absolutely incredible. I've never heard anything that's given me this feeling of absolute serenity before. I've had it set on deep animate for a while and it gave me this slider configuration, I'm blown away.
So calming and so soothing. Stops my head from running round in circles when I have a lot on my mind.
This setting on animate is just magical. It's hard to explain with just words, one has to experience it to actually feel it. Amazing.
I honestly just clicked on this to see what it was and it took my breath away. So soothing and timeless. I really makes me feel like I'm floating on a sea of clouds.
This has really soothed me this afternoon. It's like popping a magic pill, it works like nothing else. You must be helping silence the futile anxieties of thousands of people around the world. Thank you so much!
The atmosphere is just amazing! I'm reading The Revenant by Michael Punke and that somehow helped me to broad my mind at the highest sense. The tone was kind of similar to Her OST, Dimension by Arcade Fire. The animate slider is doing a great job, loved it!
I don't know what it is, but something keeps making me come back to this. Something about this just evokes emotions and yet, calmness. It is is absolutely, positively, wondrous.
Wow. Mr. Rhodes plus Wind Noise, both animated, takes me somewhere deep into an earlier time that was both happy and sad... brings tears to my eyes.
Feels like I'm in the Blade Runner dream sequence...
How do I explain this? It's a moment by the seaside, an evening at a planetarium, a second suspended in space. It's not zen, it's not trying to take you away from your problems. It's a moment to just take your problems and let them sit there. Let yourself cry until you're done. Until everything seems all right. Because this soundscape is so human. It's like a hug from someone who understands.
Sooooo noise... ahm nice. My peaceful mixture of sounds calming me down after drinking a little bit to much of coffee :)
The ONLY website that can deliver such gifts while sustaining itself with no ads, and very little donation.
I love this sound. I usually make my own atmosphere by adding the ticking from Clockwork, the Laundromat, the Vinyl sound, and the whispering from the Church Atmosphere. I've been going through a really tough time where stress is taking over, and I love this combo because it just feels like I have nothing to worry about. It helps me calm down enough to where I can actually get work done. Thank you.
Wow, I still can't believe how quickly and profoundly this relaxes me! I feel like a dreamy cloud floating along a sunset. This one is great for meditation. I recommend trying this soundscape with 4Hz binaural beats and water stream. Thank you!
I love this website, and all the sound that we can customize and conjugate... But it was the first time I found the ONE, the one that makes me remember special and unique feelings, like an euphoric nostalgia... That's beautiful... I can't work with it, because the sensations the sound makes me feel are so deep... Thank you. It's so calming, relaxing...
Amazing! Helps my tinnitus when I'm sleeping.
This sounds great, you should listen to it!
Somehow this generator feels more human than any of the human-made ones. I want to cry too.
Makes me cry...
Such a peaceful sound, all of the world's troubles seem to melt away.
This feels like I'm sitting in a brightly lit music room on an early spring afternoon, with sunlight streaming in through large windows lining the walls. It's gentle and comforting, like a warm, well needed hug from a friend.
Default settings paired with 'Intertidal' is one of the most peaceful things I've ever heard! Thank you for helping me get through my homework!
I love this, the deep notes and clear high melody relax beyond any medication.
Pair this with Ultimate Rain Sounds and you are set for instant relief.
Out of the various wonderful generators on this site, none of them have evoked quite the same feeling that this one has. Almost immediately after I started listening to it, there were tears in my eyes; it's just that beautiful... And for me, it's very suited to the wee hours of the night, so it's fitting that I should find this around 02:30. No doubt I'll be using this to relax in the future.
I love lots of the sounds here but - due to very high stress levels - I was looking for something specific to help calm me down. I tried almost everything and when I came to Mr. Rhodes; my stomach dropped. I physically felt it instantly and the more I listened the more my tension melted away. It's now my go to for stress relief. I tried the advice of another and added The Fireplace, perfect!
I had never listened to this soundscape before, but I'm so glad I found it tonight. This setting combined with the "Storm" preset on the Distant Thunder generator sounds like the stuff of dreams. It's helping me stay calm as I prepare for final exams. Thank you to everyone at myNoise for the incredible work you do for all of us listening
← Just click here for awesomeness!
Just blissful. I have yet to find a generator that I love quite as much as I love this one. It's just present enough to serve as something I notice consistently when I'm working, but not so noticeable as to interfere with my concentration or productivity. It makes me feel safe, too. This put on the Animate feature has provided me with hours upon hours of very peaceful, happy listening.
This is so peaceful and helps calm me down when I'm extremely stressed out, especially when paired with the cat purr generator. It's so soothing.
I forget the power of sound waves until I hear Mr. Rhodes... magnificent.
I adore this generator. Combining this with an environment generator yields interesting results.
I suffer from chronic depression and loneliness, and the nights are the worst. This makes me feel as if someone is sitting beside my bed and kindly playing a soothing song for me to fall asleep to. The other generators are great in their own ways, but I feel that this one has the most emotion to it.
