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Foliage Wind
Poplars and Birches Woodland


Organic BrownOrganic PinkOrganic WhiteBalancedNaturalDynamic Surprise!

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mode Soft HardSolo Duo Trio
speed ÷8 ÷4 ÷2Normalx2 x4 x8
range [Low High]   set→ [Low High]

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The Rain That Wasn't

I had a fascinating experience in a small area of woods filled with poplar and birch trees on Île Aux Lièvres, Quebec. As the wind rustled through the leaves, it created a sound that resembled to heavy rain, even though the sky was completely clear. I found this phenomenon so intriguing that I decided to leave my recorder there for an entire day and night. What you’re about to hear is a carefully selected blend of moments captured from that long recording.

Note to the curious mind: the generator's sliders have been arranged based on their frequency contents, not the time of day.

Using just one slider creates a soft, calming sound that is perfect for quiet thinking. When you add more sliders, the sound becomes louder and turns into a strong white noise that helps you concentrate deeply.

Check out the pictures of that field recording session in Quebec.

Published by Stéphane on September 9th, 2024

User Stories

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  I was so happy to find Foliage Wind! The first time I sat in a forest of large trees and the wind blew, creating this storm sound on a beautiful day, I was mesmerized. I don't get to travel often to the place where I experienced this sound and thought that I may not ever hear it again. Now, I can listen every day. Thank you so much!

  Incredible Brown Noise, which really helps me sleep at night.

  This sound generator has given me a real ambition to visit Île Aux Lièvres in person. Beautiful stuff, Dr. Pigeon.

  I have this on all day. Every day when I'm at work (I work in a small office). I don't know how to describe it, but it makes me feel so good and at ease. I struggle with getting distracted at work, and I notice this keeps me on task and completely transforms my surroundings. Thank you so much!

  Thank you so much for this sound! I can't get out and enjoy nature as much as I'd like to, but this is a nice bit of nature I know. I'm glad people enjoy the sounds of our forests; I've always enjoyed them myself <3

  For users looking for a more natural sound, I've had great success using the Clear, Bright, and Crisp sliders (with some Full and Mellow on a low volume and the others muted). Makes me feel like I'm back in the backyard of my childhood home. Loving this new generator!

  How unnatural it sounds... I have been dreaming since boyhood to catch the rustle of the last leaves on the trees - this sentimental sound of October! But now... I'm disappointed! :(

  I can't believe it's not rainfall.

  Lovely natural noises.

  One of my favorite sounds in real life. Thank you so much for capturing this. The background image is also spot-on.

  Wonderful. Each slider contains a nice blanket on its own, yet they merge miraculously. I like the Crisp Sharp and Tiny sliders; they remind me of the tickling hail of the April Showers generator.

  Sometimes you just need some good white noise to focus. This is a more nuanced version of the classic rain/waterfall - the wind adds something special!

  Love it.

  This is a lovely, dynamic, and malleable background to make my brain tolerate work!

  It's exactly what I was looking for :)