User Stories
Write your own here. Click the blue bullets ● to load associated settings.
Fantastic! I have been listening to this while doing meditation. Sounds and noise are lovely, making me feel like I am sitting in a forest surrounded by water and birds.
I love this so much. It reminds me of when I was in Osaka, just like it! The cicadas make me feel the heat on those summer days. So, when I miss Japan, I just put this on and I feel at home again. It is just too relaxing. I listen to it every night. Thank you <3!
Lovely way to help mask tinnitus in my quiet office. Very much appreciate all the customizable features. The meditation bell, in particular, helps remind me to move every 10 minutes. Thank you for creating this gift.
I remember four or five years ago, I accidentally stumbled upon this website. Today, I'm still using this as a focus background music. Very relaxing.
I used this as a balanced white noise for my flow state. I decreased popping sounds (birds, chimes, cicadas) to have a continuous experience.
I have been using this preset while I study in my room. I like to imagine my window is open on a calm and cool evening before the sun sets. Thank you for all these amazing sounds.
Amazing! I love this website! Lovely sounds, and this one is my fav! <3
Makes me imagine myself in a peaceful traditional Japanese room, having a nice green tea while watching my garden.
I like music. Good music. Very good music. Listen now for great music, great sound, and great relaxation.
This is the most incredible website I came across in a long time! I really have a sweet spot for nature ambient sounds, and this one goes beyond my expectations. Thank you!
This software is nearly unprecedented in terms of its availability and usefulness.
Love this! Recommend it to every student in the world!
This helps me a lot, especially on school days. I meditate for 10 minutes, and this helps me focus. The quiet, solitary themed environment is awesome. Thanks, myNoise. It also relieves me, especially during stressful times or when preparing for an exam.
Rainy sounds.
It said "inner peace," nope I entered "inner sleep." This is such a good noise; I love it so much. I also use this for class. Thank you for this!
I like the water stream sound a lot! Reminds me of running river water from my hometown.
I'm a senior-level medical device engineer and love having this resource to help keep me calm and avoid feeling stressed. I really love the customizable nature of this interface. It helps me to take my time, which aids in keeping the rigor and thoroughness that my work requires. What a gift this application is!
Also, the audio clarity is superb!
I was skeptical at first of whether this would do anything, but I fell in love with the calm default settings on the myNoise project. I didn't like the wind chime, so I moved it to the background. This noise machine reminded me that this place is beautiful.
Love at first listen. Thank you.
This is my absolute favorite! I have ADHD, and this is just so peaceful and pleasant. I can pretend I'm working in a warm tatami room with the doors open to the outside, and wind rustling bamboo as the small wind chime stirs. The shishi odoshi is a nice timer/focuser.
The gentle wind chimes and flowing water sounds in the garden. Soft musical melodies for a Zen experience. Relaxing atmosphere sounds of a Japanese garden. Peaceful music for deep relaxation. Calm natural sounds for a meditative state.
This site is so helpful and useful. I can use it for both studying and relaxation/fun. It's also completely free! I am so glad I somehow ran into this on the web; it really does help me!
This helps me write during a loud class.
Thank you so much for this! What a gift
I can't focus when I hear others talking but this really helps out, especially when it comes to noisy classes.
Best ADHD relief ever! Calms me down and helps me stay focused.
This paired with Distant Thunder! Love!
Using this as a catalyst to start my homework.
Improve your morning wake-up.
Love this and other nature-inspired recordings! I have ADHD, insomnia, and anxiety, and this site has helped me through three years of university. I'm starting my master's now! Honestly, I don't know if I would've made it without this beautiful masterpiece this website is.
This has been my soundtrack every day at work in a busy office. It calms and centers me, removes all distractions, and helps me get through the day. I find I'm more productive and in a better mood in my own private garden.
Music can help you focus a lot, but only if it's endless. This music is the best for deep, continuous focus. Thanks so much for making this website.
I love this site so much. This sound, the Japanese Garden, is my complete favorite of them all. My wife and I went to Japan earlier this year for Cherry Blossom season, and walking through the Japanese gardens, seeing the cherry blossoms and listening to all the ambient sounds, this just brings me back! I love all the hard work and dedication needed to run this site, I greatly appreciate it!
Completely and utterly calming. Reminds me of being at my grandma's house, in the garden talking to her. Aren't Japanese but the sound of the birds and the running water... Takes me back.
The shishi-odoshi is like a drum that centers my thoughts. I imagine myself outdoors by a pond with a stream that flows through it, birds afar and the wind flowing through the foliage. Manmade is a fountain and the shishi-odoshi that brings me to the present.
This is the best website ever! Living as an outstandingly lonely kid, this is really what I need to get away from my annoying sister and crazy dad to focus on what I need.
This entire site is an incredible concept, one I hope professionals from all walks of life adopt into their productivity caches. Nothing beats the real thing... But this comes damn close.
Just stumbled upon this wonderful site, thank you for building it.
What is creation—but the ordering of unruly parts...
Love the calm noises of the birds and water! It really helps me drown out all distractions while studying.
It helps me to forget my one-ear tinnitus while working, perfectly creating a peaceful atmosphere only through sounds. Amazing work.
Always using this one when I'm reading. Helps me keep focus and calm even if the book isn't very good.
I work in an open-plan office space and this setting, which is heavy on the water noises and cicadas, blocks out most conversations of people around me.
Peaceful for long-term listening I think. Like a breath through the mind.
Shishi-Odoshi and Windchimes beat time, instead everything else can be distinguish but on the background. To low the noise of the environment
It´s not about fitting in; it´s about flourishing!
This setting is perfect for creating quiet to cut into my mind's noise, enabling me to focus on my studies. It transports me to a quiet calm, and stillness with just enough life, instead of it being eerie or dull.
~From a grateful student, thank you so much.
Finally I can concentrate on my studies.
I love using this website. I'm need to study. I have this website playing on super low and choose Japanese Garden. The gentle tingling sounds and occasional birds chirping really helps me get into the right frame of mind and concentration.
I like a more minimal sound, with distinct beatings of the Shishi-Odoshi, very calming.
My girlfriend came up with this configuration. I love you Nadia :)
Thank you so much for the access of this great site - Japanese garden sounds have eased me in to my first few weeks of tinnitus. This particular sound has worked perfectly for me and it helps relax me...
I was in Japan for my honeymoon during the cherry blossom season this year and miss it dearly. This brings back the memories of walking through the forest and seeing all the beautiful scenery and shrines. Thank you for having this!
I love how you can perfectly exclude sounds you don't want to hear. For me I feel that I'm in a whole new world.
I am a high school student and like to have this playing on my headphones. Very relaxing and reduces stress...Amazing website!!
I work in a university student services and like to have this playing from my PC speakers, often fairly stressed students coming in to see me remark on how calming and peaceful this soundscape is, thank you!
It is the best!
I have a very hard time focusing and this really helps! Thank you!
I am in peace with the universe.
Awesome with noise cancelling headphones! :)
I'm speechless now... Just need to say thank you.
Wow. This sound brings me back to so many places, wherever I am now dissappears. Overthinking? Try my adjustment :)
Slight background noises in the form of wind and water together with the Shishi Odashi and a windchime - perfect for relaxed working or stress relief. Thanks Stéphane!
I listen to this every day while I study my kanji flashcards. It really helps me with focusing on learning the language.
This is really useful when I wanted to relax and focus on my studies.
Improves mood and emotional state so good. Loved it, It also motivated me to learn speak Japanese. Options are amazing.
