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Calm Ocean
Magic Generator Series


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mode Soft HardSolo Duo Trio
speed ÷8 ÷4 ÷2Normalx2 x4 x8
range [Low High]   set→ [Low High]

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Discover our Magic Generator Series... for Patrons Only.

You may have been amazed by a couple of myNoise sound generators before, but these ones will quite literally surprise you, always! Our Magic series is a bonus for the people who support this website. Every time the page loads, stems are blindly drawn from our large pool of high quality audio recordings, creating an ambience that is unique to this moment. Enjoy your lucky draw - now - as this particular combination will probably never happen again!

User Stories

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•  Very nice and peaceful to listen to while studying.

•  Such beautiful recordings! This setting sounds somewhat close to a long bout of sailing downwind, with consistent sea, no gusts, on a 7 metre trimaran.

•  Really nice paired with a quiet Northern Lights.

•  This reminds me of being at the beach, it is so calming and great for studying!

• Peace and joy for this beach boy! Nothing better than the sound of the elements in harmony with one another, making music to my ears.

• I use this with muted seagulls almost every night!

• This is the perfect background noise. I love the majority of sounds on this website, but this is just a perfect soothing background sound. Keep up the great work!

• I love this sound. It is the most perfect sound when stressed or not feeling well :) Makes me miss the ocean and having my feet in the sand. Thank you so much.

• I absolutely love this generator. It has such a beautiful and calming effect on my soul! I could not have gotten through medical school without this website.

• This is beautiful. Felt writing a word for this one.

• So peaceful! Love it!

• White-calibrated settings + muting seagull noises = the most intense focus ever. I can't work in silence anymore (it's too deafening, ironically enough!), but this generator is perfect.

• I'm from Brittany and this is definitely very very comforting, just the right amount of everything. The sound effects are definitely bringing me back to the ocean that I know, always a bit windy but not necessarily a complete storm.

• I love the sound of the ocean, yet I find many soundscapes created are too intense: heavy waves crashing or constant bird sounds. After extended listening, it becomes tiring and overwhelming. But this is perfect. Everytime. The default settings or even when animated provide a wonderfully calming ocean that is relaxing and allows for focusing on work. And it is always unique! Thank you once again!

• Now this is interesting - there is more than one of us for whom this is the "Oregon coast." And more than one of us who uses this for sleeping, having replaced multiple coastline/ocean generators. Fascinating how sound can transport you places...

• This makes me want to cry with happiness - I grew up spending all of my summers on the ocean, swimming, sailing, just lying on the rocks. I love the ocean and it has always calmed me and comforted me. This generator brings me back there.

• I close my eyes and I’m back on the Oregon coast. The sky is grey and mist swirls above the waves that lap at the cold sand beneath my feet. The rising sun clears the top of the mountain and for one frozen moment, the mist turns to coral fire and the waves burn with golden light. Thanks, Dr. Pigeon, for taking me home - I cried tears of joy when I first listened to this.

• I was thinking of writing you to suggest this Magic Generator... magically, you read my mind! Thank you so much!

• Absolutely love this generator. I used to listen to the Rain and H2O generators but this is a new favorite for when I'm struggling to sleep. I am 100% satisfied that I became a patron.

• Sound Masking... Check, Calming Sensation... Check,Finishing three major projects stress free before lunchtime... CHECK!

• Oh my, this is absolutely wonderful. So incredibly calming, exactly what I needed.

• And... home.