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Vale dos Perdidos
Natural Noise Generator


TranquilityForest WindsQuiet RainAfter The RainWandering VoiceMidnight CallWind & RainBy The Brook Surprise!

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Animation Parameters

mode Soft HardSolo Duo Trio
speed ÷8 ÷4 ÷2Normalx2 x4 x8
range [Low High]   set→ [Low High]

Tape Speed Control


Spatial Width


iEQ • Calibration


  Guided Meditation

Enter the Meditation Room beta

Keyboard Shortcuts

Visualizer • White • PiNk • Brown • J↓↑KHelp

Enter the Valley of the Lost

The sounds you hear in this soundscape were recorded in March 2022, during a field recording trip to the Sintra-Cascais Natural Park in Portugal. The trip was initiated by Rita, a fan of myNoise who lives in the area. She guided us around the place she loves.

Among her suggestions, there was one that captured my imagination: the Vale dos Perdidos. This secluded valley was not referenced on any map, so we relied on Rita's childhood memories to guide us through lush forests.

The sounds for this generator were acquired over one day and a night; the stream sounds were recorded in a neighboring valley. We were lucky to experience different weather types within that 24-hour time frame—wind and rain—but also quiet moments where only the birds could be heard.

This all ended in a very versatile forest sound generator, where operating the mixer sliders will induce weather changes, or change the time of the day.

Published by Stéphane on April 19th, 2022

User Stories

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  This is one of my favorite generators on this site <3 I usually don't go for bird sounds, but I like the birds in this soundscape as long as I keep them low enough. The owl I love at any volume, though. What a soul-stirring call.

  The sounds of the birds and the rain are exactly what I've been looking for to go to sleep to. This is beautiful!

  There is something sublimely eerie about this generator... When I opened it, I shivered, slowly, thoroughly, from head to toe...

  This might be my new favorite generator both for writing and stress reduction. Really great forest and rain mix with a lot of versatility.

  My current life began about 10 years ago when I became a victim of severe chronic pain. Prior I had been a senior sysadmin at a top 25 university. Now life is a struggle so all the traveling I planned to do is done via google earth + myNoise, maybe a bit of incense or a cup of lapsang soushong. Ty so much for myNoise!

  I'm really enjoying this one! Between hearing the rain hitting the lush forest, and the haunting owl in the distance... Thank you for sharing your adventures with us!

  This is my favorite noise generator. It is a perfect blend of noise and transients. The birds keep me awake while the rain and wind puts me to sleep! Shuffle works great on this generator, and the calibrated output through headphones provides an outstanding immersive experience.

  Incredibly versatile, and equally calming and invigorating. I use this generator frequently--mainly for work, to provide background noises while I'm working on contracts and typing away (I'm an attorney).

  This is one of my go-to generators after a therapy session to help me stay in my bubble of calm and peace while I journal out my thoughts & important takeaways. It's so soothing I also listen to it if I need a quiet, lowkey headspace for studying or napping or research work. I'm so grateful exists <3

  Wow. The rain and wind preset is beautiful!

  This has been my go-to generator for the past month or so; I use it for everything from relaxation to sleep to work. It's basically Rainy Riverbank 2.0. I can make it a nighttime meditative isolation or a morning walk in the rain.

  The midnight owl is one of my new favorite bird calls.

  Instant fav :)

  The tense winds have real depth. Combined with Rain Sizzle it feels like a cleansing of the inner man :-)

  Finally! It’s out! The rain noise has the biggest change here, feels good. Great quality! ~[Nitin]