I love this. It helps me go to sleep every night!
This is perfect for sleeping. I have had good dreams last 3 nights with this.
I love the quietude setting so much. I adjust the waterfall slider if I need more or less white noise. I'm a mental health therapist and I have this soundscape playing in my office nearly all the time. It's so peaceful and can help with the somewhat thin walls. When I need a moment to myself, I know I can close the door, take a deep breath, and be in the most beautiful garden of peace. This helps.
Oh my goodness! I love this so so much. The water, the rustling of leaves, the birds, it’s all so peaceful, and lets me absorb myself in the noises of nature while at my desk. Keep up the fantastic work <3
Thank you, Thank you! This site has been an amazing resource for focus, calming anxiety, and bringing beauty back into winter. I am grateful!!
I love that the default for all generators isn't a curve but instead a flat line, inviting the user to shape the soundscape into something more personal. I designed this to bring the waterfall closer, put us close besides the stream, and have a gusty Japanese autumn wind blowing through the garden to make the environment more immediate, a trick Kurosawa often used... These generators are magical.
Quietude is by far my favourite one out of this generators offerings. Thank you again!
All six years of my medical school and all my studies took place in this garden. This is the garden that heals… The healer.
My ultimate favorite... My two elder cats love listening to the calm and the birds...
I appreciate this soundscape every day. Thank you for creating this! I am currently writing my masters thesis on meditational landscapes and this tool always help me getting in a good headspace for working.
This remains my favorite. I created this setting using calibrated headphones, reducing ambient noise stems and emphasizing transient ones slightly. This creates a sense of space, close to the water features and chimes, and farther from all else.
This mix just hits. It's perfect for working, studying, or whatever task you need to focus in. I just love it.
This preset is very soothing. I listen to it while working, but also to relax or before going to sleep. It has helped me so often to this day! Thank you for your hard work on these beautiful soundscapes!
This Japanese Garden is so relaxing, and I always turn to it while doing homework or studying.
I come back to this every single time. It's so calming and perfect for setting my mind for work.
This have become my go to solution for not distracting myself from studies. So CALM and RELAXING.
Fantastic for studying. Makes me feel like I'm out on a trail somewhere instead of learning about phonetics.
My favorite so far. It helps me a lot on stressful homework.
This site is my escape from the real world and this sound is my favorite. As a person having disorder of focusing, these sounds help me focus more than 15 minutes which is interesting for me.
Love this awesome soundscape!! Thank you so much!! You are amazing!
Realistic, serene, bliss. I'm glad I didn't have to fly to Japan and sit in a garden to get relaxed and focused.
The first thing you need to achieve anything is a calm mind.
Best mood especially if you have speakers in the background of the room/office. A nice way to start your day.
I love this it helps me study in class and not here everyone crazy on the bus. Thank you to the person who created this. You deserve to be in heaven for creating this.
This mix really helps me visualize a pretty garden which I can see from my porch, which is my major source of inspiration B)
Perfect for the Home Office task along the day to keep focus on your tasks. When you got "tired" of one sound, you can edit to another. Simply genial!
I love this mix. It helps me relax and calms my mind.
This is really helpful in the office, nice "plush" background.
I didn't want to go on Youtube because I knew that it would distract me from my work, so I came here. The fact that you can manually change each component of the background sounds, that's awesome as heck.
Absolutely perfect, it helps me when doing school to focus and stay relaxed
I frequently use Japanese Garden to help me on my longer tasks at work. A delightful addition to the home office.
"The kiss of the sun for pardon, the song of the birds for mirth, one is nearer God's heart in the garden, than anywhere else on earth." - Dorothy Frances Gurney
I love Japanese Garden. It reminds me of the summer afternoons after school. Me and my brother pack a picnic in our backpack, grab the harnesses for the orphan lambs, baby goats, calves, and sometimes piglets, saddle up the horses, fetch the dogs, and ride down to the creek to swim and play until the sun starts to set. This helps me feel at home and reminds me of the good times I've had.
It helps me chill at my workplace :D
My favourite sound as far. Thank you :)
From Silver: Thank you for making this website! I love the naturey sounds, they make doing things on the computer so much more relaxing. I especially like the bamboo leaves in the Japanese Garden one.
Everyone need this website. Studying never been this much of an experience. And this is the best font I've ever seen so smooth and relaxing yet suspenseful , it has a character of it's own.
This is just so refreshing and helps me focus a lot.
I use this for deep concentration in my office with noise canceling head phones. It's not distracting, and makes me feel very comfortable.
This makes me think about what it would be like to finally visit Japan. This unique calm is so beautiful to me, I hope many other people will enjoy this lovely medley of sounds.
This is heaven on earth.
I feel like I'm birding by ear!
Bird song, Shishi Odoshi, waterfall, and windchimes! Sheer bliss! Just the right amount of background noise to tune out surrounding distractions. I personally love bird song and hence have included it in my settings. I found this generator quite a help to do focused reading and writing. Thanks Stephane for bringing us these lovely sounds!
Love the mix between the chimes and natural noises, perfect match! Helps me stay alive in early mornings and keeps me concentrated after them. Thanks Dr. Pigeon for making this gem in these outskirts of the onine world.
I am grateful for this website and this sound mix in particular. If you are reading this, have a wonderful day.
I find the birds a bit distracting, so I made this setup that feels just right for me. Absolutely lovely <3
This is my constant soothing background to my PhD research. I could not manage without it!
This is a beautiful noise that helps me focus and do my schoolwork.
I listen to this for hours! Such good background noise.
Thanks for this one, helped keep me calm and focused while doing business related work that would otherwise be stressful and tiring.
Easily one of the best ways to get myself into the right frame of mind to focus. Not too loud, not too quiet either. Juuuuust perfect.
Cicadas on max + 75% level windchime = Japan in the summer with that huge tree next to your danchi and ur just trying to not die of heatstroke. Lol I love Japan :)
It’s incredible for sleep. I’m trying to work but is difficult lol.
I love the layering of this generator. The cicadas are such a lovely sound that remind me of warm, carefree summer days and also cover up that slight, persistent buzz in my ears so well. The sound of the shishi-odishi (did I spell that right) is surprisingly calming; I really enjoy the sound of bamboo! The whole soundscape is so evocative and calming.
This sound helps me to read and keep focused on the pages. Thank you!
This site helps me sleep and do my work a lot. I've used it on multiple occasions. P.S: I'm too young to have a credit card or bank account to give money to you. Thing is, my birthday is soon, so if I get (a) gift card/s, I'll spend some on paying it back :)
You're a legend, Mr. Pigeon.
Hello All, I wanted to thank Dr. Pigeon for creating this site and dedicating so much effort to provide so much customization and options. Truly an invaluable treasure. I have used the site for at least 10 years and not far into it's use I contributed because it was life saving. Without it, I couldn't have been efficient in my "stock market trading floor" style work environment.
My favorite one out here. Helps me so much to focus! Such a wonderful and pleasant sound.
It is as if you are in a real garden! Relaxing... Helpful.
This sound is honestly the only thing getting me through finals week right now :,)
I have been using this site around 10 years ago for meditation purposes. I have re-discovered it this years and it fills me with joy that my favorite "noises" are still available! I don't understand why but the Japanase Garden sounds make me incredible calm and the Tibetan throat singing just lets my brain relax in a way nothing else really can.
This sound really helps block out background noise; at the same time, it gives me something pleasant yet undistracting to listen to. Thank you so much!