This is just amazing! Try this with the rain noise, the thunder+rain one, and the fire noise generators. Might sound strange, but it works!
When this generator first came up and I opened it, I felt my insides stirring, like I wanted to cry with my whole body. It wasn't unpleasant, but quite the opposite in fact. The pads and the keys sound like they were mourning yet singing of a hopeful future. I don't know how else to describe it. It pairs nicely with other nature or atmospheric generators.
I just combined this with Irish Coast... the feeling is indescribable.
This is one of my favorites! Lately I've been combining this with Cafe Restaurant and Singing Bowls - feels like I'm in a movie scene, where other people are coming and going but I'm sitting still, watching, dreaming, just being.
Omigosh, this is so amazing and relaxing. Gets me through the day! But gosh, combine this with Ocean Waves and it's paradise. It's a walk along the shore while watching the sun set and the stars twinkle in one by one. It's being a peace. This gets me through the day and my homework. Thank you.
Use a combination of this and flying fortress whenever I am snowed under by work. Feels like a peaceful journey across some ethereal skies, great to switch off to for a while.
My favorite!
Calm and almost mournful. Good for writing sad novels to.
So wonderfully calming, and in the moment when I was doing homework and felt an onset of suffocation and a clutching of my chest (I have anxiety). This and a short prayer helped me hugely. Thank you so much for this fantastic site and all the wonderful work you do! I love bouncing around from sound to sound and resting on what I find best for the moment.
The past few days I've been having on-again-off-again panic attacks, and this is what finally made my brain shut up. Thank you!
I tampered with the dreaming preset and made a melody that reminds me of old memories and people that I might not see again untill later "down the road". It's so beautiful I can't stop the smile or the tears. Thank you Doctor :)
Protip: In addition to being nice and relaxing on its own, Mr. Rhodes is in the same key as the Tibetan Choir generator. Double them up for a beatufiul, rich, expansive listening experience.
I like to imagine that as I'm falling asleep, someone is kindly playing the piano for me, soothing me after a long, hard day. Just the thought of it makes me tear up.
This is indeed my most favorite soundscape generator I have ever heard. Combine this with the Wind, Distant Thunder, and Wooden Chimes and you got the perfect personal paradise.
I love to listen to this on its default setting, or on animate. Paired with Distant Thunder, it's just... the best. I've never felt more at peace. I wasn't sure if I'd really like this generator much, since this kind of stuff isn't usually my thing. But wow. Easily my favorite.
I love this one. So calming and pleasing to the ear. I use it at work to help my stress in addition to helping block out noise.
It's called "open the doors" and it made me remember what hope is. Pure & soft & good.
One of my favorites. Great when trying to tune out the world and mundane problems.
This soundscape takes me to such a magical place. The beauty of these sounds is beyond description. Thank you for making this.
I have been a fan of this site since stumbling upon it totally by accident a few weeks ago. Every soundscape is exquisite and this one puts me at peace instantly. Thank you for making such a fine site and for giving me the peace of mind I need to finish writing my book!
This has become an invaluable study aid and pre-exam ritual for me. The soothing Rhodes melodies are rich with bright flavor and character, enough to keep my mind alert, and there's a sort of warm embryonic atmosphere that comforts me to my very soul. Beautiful. Wouldn't survive my exams without this!
This soundscape reminds me of Minecraft music.
A Death Cab For Cutie intro that never ends.
I went through a whole Sunday afternoon listening to this, relaxing in my bed... I didn't fall asleep, but still, I felt so calm. It took me away from any stressful thought and put me in a peaceful place inside my mind.
At our clinic, we use this Mr. Rhodes (animated!) in the bay where we administer trigger point injections - it creates the perfect atmosphere of calm. We play it all day long and haven't gotten tired of it, 3 weeks later!
Cathartic. Reminds me of both happiness and sadness.
This is truly calming. Since visiting this website I have discovered new peace in myself, it helps me deal with stress better, with my writing, a true treasure trove of sound and feeling. I was never happier to become a Patron of anything, as with this site. Good work.
Just put the sliders on animate: Goosebumps!
I involuntarily overhear people's conversations while studying at campus, and any music with lyrics or a distinct melody makes me unfocused as well. Mr. Rhodes with the melody slider disabled saves my studies. Thank you <3
This page on animate, combined with Distant Thunder, is my new favorite. It's been my haven since I tried the combination. The soft, soothing keyboard, with the rolling thunder and gentle rain is pure bliss.
This. Pure emotions. Happiness, contentment, love, memories, a subtle longing, missing someone dearly loved, reminiscing, a soft sadness, hope, endurance, triumph, eternity, warmth, coming home, being home, hugging a loved one, passing a lovely late afternoon on a perfect temperature day, perhaps watching the sunset start to form, melancholia, anticipation... these settings just WORK.
