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Dunes Of Arrakis
Magic Generator Series


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mode Soft HardSolo Duo Trio
speed ÷8 ÷4 ÷2Normalx2 x4 x8
range [Low High]   set→ [Low High]

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G #A #BC #D #EF #
Speed ÷2Speed x2TransformReset

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Visualizer • White • PiNk • Brown • J↓↑KHelp

Discover our Magic Generator Series... for Patrons Only.

You may have been amazed by a couple of myNoise sound generators before, but these ones will quite literally surprise you, always! Our Magic series is a bonus for the people who support this website. Every time the page loads, stems are blindly drawn from our large pool of high quality audio recordings, creating an ambience that is unique to this moment. Enjoy your lucky draw - now - as this particular combination will probably never happen again!

User Stories

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•  This generator is key to blocking out the noise of the office I'm working in. Thank you so much - happy to support such a great library as you have!

•  The sand shuffling noises sound EXACTLY like the sandwalk from Dune! love this generator so much <3

•  If I could describe my life right now in one word it'd be 'lonely'. This turns that solitude from miserable into powerful.

•  OMG this is awesome!

•  Currently reading "White Sand" by Brandon Sanderson and this soundscape is the perfect background ambience for the desert scenery.

•  I'm Persian by descent, but I was born in England and I've never been to my homeland... This makes me feel like I never left.

•  This one is my favorite so far! It's a great balance between low musical thrum, ambient noise and gentle percussion. A lifesaver during long hours of watching training videos for my new desk job; they have no background music, which makes my brain overfocus on the words they're saying without processing the meaning. Having something just engaging enough in the background lets me focus properly.

•  This is my favorite. Never been to a desert, but I've had a long-time fondness for the sounds produced there. One day! In the meantime, please add this to the mobile version :)

•  Wow-spot on this one, I can imagine the Fremen gathered together in the caves under the dunes-great for computer work!

•  I love how these background sounds bring me to another time/space during my daily computer-driven tasks...

•  Thank you for the craft of the audio. I sincerely feel during the time listenting, my general hearing has imporved somehow observably, during meditation with binaural beats. The quality of the sound is impecable! Truly amazing! Thanks for the service. Best, Avid Fan

•  I played this with a polyrhythm in two windows and it's great. I almost wanted a dumbek sound like the thumpers from Dune but not as regular. Makes it a lot easier to concentrate.

•  Reading Dune for the first time, this is a perfect accompaniment :D

•  I'm a RPG storyteller and narrative design teacher. Your work is of the essence ! You make things appear in our minds during our plays. Thank you so much ! I'm hearing this and I imagine... "So... My dear followers, come aboard the Scipionis, main vessel of our Atreides fleet..."

•  Using this for background, while doing bathroom reno, seem to be in a good prioritized state, mixing nicely between work, play, eat, exercise, meditate, family ! Very nice.

•  I loveee this one, it makes me feel like I am walking the Sahara dessert. I initially listened to this for work but the images were too perfect, so I took an adventurous nap instead

•  I have always had trouble focusing for longer periods of time and with my current noisy neighbours it has become nearly impossible. But with a good pair of headphones and the myNoise sounds I now manage to get into focus mode again. I love the Duduk in the Dunes of Arrakis (and of course also the Duduk Song). I have hardly ever heard a more calming sound.

•  Perfect accompaniment for reading Dune; Mind Blown!!!

•  This helps me concentrate and boosts my productivity sooo much, it's more than worth it <3

•  I love pairing this player with Oblivion. The different sliders setting always seem to pair well with it.

•  I work in a small, busy office with a job that requires a lot of inner stillness and concentration. I need to create space in which to write, often to strict deadlines. myNoise is crucial work tech, and Dunes of Arrakis has rapidly become my go-to Inner Work Space Creator. I'm proud and happy to support MyNoise--for a tiny monthly pledge I get so, so much in return.

•  I love this vibe. Such a great sound track to work to. It reminds me of playing Age of Empires background music.

•  Feeling a deep sense of wellbeing with this one in a gigantic space.

•  Absolutely love it. I keep it on most of the time, even when I leave. Coming back to my room with these sounds embracing the space make a really nice ambiance.

•  From calm to effervescent, this MagicGen lets you feel the Spice in the air. Very different, after each reload. You end up in the vastness of Arrakis or in the middle of the Fremen, as part of them.

•  Just can't stop running this on my work PC... incredible.

•  This could have been taken straight out of the Villeneuve movie. Amazing.

•  The new generators coming out are just as high quality as the old ones, if not even better. Keep it up! This is why I donated <3

•  Since you've posted this, I've had it running 24/7 on my workstation. Every time I sit down to work, I put on my headphones and sit in my office chair (with Subpac) and enter another world of deep calm and focus. Thank you for this precious gift. (PS: ...and when I'm not at my workstation, this "Dunes of Arrakis" Magic Generator is burning in my headphones. Bonus!)

•  Perfect! My husband and I are listening to the audiobooks before the movie releases here in the US. I couldn't believe when I saw this was listed as a new magic generator!

•  The perfect sound to bring me back to the magical experience of reading the Dune series... I feel myself transcending!