I already wrote you an e-mail and I'm thanking you again today on here. I hope you have an excellent recovery and I'm wishing you happiness and health for the coming years. Blessings from the Netherlands, - Jeroen
Timing is everythig. It pleases me to have been guided to your fantastic site. I'm quite thrilled to have arrived at your door stoop! Many blessings to you and your health, Stephane. I adore your smile and zeal for life. Beautiful.
Creator bless ~ Love & Light friend. Linni
I was using Brain.Fm, but the monthly subscription paywall drove me away. I found this website, and immediately fell in love with it, because it felt like it was capable of so much more than what Brain.Fm was, and it felt a lot more welcoming. I would donate if I could, but I'm a broke college student!
Love the sound of a garden. Really calms me down . Thank you.
This is just amazing, I can't describe how much this helps me finish my work and calms me down. Thank you.
Thank you for this. It's is really relaxing and peaceful.
Thank you so much for creating this soundboard, I have been using it for over 5 years and I love recommending it to my friends and family. It's the absolute best when studying or finish work tasks, and having the pre-set timers are such a bonus. I can't thank you enough for creating this website!!!
I just love this. I can't begin to describe. I instantly relax with this, it's a genuine treasure and so is this whole site!!!
I've had this link bookmarked for my focus for three years and counting.
Beautiful, just beautiful. Makes me feel like I am in a different place, far from school.
I love the sound of the bells mixed with the water stream, it helps me when I'm doing school work a lot.
Very good, I listened for days and even, with the other generators, this sound helped push me to make support; Wait, I used to use another sound app? Never again!
Japanese Garden makes me forget about my tinitus while also melting away my anxiety. It helps me sleep, helps me focus at work, helps me relax and overall just makes me feel warm and comfortable. I think I've had this player running almost consecutively for the last 4 years. It plays behind my music, behind my editing, video games, everything. Thank you Stéphane!!
This noise is perfect if you are searching for some peace, make it louder or softer, change it around to your liking!
This website was suggested by my university when I was looking for resources to help focus during stressful study times. I am so greatful to have found this, I feel instantly relaxed listening quietly to these sounds in the background. Thank you so much for providing such a website. Very grateful! x
This makes me feel so fresh, and calm! Exactly what I needed during finals week!
Helps me sleep and relax at night.
This helps me to focus on maths its really relaxing.
This has totally helped me sleep almost every night! Thanks Pigeon!
Helps with sleep.
Very evocative and calming. You can hear small noises every now and then.
Brings me back to my childhood in Japan, me and my brother used to spend the summer catching bugs,
they were simple yet beautiful times
I use this sound to work and study to. I'm disabled in such a way that it's often difficult for me to focus, but this generator helps me. It's ambient, but with just enough variation that it engages me. Reminds me of sitting by a koi pond on a hot summer day.
I actually started using this as a soundtrack when I'm at work by myself- doesn't distract me from anything- and if I have to answer the phone I don't have to mute it. It's a relaxing garden, which helps me focus on my work without getting overwhelmed.
I use this generator when I'm trying to focus on my Japanese Language Class homework! It sets the right tone, help prevent me from getting distracted, and doesn't distract me itself with words. (I have purchased MyNoise on Mobile but desktop is easier for me when I'm studying)
i love this app, but this is hands down my fav soundboard. I use it a lot for ambient noise in my home, but especially for sleep. Even the birds sound so calm, and with the occaional "PLUNK" of the deer scare, I feel I am in the safest place in the world. Thank you for this work!
I can't sleep without it.
It helps me relieve stress and move on. Thank you.
I'm actually here. The stream behind me, the birds and cicadas hidden amoungst the trees. Peace.
It helps me calm my mind.
This noise is very soothing and calming to use while studying or doing homework.
It helps my cat Nolan fall asleep. He likes the waterfall specifically.
This always grounds me when I'm feeling overwhelmed. Love the idea of working in nature... But at my desk with a cup of coffee!
I usually need to focus deeply, and the sounds of this garden helps me feel like I am working in Japan. One of the countries I wish to go to next. So, it is both inspiring to help me go through my day and also transports me to the garden to make me feel like I am working amidst these beautiful sounds. Fully recommended! I love this site!
My first visit to myNoise was to this garden and I'm glad of it. What a treasure this site is. Thank you.
I have been listening to this to fall asleep for a long time and it always helps relax me and reduce the buzz in my own brain. Very grateful for this site!
Great for school when classmates are being distracting :)
I'm a student with adhd (among other issues), in a school full of people with similar issues and although some people are just normal, it's really chaotic and loud.
I'm easily stressed, and so I can turn this on and block them out.
It's comforting, and also can help me focus, and also, it's great for just relaxing in general
tysm! <3
So tranquil and relaxing! This really helps me with anxiety and stress. It also helps me to focus when I'm writing a book, and really enhances certain things when I'm reading one.
I have much reduced hearing in my left ear and it's not great in my right ear. I also have Tinnitus. Middle C in my left and a more conventional high pitched note in both. Using the balanced setting is fantastic - such a relief. Thank you. It is beautiful to "hear" again.
It was very Beautiful Noise from Amazing Creatures that relief my stress and I feel my connectivity to One Creature Lord my God. Thank you.
This has gotten me through some rough times. Reminds me of peace even when the weather outside is so turbulent or gloomy. Thank you for this site.
Such a calming and wonderful sound. Helps me focus in our open office at work.
I can not thank you guys enough for this amazing site. This is definitely one of my favourites.
This is awesome! I like to combine this with (unexpectably) train noise. It makes some picture of Tokyo suburbs with some railroad nearby.
It's more than 5y I falled in love with algorithmic ambient sounds of your concept Mr Pigeon. I found this place when testing my own py app for generative music which was like pots percussion comparing to myNoise. Since then I am returning here with pleasure. - psjulek -
I've been using this setting in Pomodoro Time for years to focus on my work, emails, or anything else that I need to focus on finishing. I instantly feel relaxed and not as stressed when I'm doing my tasks. 10/10!!! Thank you so much!
Working on school work, this really helped me focus.
After a long day at school, I head to my homemade Garden. It's not as accurate as a professional garden, but I put this on and I relax.
Long grind in the office today. Heres a setting that will inspire.
I use this to make nice background sounds in the house. I sometimes use it to add extra environmental sounds in my golf simulator. Wind in the trees or distant shore depending on the course being played. Great resource.
The best and most influential site on the internet to date.
I listened to this while my dad was in the hospital and it helped a lot.
This one was so helpful when I was trying to get a feel of how to describe a garden scene in latest novel, from being able to customize how loud the birds are to waterfall <3
I like to pretend to write poetry as I sit just shy from where my garden is. Each time I need a break from the books, I stare out and watch the leaves dance to the wind.
"Lonely Bird" setting + default Dark Noise is my personal sound paradise which I call "Serene Japan". When I listen to it, I vividly imagine myself sitting in a summerhouse, and I almost can feel fresh breeze and see rustling bamboo leaves...
Super cute! I love listening to this late at night while I'm chatting with friends, or background noise for reading/drawing :)
This definitely helps me focus while working from home.
Very relaxing. Especially good for studying.
Rural kid, always had some sort of outdoor sounds coming in while working, now in training for a job, this is not the case anymore; this just reminds me of my childhood (and some animes I'm rather fond of).
Being autistic and living with ADHD, focusing, and un-fucosing can be hard. So many thoughts in your brain makes it impossible to think correctly. But this seriously helps in hiding the "background" noise in my head. It replaces it by putting you in a comfortable place filled with soft sounds. Just sit back, relax... Focus on the sounds. <3 Find your noise.
myNoise is great and I use it along with A Soft Murmur to work, but myNoise has much more options, and there's also Pomodoro mode which is awesome!