It's like a Brian Eno piece that never ends, pure bliss.
This is just heavenly, especially in combination with the ocean waves generator. It helps me to focus when I'm studying :)
I LOVE this one paired with Ocean Waves. It's so soothing. I have anxiety and I listen to it while writing essays and it keeps me calm, but doesn't distract me.
Love this generator. Mixing it with 'Aeternitas' and entering the meditation room setting for both makes for a very post-rock, ethereal feel... Reminds me ever-so-slightly of Sigur Rs, which is always a good thing.
Just lovely, reminds me of something Brian Eno would write for a drone/ambient piece. Great for relaxing and feeling calm and nice :)
This is my favorite thing to listen to when I need to get a massive amount of reading done. It's melodic enough to keep me awake & alert, but subtle enough that it doesn't distract my focus. And it's absolutely beautiful, too. Thanks so much!
Gotta love this soundscape. It gives off a nice sense of peace and calm that I would love to hear in a cafe or library.
Just... wow...
Thank you so much Stphane for this new soundscape! I am just discovering it after a stressfull day at work, and these gentle sounds really soothe the soul!
The Rhodes keyboard sound is one of my favourite sounds in the world, and this generator captures it perfectly. The soundscape has no real melody to distract you or turn itself into an earworm, just the beautiful sentimental sound of the Rhodes. Puts me in a great mood!
It's the sound of broken souls tapping away at black and white tiles, trying to salvage a new life out of their sound. Hypnotic and inspiring.
This generator is melodic and enchanting. Nothing better after tension filled hours of labor. After a day filled with trying to please customers, I feel like someone's at a piano trying to please me. They are doing a fine job of it.
As someone with music-production-related hobbies, this new generator is near to my heart. Thank you for this, pure gold!
Beautiful and calming! It reminds me of Brian Eno, but more enveloping.
Code Breaker used to be my go-to relaxation noise generator, but now Rhodes has taken the gold medal.
Ah, the pure tones of the Rhodes piano. Beautiful, and so soothing! I love sitting with my eyes closed as it sends my imagination off to places where I am welcomed as a friend. This Generator overall reminds me of the marvelous game Machinarium. I call my setting "In the Distance, There's a Place Called Home."
I love when I find something melancholy, especially if it has a melody that makes me feel things like nostalgia. It's a sort of sweet sadness that makes the good times all the better, yet doesn't overwhelm me. At the end of a long day, it sort of brings me from a tired headspace to more of a sleepy one, and yes there's a difference between the two. I absolutely love it.
I like this generator because it has very simple sounds. A lot of the other 'celestial-like' sound generators are very busy with lots of sound options, but this one is just calm and beautiful.
I love the "drifting" sound it gives you. Sort of like floating in an endlessly still ocean. Very soothing, perfect for sleep!
It's a little melancholy, and quite beautiful. I find it useful for meditation, sleep, work, and calming anxiety. Particularly effective when paired with soft nature sounds, and chime generators. A lovely addition to the collection.
This is definitely my new favorite (I feel like i say this to all of them)! So ethereal and soothing.
Thank you soo much for this. I found this on a day when I could soo use these beautiful, healing sounds.
Just discovered that this soundscape and Code Breaker are tonally compatible... so I have them going in two different tabs, along with a nice white noise like Cabin Noise in a third, and I can find some peace and focus in the noisiest office!
"Souvenirs" layers quite well with Northern Lights' "Magnetic Fields" preset.
Wow, when I first saw this soundscape, I was hesitant to try it. How good could a Rhodes piano really sound? And it's mindblowing. Of course the pads are more of what I'm listening to as you see by my favorite setting here, but it's gorgeous to relax and sleep to. Love this one a LOT. :)
It's a beautiful and relaxing soundscape! I've been looking forward to see what you could do with a piano, and it's as fantastic as ever. It's also very informative about a man who deserves more recognition and appreciation.
I have played the piano since I was too young to remember NOT playing it. I thought I knew everything there was to know - I had no idea how brilliant Mr.Rhodes was, or how kind. Beautiful piano music always brings tears to my eyes. I hit "I'm feeling lucky" because, well, I was. And listened with tears rolling down my cheeks for hours. Beautiful. Thank you, Mr. Pigeon.
As I sat here, just browsing through the various landscapes of sound, trying to find one where I could sit down under the stars with someone I love, and just experience complete, total comfort and relaxation, I found myself sitting, chin in hands, just listening, eyes closed... And for the first time in years, I found myself ready to lay down and go to sleep. Thank you,, SO very much!
I really like Mr. Rhodes at work (with Animate turned on), combined with a Beta wave. Good background vibe, not intrusive or demanding of attention but does not disappear in the background. Which I think can be a tough thing to balance (maybe why it may seem slow/quiet at first). It can even be used during boring presentations or conference calls, I am convinced this is keeping me awake! ;D