I use this so much to help go to sleep... Thanks Dr. Pigeon!
I paired these sounds with a 10h 4K looping koi pond video and couldn't possibly be happier with my decision. The perfect study mood.
My favorite soundscape on here! Helps me relax and stay focused on work. Helps me breathe more easy as well. I love this website so much.
Listening to the calming sounds from this page is one of the best tools I have ever encountered on the internet. It reminds me of my family in Asia. Found this page in high school, and five odd years later, I can come back and simply turn it back on!
I've recently started using this site to help me focus and calm down now when our company decided to go back to a hybrid work model. Working around people again gets very distracting. This has helped me focus a lot.
I have ADHD and being outside always helped my with homework and studying. I came across these sounds while writing my thesis and being stuck indoors. Over time I conditioned myself to associate the Japanese Garden sounds with studying or working. Now, with working 40h it is an incredible help whenever my brain is not really in the mood. I simply turn it on and get back into "working mode".
When I need something to play in the background, to calm me down if I'm feeling a bit burnt out or overwhelmed, this is my go to. It's quiet so it's not to distracting, but still audible enough to calm me down.
Feels like laying outside and staring at the stars.
This noise is my official go-to. It instantly calms me down and gets me ready to focus on work, school, or a task that needs to get done. So grateful for the Japanese Garden and for all the productivity it's brought me.
Play Japanese Garden together with Duduk Song and .. Jolly sweet dreams :-)
Amazing! Very relaxing and calming. Thank you so much for this site, it's a life saver!
Perfect for both studying and relaxing!
My default soundscape. Perfect for work and study, it makes me so concentrated.
This is an absolute gem for a person who lives in a student dorm with a very noisy neighbour. I can find peace listening to this while learning Japanese.
This is very serene and realistic... I usually turn down birds' noises while studying but these are not distracting at all, rather they're calming!
I use this every night to fall asleep to. The combination of white background noise helps lull me to sleep, while the sound of the birds and the wind chimes is delightfully comforting.
So calm, the combination of gentle water sounds, birds, and a windchime sometimes in the background... perfect for masking outside noises and helping me concentrate on studying!
This combo is my favorite. I can vividly imagine being in my secret summertime garden. There's no waterfall and it's not too windy, but it's warm. It's my favorite place to go to study. I miss summer days.
I've used this soundscape and as a great thing to share with friends, especially those going through rough times. The zen is almost instant once it is turned on. My friends love it.
Thank you for this incredible soundscape! It's truly unique, I've never heard anything like it! I have ADHD and anxiety but once this starts playing on my "Musicozy" sleep headphones, my focus goes immediately to the individual sounds and it takes my mind off of everything... leading to a totally relaxed body.
Japanese Garden was updated. And what is the change? Waterfall noise used to be too loud and tonal and it became quieter, wider and more balanced with the others. Have I noticed the change correctly? P.S. If it seems sleepy, add the 32 Hz isochronic tone which imitates a cicada.
This is a beautiful sound, peaceful and zen. I can just imagine the scene from just these sounds. <3
So calming! First put it on to work to and very quickly realised I'd fall asleep before getting anything productive done, but that it would be great for winding down after work. Love it.
Thank you - most relaxing - perfect to focus on!
This one is the best!
It's so calming and soothes my ADHD!
This is one of my favorite sound to combine with my favorites audiobooks. It really adds to the experiences.
This is the best for any occasion. I'm probably going to have a speaker playing this in the background for next year's Easter egg hunt.
İt İs perfect ! Super relaxing.
Superb relaxing and soothing! My fav so far for relaxation and stress relief.
I've been feeling really overwhelmed and incapable recently and this has had a massive impact on my ability to do work. Just listening to this in the background is making me feel a lot calmer, more at ease, and I've been able to get more done. I can't thank you enough.
So relaxing Zen environment which gives me a peaceful feeling and makes me focused.
Super relaxing!
As soon as it started playing I felt myself become more relaxed. Seriously great soundscape. Just found this website, thanks for making this available to us.
This is perfect for those online meetings who working from home. Having another background noise makes the meetings less heavy, specially if they last a long time.
This is so calming, thank you so much for making this. I have struggled with anxiety my entire life and this really helps me calm down.
I love the Japanese Garden. I leave it on all day while I'm working. It helps me relax and is a great distraction from the tinnitus that I have had for the last 20 years. I am thankful for myNoise.
This "Japanese Garden" sound is my favorite. I often listen to it after a difficult therapy session. It's so calming and reminds me of home (I grew up in Tokyo).
You changed my life, in that sense it’s literally what I would create if I learned how. Quite perfect. ^^ all I ever wanted when it comes to sound. Hail Autism lmao
I love this so much. It's perfect for studying, meditating, relaxing, or just working. (P.S. best website ever for calming sounds)
A very peaceful background that helps me concentrate on my work. It has a perfect combination of white noise and variation to keep it from being monotonous.
You sit inside a traditional Japanese house - the summer day is warm and windy, the view on terrace is open. The vegetation is lush - bamboo leaves brushing onto each other with playful ease, cicadas ringing in the distance. An old shishi-odoshi giving in its gentle trickle with lazy knocks. You take that old book you wanted to read weeks ago and indulge in it with this intricate quietude around.
This is perfect. Usually enjoy more experimental generators but this incorporates many of my favourite sounds with this preset.
I can picture myself sitting on the grass, there's this small Japanese coffee table in front of me, my dog is running over the fence, birds are humming, there are some clouds above me, but the sun is also shining. The weather is just perfect.
This and a little less than that but most importantly, my cat Sugar approves.
I love this. It's perfect for studying, meditating or just relaxing.
(P.S. best website ever)
I'm a huge fan of your work. The Japanese Garden is my favorite with the Shishi-Odoshi :) I use it every single day while at work. It really helps me focus.
Perfect for that very needed zen.
I love that there are descriptive captions for the elements used in the environment generators, in The Japanese Garden for example, you're invited to visualise the scene: meditation without blah.
Rediscovered this page since university years ago - and very happy I did!! Since working from home this has been a welcome escape. What a marvellous project that is deserving of support. Thank you, Stéphane.
Thank you, I suffer from tinnitus, and this has been helping me to be able to read again!
On a pleasant afternoon, you relish the slight bitterness of matcha paired with spring's sweets --- beautiful hagashi arranged on a lacquered plate. You listen to the wind chimes, hear the birds in the forest nearby, and watch the shishi-odoshi tipping in the garden. It's as if you don't have a care in the world. <3
I have been using myNoise app as a lovely whitenoise generator for my bedroom for years. This Japanese Garden is one of my favorites. I usually only use the waterfall, wind, bamboo leaves, shishi-odishi sounds. Together it's a like a tranquilizer and I turn it loud enough to drown out all other sound…
As many others there I have to study and do my homework. But I just can't do something without anything playing in the background. So, I listened to music while studying, but it often distracted me and when I found these site it became my rescue as noises, particularly noises of Japanese garden, help me to focus on and do my best without distracting.
This is perfect for my prayer time! It helps me focus and keeps my mind from drifting off! Thanks so much, myNoise.
This helps with with sensory issues while at work, noise cancelling headphones and this relaxing outdoors sound is very calming. 100% been talking this up to others when I heard about this site on a ASD chat. Thank You from the bottom of my heart for this.
I use this almost every day as I work from home and otherwise in a very quiet environment. The Japanese Garden really enhances my working experience. I donated almost immediately as I consider it a fantastic resource that needs to be supported.
I have to study for finals at home, as many other uni students have to in the pandemic, and the noise at home can start to feel like it is sabotaging my study sessions. I'm also a HSP (highly sensitive person) and easily overwhelmed by everyday noises sometimes, like my sister talking nonstop on the phone all night. This site, and particularly this Japanese Garden noise, is truly such a relief.
Why is this not more popular? I found this yesterday and OMG you guys are amazing. This garden is really nice especially with the water stream volume up! It's epic! I have it whiles doing Math and it's just so niceeee - I can let this list flow endlessly!
This is so soothing to me, I suffer with anxiety and bipolar disorder, when things get too overwhelming for me this helps bring me peace when I need it most.
I love this website. It calms me down and helps me to focus on my work. I'm working in a noisy environment that often distracts me, especially the conversations. So I'm wearing a noise-cancelling bt headset with all kinds of your noises on. Thank you.
Japanese garden is really relaxing! I love it !
I use this Garden every time I'm in my tutoring class! This helps me focus a TON thank you!
I've been trying to learn to lucid dream, but have been struggling to imagine myself in the location I've planned to 'visit' - this generator's been able to help me get closer to feeling like I'm actually there and helped to focus my mind in the process. Thank you!
Love it! I was mad earlier and I remembered this site, so I played a bit of this and closed my eyes. I feel so much better. Thank you so much!
This is the best place to find custom music for any video production [Editor's note: THIS IS NOT ALLOWED - please read the terms of use].
This is so nice! It helps me focus, for some reason, but sometimes I just listen to it without doing anything. My favorite part of it is the trickling stream.
Very calming. I like to meditate with this.
The moment I heard the sounds from this lush soundscape my mind felt at peace and I was ready to work. Thank you so much for this!
Great for escapism and for getting work done! Thank you!
I've always worked around the site trying to layer up different noises to make an ideal environment to paint in - but with this generator, I've got everything I need. Thank you, Dr. Pigeon!
I always imagined that this is what my Zen garden would sound like. Alive with birdsong, and mystical with the sound of water running, and the wind chimes creating their own melody.
This is the best noise ever . The wind chimes are my favorite.
This is exactly the tranquility I needed tonight. I've always adored the sounds available on this site; they truly transport people elsewhere during crucial times. I've lowered the waterfall noise — nothing grandiose today. I just need a garden, and now I have my own, all to myself, and it hushes my frantic thoughts. Thank you, Stéphane. Beautiful work.
A wonderfully relaxing set of sounds to help relax and focus on tasks. Reminds me of home (not Japan, but the east of England!), feels like I'm writing in the garden on a summer afternoon rather than cooped up at my desk.
I love this. It puts my mind at peace, without being too much at once. The cicadas really give me the feeling of summer again, in this ending of winter.
This is a wonderful noise! Makes me want to visit Japan again. <3
This is just so... I cant describe it. It's so amazing and calm. I just love it!
This helps with my attention and I showed this to my father too, he said it was very relaxing. You're great, thank you for this site.
This is one of my favorites with Primeval Forest. I'm very sensitive to noise and have trouble focusing, after years of earplugs and trying to shut every noise down, myNoise is a life-saver. I'm still a student but I swear, as soon as I have a steady job you'll be the first one to get a donation. Thank you so much for your work!
Very good with Thunder.
This is an amazing background noise. I was looking for an app to replace my Ambience app launched back for MacOS X but since the developers lost the code it was abandoned. I am so great full myNoise exist. I can finally say - after many many years looking for a replacement of Ambience - I found replacement and way more sophisticated. Thank you!
This noise is like my dream place. A waterfall, birds, and a water stream. I don't know how you do it. I'm a student with ADHD, and this helps tremendously with concentrating.
Wow. This is by far my favourite audioscape on this website. The chimes, leaves, and birds keep me calm and drown out background noise. The star of the show is definitely the Shishi-Odoshi. Whenever my mind starts to wander, it always brings me back to the task at hand! Great stuff.
So crazy how with a few slider changes you can feel like you're in completely different parts of Japan.
It's really beautiful. it relaxes me and increases my motivation while studying.
For years I've struggled with sleeping problems but these noises seem to finally be the answer I needed. I discovered this site a few weeks ago and I've been sleeping much better with it playing in the background. The sense of calm it puts over me is like no other. Thank you!
This is just so so calming! I can get very stressed while studying because of fear of failing & not being successful, and this stress prevents me from concentrating. This sound, however, makes a great difference! Thank you so much for making it free, I appreciate~ <3
I listen to this album on Apple Music to go to sleep every night. Love it! Thank you!!! :D
It makes me forget all the troubles in minutes <3 Thanks.
Oh my gosh, I love this setting. The bird and stream and windchimes work together to calm me down, but the Shishi-Odoshi keeps me alert. Now I can do work. Thank you!
I really like Japanese Garden because of how calm it is.
This is my favorite sound on this website! And my two birds love to hear it to!
I love all the sounds in Japanese Garden except the cicadas because they give me anxiety.
This is very relaxing and calming.
I've been using this website for years and I love it so much. It's so great for relaxing and focusing on work. One of the best hidden gems out there!
I love this, it helps me sleep and calms me down in general. Thank you so much :] !!
I have severe swallowing phobia which prevents me from eating with others. When listening to this on my own, I find the peace to finally eat.
Been using Japanese Garden and Rain noises for a while during work to help keep me level. It works as both a good way to block outside noise and to calm down.
I'm so glad I found this website. People are returning to the office and I need something that helps me concentrate. I found this helps.
My computer stopped working right before a Zoom meeting and left me very stressed. This really helped.
The pandemic left me extremely mentally ill, even remaining productive inside home. I usually leave this preset for online class and working; helps me focus on good things instead of the bad ones, in the hopes that I can be more thankful of the little things that we hardly pay attention on normal times.
I used to use this one as background noise for studying, but now I mostly use it to help me wake up! I mute it and use the timer setting so it starts right before my alarm goes off - Really helps to prevent me from falling back asleep. ^_^
As a patron (seriously become one, it is a simple thanks) I hit Surprise on the presets and this is what nearly came up. Had to tweak a few sliders but this is EXACTLY what I needed to get through my documentaiton task. The sounds of a garden with wind and a grouding tonk of the bamboo will get you through.
Super nice to have some background nature sounds while working everyday from home during COVID - DG
Thanks for allowing me to edit the volumes. I left the nicest ones, and shishi-odoshi is amazing!
This helps me relax and not be as distracted since my mum or dad is always on a Zoom or Webex so it differently helps me. Thank you so much myNoise for helping me.
I love to use this generator with an emphasis on bird and water sounds for background noise for working, it's calming but the rushing water and squawking birds prevent me from getting sleepy. I've also found that the default settings on low are great for staying calm during aggravating online work meetings, which I've used it for a couple of times now!
It is a very nice web app! I really enjoy it when I'm trying to relax and turn my mind off at the night. Thanks!
Thanks for helping me get over my burnout.
I am using this track when working, and the neighbours' kids are being very loud in the backyard. Love it.
When i'm having trouble focusing, this is my go-to noise. It helps me have that calm mindset and helps me be productive more!
So calming! Press the blue heart to calm down wherever or whenever you want!
Sometimes even music doesn't set the right tone for me but this, *this* is perfect. It's so calming and takes me right away into a lovely mindset.
Ultra relaxing... It makes me feel calm and peaceful.
Having severe ADHD makes it hard to focus when there's no background noise. This helps cut through the lack of noise beautifully! And it's so relaxing!
I like the stream noise but what I love most is the birds singing with the stream. It's just so relaxing.
C'est parfait ! It's what I need for the end of my working day, when focusing becomes more difficult. I could keep listening to birds and bamboo leaves for hours! Thanks!
I love Japanese Garden. It just helps me through hard times and panic attacks.
I love it. When I cannot study with music, these noises totally help me concentrate!
Time has passed and I've changed, but throughout my college years I've always returned to this custom Japanese Garden setup (I prefer low cicadas and high shishi-odoshi). Thank you to Daniel Mills and myNoise for this elegant page that has guided me through many days of both work and relaxation.
This noise gotta be my favorite! It is so calming :)
I literally always use this sound while I sleep, study or basically anything at all! The soothing sounds of the birds and wind chimes soothes and relaxes me sooo much while I do my essays, but not too much because the shishi-odishi helps me stay alert and prevents me from sleeping... I have told all my friends about your amazing website and they too have loved it.
I have been so very fortunate to spend time in Kyoto and visit temples and gardens. It is a magical land; I wish I could stay forever. I have hundreds of photos to remember it by, but these sounds transport me much more than images ever could. Thank you for this blessing <3
I leave this noise on in my living room for my cat overnight to help them relax and feel immersed in nature, it also works to relax myself!
I lived in Japan till I was 15 years old and moved to America! This sound reminds me of when I used to meditate with my grandma in the garden... and BTW the shishi-odishi was my favorite toy to play with when I was younger!
This was extremely soothing and helped me focus.
This was very relaxing and helped me focus.
Just what I needed to focus while being sleepy.
This sound was so relaxing for me the second it started playing. When slider animation is turned on it feels like I’m in a real Japanese garden! There is just the right sounds to bring peace. The water sounds quiet on it’s own so the shishi odoshi breaks up the silence in a good way and I have always loved the sound of bird chirping so that added some extra calmness.
Being on the Autism spectrum with Aspergers, the randomness of the chimes and shishi-odoshi are actually annoying in the middle of the night. I like the water sounds for sleeping because that is more like white noise.
This noise is so wonderful. I'm able to concentrate on what ever I'm doing and get it done well. This noise will be a permanent favorite.
The trickling water and shish-odoshi sounds are so calming and effectively noise blocking, in combination with the Japanese Heritage and Healing Water sounds.
I read a book start to finish today, and I had this on throughout. I love everything about this site, I use it every day and I'm so grateful for it. Thank you x
Amazing experience, I do feel like chilling in a real Japanese garden!
This my custom setting really feels like my village in Indonesia.
I listen to myNoise so much since I started working from home. At least my ears can get out of the city, and expericence al kinds of thing. This is the one I return to most often.
I cannot get enough of this. This is so incredibly calming and makes me so productive. It clears my head so much. Thank you!
Sitting next to the shishi odoshi. Reading and contemplating my research color vision. So relaxing and warm.
This is friggin awesome. My preset is eliminating everything that resembles white noise.
It’s the best noise here! I love the Shishi-Odoshi sound!
I found it quite nice for focusing on my (literal) headache-inducing history work. And my kitten seems to like it as well considering as I'm working she's falling asleep on my arm, after coming from all the way across the room to investigate the sound!
Turn down all the continuous noise (wind, cicadas, etc.) and this become wonderfully ambient and relaxing.
For a relaxing day in the work-from-home office garden.
Try this with 88 keys... thank me later ; )
This setting is like you are hidden away inside a forest clearing - near the action, but not in it.
I find this sound relaxing, but it doesn't put me to sleep while I work. I make the birds and chimes a bit distant so I can still hear them but they aren't distracting.
Every noise I have listen to on this site I have loved. This one is my favorite because I love birds and water. This makes me block distracting noise out from doing my work and I find it SO calming! Thanks so much!
This is my first day on this website and I guess today is the beginning of a very long journey with these amazing sounds. Utterly relaxing, makes me zone out and focus my things easily. Thank you.
This one helps me sleep.
Chill Anime vibe.
He just sold me with the Japanese Garden sound. I've used the Brown Rain since this was a beta back in college. Finally got around to donating a bit after all the time Dr. Pigeon has saved me.
I don't know what it is about the Bamboo Garden setting, but as soon as I heard it I got chills and déjà vu/nostalgia. It has quickly become one of my favorites.
This is so calming and peaceful. I imagine myself in a hammock, swaying back and forth, looking at the clouds and leaves swaying. There's a slight breeze, on a warm summer day. This is perfect! I LOVE this site! Thanks so much!
Simple concentration meditation excercise- try to count each shishi-odoshi beat up to 10 and repeat the count without getting distracted by your mind and losing count, or counting above 10 without realizing it - if you do recognize you've been distracted then start over again at 1... Not as easy as it sounds at first!
So beautiful. This has always calmed me down no matter what situation I am in. Whether I am studying, working, reading, or just chilling, these sounds never fail. Definitely one of my favorites on this site!
This sound helps me focusing on my studies and makes me happy at the same time. Thank you for being awesome, myNoise! (And special thanks to Barış Özcan who introduce us this amazing website!)
Japanese Garden helps me focus on my work and do better! I use this every day to relax my mind. This is the BEST!
Japanese Garden everyday at work! It makes my day better and calms me and my clients! This is the BEST yet! THANK YOU!
I absolutely love this. This makes me so calm and helps me study. This is frankly the best website for custom noises and the sound of Shishi-Odoshi is just beautiful. Tysm to the creators of this. You're all truly wonderful.
This one is so versatile! You can change the level of the birds and cicadas sounds to listen to the garden in different seasons. The waterfall sounds more like traffic but I don't hate it. This is so beautiful and relaxing. I feel like I'm sitting next to the water, it's early May, it's warm but not hot, spring is slowly transitioning into a humid summer, and the worldly worries are fading away.
Sounds really similar to my backyard, so I like to listen to it when I get homesick. It helps me remember when I was a kid, reading a book in the early spring. We kept the door open to let in the air, and the wind in the trees almost sounded like the ocean.
This really helped me calm down and helped me focus on my tests.
This set-up is awesome for days when my students need to be focused on drawing or planning for their next project. I've noticed a difference in their ability to work more steadily and consistently.
This one is really relaxing in my class. Sometimes I'll listen to this and lo-fi, or this with quiet speech blocker white rain in the background. Marvelous.
Relaxing while trapped in a box. Still I feel like sitting in the wild.
This really helps me tune out distracting background noises when I'm trying to focus on homework.
I love bring down the waterfall and cicadas and focusing on the birds and rainstick!
This feels really nice and soothing, and makes me feel like I'm in a garden on a cool springtime afternoon.
I love using these settings for when I'm writing in a quiet room. The water provides me with constant flow, with the chimes and Shishi-Odoshi punctuating my listening every so often to keep me focused.
Less cicadas - this should be more of a distant background noise IMHO.
I know it sounds kind of silly, but I listen to this while I study Japanese.
Helped me do my school work. Love it.
This is so calming and well made. As someone with ADHD this is helping me immensely with my studies. Thank you so much!
Thanks for providing these wonderful sounds. I use them often, they help me focus and concentrate since I work in a open office. Greetings from Germany :)
Now that school is back, we have a ton of homework and I can't concentrate. This helps me concentrate on homework!
This is so similar to the sound of my parent's garden! Very calm, with a shishi-odoshi, small waterfall, lots of birds (they live near a forest). I love work there when I can.
Like to listen to this to relax, but the cicadas kinda wake me up and remind me too much of daytime, and I've never been a huge fan of constant, multiple bird noises in background music (love to hear them in real life, but similar to the cicadas, they kinda wake me up). This way I enjoy the sound of the garden without being mentally 'woken up.'
It's peaceful, but the shishi-odoshi interrupts the peace enough to keep it from fading into the background like a lot of electronic white noises do. It helps me to regain focus when I'm working and to stay on task.
It's my rescue remedy, almost instant relief of tension... soothing, calming, balancing, uplifting. It feels like I'm breathing in peaceful joy. I feel it down my neck, my shoulders, my back, my spirit lifts and I am grateful and thankful. Ahhh... :) This is such a wonderful site; it's value goes way beyond money. So if you're listening then have the grace to donate what you can in support :)
I love this one, I listen to it every day while I'm servicing computers. It reminds me of when I lived out on the countryside.
Super great background noise for writing or just relaxing.
As a kid, I used to dream of a small walled Japanese garden of my own, because of how much I loved the birch trees and birds and streams down by a nature reserve some way off from our home. Since I moved away for studies, I've had a hard time focusing without nature, and I find myself longing for a garden even more. This is perfect for studying, to hear the birds, the trickle and wind again!
This is probably the most favourite soundscape in our office currently. All the noise you need to get into the zone. Some constant white, some random/regular dings that show time still exists, some happy birds.
God this made me kinshift to deku so hard.
I work with data and spreadsheets and need a place for my thoughts to rest while my mind concentrates. This is my go-to all week long. I am a proud patron (of a pitance) and sincerely hope all will contribute, as well.
This is the most relaxing website in existence. This has helped me focus and work on my homework today. Will definitely be returning.
This preset helped me concentrate for a test I had. Recommend it.
This makes me feel at peace.
Used in harmony with the YouTube live stream of BGMchannel, I can close my eyes and feel as if I was at an outdoor cafe in a Japanese Garden. It is the ambience I prefer when I am working overtime, or there is something difficult I have to do in school. Soothe your soul, calm your mind.
I combine this with Japanese Oase to relax. They're both so calm together!
I just came back from a visit to Japan, where I saw many temples and gardens. This transports me right back to the tranquil beauty of nature.
J U S T . B E A U T I F U L .
The Japanese Garden helps me get through busy days in the home office. It is a delightful backdrop when working intensively and alone.
Like standing in a forest, next to a waterfall.
Try listening to this alongside Osmosis, especially the water streams/shishi-odoshi, alongside some of the Osmosis presets like Flying. It's truly soothing.
Loved it! How do you guys do it?!!
Pairing this setting with my preset of the Singing Bowls is simply the most serene landscape I can fathom. It fuses the tonal drones I need for focus with a touch of peaceful nature to make me feel more connected to Earth and less to my desk. Perfection.
This setting helps me, a full-time student with ADD and procrastination issues, to study for long periods of time with minimal distraction. The ultimate chill mood can be achieved!
I listen to this all day, then at night, but I turn the birds down.
This preset put me right to sleep! Thank you so much for your hard work!!!
← Try this preset!
Thanks so much for this tool. This setting with the chimes turned way down, had me asleep all night - so restful!
This is probably one of the most relaxing environments Ive ever heard.
Absolutely lovely. 'Japanese Garden' with its very quiet natural sounds took me away from the rumblings in my mind after a difficult day, and is now helping me to study in much needed solitude in my library. Beautiful ~ much appreciated ~ gratitude.
I absolutely love how the water sounds (water is one of my favorite noises) but to have it combined with the other sounds is just heavenly. It reminds me of sitting by a creek and just drawing and not having a care in the world. Definitely my favorite noise.
For some reason I just love the sound of the Shishi-Odoshi! I like to combine it with other generators and it's great to add a pleasant sound every once in a while to something repetitive.
I am transported, all at once carried away from the bedlam of construction and anxiety of having to relocate due to gentrification, to a most serene and happy place!!! I thought it impossible to be calm and focused in this chaos.This Japanese Garden mix brings me peace! The wind in the Bamboo sends shivers, the light chimes and gentle stream play to the bird and summer cicada calls. THANK YOU!
We recently moved to a guesthouse that is adjacent to a major freeway. Found this site by simply searching "white noise" in my non-google search engine. Very well done, helps us focus on anything but the passing vehicles. Thank-you so much for improving our quality of life. Chapeau M. Pigeon.
This is exactly what Inokashira Park in Tokyo sounds like in August.Brings back all my memories of living there. <3
I keep coming back to after years of loyal attendance and this soundscape always draws me in... thank you so, so very much.
Recently I updated my 2.1 sound system to a very modest Creative 5.1 system for less than $100. I live among the woods. After updating the audio system, many a time, unknowingly I looked at the window for birds, only to realize a split second later that they are from the speakers. Such pure is the quality of Dr.Stephane's recording & reproduction. Meticulous work. Hats off.
This plus the Zen Garden and Wooden Chimes makes for a very relaxing mood setting. Perfect for laying back and meditating or reading.
I'm so happy I discovered this site! So many natural soundscapes, and so many options to play with and customize the sounds. I love the purring kitty, it helps me fall asleep or drown out my next door neighbor's racket. I also love the Japanese garden, I use it to create a soundscape and background for relaxation and meditation. Wonderful!
This is my absolute favourite noise on this website, as not only does it help me focus when studying, but it also helps me relax after a long day. I just lie down, close my eyes, and pretend I'm somewhere else for a while.
I love this one cause it's so subtle, yet provides me just enough ambience to brighten up the soundscape of an otherwise quiet moment. I enjoy falling asleep to it. I'm about to do that right now! See you in the morning. Gnight. Zzzzz.
Absolutely love this soundscape! I live in a one-room apartment with my boyfriend and this really makes it so much easier to focus and work! Thank you.
As someone with ADHD, I sometimes struggle with staying on task when doing homework. This helps block out all outside noise, and it's so much easier to focus with Japanese Garden playing. Thank you!
Just beautiful. I've used this before but never commented; right now, though, I have pneumonia and this is what's helping me relax. The more I relax, the better I'll rest, and the quicker I'll heal. Heh-- I work in a hospital; wish the patients could play these things in their rooms with earbuds in, I bet it'd make some of them a lot happier. Why not?
This is so relaxing! I've been working on a very important economics assignment for 5 hours and this noise is the reason for me being able to do that. Thank you, developers! <3 I've also just downloaded the mobile app and am already loving it. Will buy the "all noise pack" very soon. :)
It's my favorite generator ever. I work at home, with husband and kids around, and it really helps me focus at work. It's also an excellent noise blocker. Thank you for this amazing site. :)
I wish I could contribute money to this site but I am just a child. This is sublime and helping me a lot with exam stress.
This, combined with Telecaster Licks, both on animate - absolute bliss! This website is one of few things that can tame my ADHD!
Getting me through finals.
In my head, I imagine how in a total forest, that there is a very small and subtle garden meant for meditation and thought. So close to the nature such that you can hear everything but still apart.
As someone with ADHD, I sometimes struggle with staying on task when doing homework. This helps block out all outside noise, and it's so much easier to focus with Japanese Garden playing. Thank you!
Lovely with relaxing music.
Amazingly tranquil, minimalistic and wonderful. A small fountain or stream with birds in the background.
So peaceful, tranquil, meditative, minimalist. Perfect for studying and working on my code.All of your audio is so clean. Much respect!
This is absolutely PERFECT! Thank you so much for creating this.
This soundscape is invaluable to me, my peace of mind, and my studying. I typically pair this with a drone type of soundscape, or some instrumental music when I study, and it makes me focus like nothing else can, as well makes me feel relaxed and calm. When I turn this soundscape on, it's like my brain breathes a sigh of relief. Thank you for this website.
Japanese Garden + Indian Drone = work work work Thank you so much for this site.
It's so relaxing. I could fall asleep for days!
Yours is a wonderful site - sound is so important and it's so refreshing to have these selections rather than listening to sirens and jackhammers and loud lawnmowers (I like the sound of the old-fashioned rotary mowers though)! Thank you so much for doing this.
Indian Drone pairs really well with this!
Sounds great! Thank you so much for the amazing music and sounds!
Gives me nostalgic feelings...
I fell asleep to this mixed with Crystal Stream on 2x animation. Great.
Sounds like a hot summer day in the hills of California.
So peaceful and soft, lulling me into a sense of pleasant ease. I struggle with anxiety and this keeps me grounded, calm and smooth.
I listened to this when I was learning the kigos that indicate the four seasons in Japanese poetry. The uguisu indicates the spring, nudity signifies the summer, the moon is a symbol for autumn and snow represents the winter. Then I wrote a haiku in Esperanto with some confusing kigos: La lumo luna / kuas kiel neo sur / la hato nuda
This noise track gives me so much peace at work when I need to focus! It is very serene and a great addition to myNoise. Tracks like this are the reason I support mynoise.
What I like about the generator are the sound of bamboo leaves and windchime. It creates feeling like I'm really at home now and it make me relax.
I find this mix perfect for writing to.
This one was the right mood to study for my last exams before graduating! And I did it, so, to me, it is sweet and sour to listen to it, but it helps a lot with my concentration.
This is so great for when you're stuck inside on a nice day. Pairing it with Wooden Chimes, I feel like I'm relaxing out in a garden on a cool, breezy summer afternoon. I love it!
It's funny how much this noise generator reminds me of my home, which is nowhere near Japan (Northeastern Ohio!). The bird calls are a little different, and the shishi-odoshi is an entirely unique (but lovely) sound, but the wind, the leaves, the cicadas, and the background chatter of birds sounds so much like a summer morning in my neighborhood. We're not really so different, I guess. :)
This is the next best thing to writing outside in the middle of a garden. The shishi-odoshi, uguisu bird, and bamboo leaves play off of each other in a sort of music improv: The distant bird and gentle swaying leaves relax and distract, letting you drift off, while the shishi-odoshi brings you back. Perfect for brainstorming, writing, and creativity.
This is absolutely beautiful and relaxing. A minute of playing around and I feel like I've come across the (, at least my) perfect combination. I added Nocturnal Garden and now use it to sleep at night. I love it (:
I love Japanese Garden! Recently I've been losing motivation/getting distracted with doing my homework for my classes, and this has really helped me to keep focused!
After fiddling around in the "Japanese Garden" I got myself a soothing water stream with some birds and the occasional wind chimes. I didn't even know one could get this relaxed by just closing your eyes, laying back and listening... I was never too interested in these "background noise" websites until I ran into this one and I'm just amazed. Definitely recommending this to friends and family.
I absolutely love this site! I work at a customized living residence for people with severe and persistent mental illness, and I often have one or a mix of your generators on in the background in our offices. It helps increase the privacy of sensitive conversations, and also puts both residents and staff at ease in what can often be a very stressful environment. Thank you! <3
I like this with the breeze rustling the leaves, closer to the Shishi-Odoshi than the windchime, with a few birds here and there. Very peaceful.
In the middle of Winter, this really lets me feel like it's early Spring or Fall again with the wind rushing through the leaves. That and the occasional chime (?) of the Shishi-Odoshi is amazing. It sounds something like the reminder of a heartbeat to me.
So, I sometimes have trouble studying at home without some form of background noise. I absolutely love this site and love this noise configuration because it really reminds me of home (especially with the wind chimes). Thank you so much!
Japanese turned Australian bush. I close my eyes for a minute at work and I'm on a remote property on a hot, windy day without a care in the world.
This track is exceptionally calm and relaxing... I pulled back on some of the tracks that were too loud, and now I absolutely love it. I'm switching to this from the Distant Thunder sound for study time.
I love to listen to this when I'm at work. It makes me really feel relaxed and destresses me when things get hectic!
I love this noise generator. I use it to help me go to sleep.
This generator is amazing! I just have some wind, some leaves, some birds chirping, and the occasional wind chime. I'm in the library studying, but if I close my eyes, I feel like I'm laying back in a garden or in a field, just listening to the sounds of nature... Very relaxing! Thank you!
I love listening to this as I do rewrites. With a few minor adjustments, the waterfall, bamboo leaves and cicadas perfectly cancel out the voice of my boss.
I love listening to this as I read, or to help me fall asleep. It puts me in a very relaxed, meditative like state, and for a very high-strung person that is a gift!
The natural sounds help to relax me even on my busiest days <3
This made me forget about the cold winter weather outside. My new favorite!
Japanese Garden is my new favorite sound, especially when I am at the office. I am soothed by the cicadas and the Shishi-Odoshi. Janet McKensey ~ Corvallis, Oregon, USA
Use this setting and just the harps and plucked from Three Friends of Winter for a truly zen experience.
I love the wind with the subtle sound in the back and the bamboo leaves. I am high strung and dealing with anger management. This really calms me down.
I have difficulty breathing, and certain sounds help me to relax enough to be able to breathe easily. This soundscape, from the moment I put it on, gave me the peace of mind to inhale and exhale with ease. After tweaking with it for a bit, I found the perfect soundscape for me. Thank you so much for this it's so calming and really, truly helped take a load off of my chest.
This is so nice and calming, hearing the voices of nature without actually being in nature while sitting at home trying not to procrastinate and actually be able to concentrate enough to do my work.
Listening to this is almost like going back to the shrines, gardens, and other meditative spaces I loved to go to when I lived in Japan. Thank you!
Quiet garden with a singing bird and the occasional gust of wind. Very relaxing.
Literally sitting with senpai on a nice warm day
Putting this on animate was the perfect way to help keep focused on the paper I had to write. Thank you for another wonderful generator!
How I wish my backyard sounded, like the chaotic serenity of an almost abandoned garden.
It's like living in an Anime. Cozy as hell.
I grew up on the eastern shore of Maryland. From the water to the cicadas, this generator reminds me of home. Thank you. :)
As always, a fantastic soundscape to relax to. I love the mix of wind, water, and birds together. Thank you so much for all your work.
← Bird's garden
A very serene feeling of the waterfall, the odoshi and birds help drown out the noisy chatter of my peers whom of which are rather annoying.
Really happy to have water, birds and chimes all in one generator. I've been running this on animate for hours to create a calm and pleasant environment to study in, and it's great for meditation too!
Perfect! Esp. the ciccadas - peaceful, calming, but not sleep-inducing. A great generator for work, study, concentration... i.e. tasks where you need to focus mental energy.
Beautiful and relaxing. My favorite garden soundscape yet. Keep up the good work!
I layer this soundscape with the Three Friends of Winter. It's like being in a Japanese meditation room. It makes for great writing background music as well.
I've been listening to this Japanese Garden for two full days now. This is my First Choice, Go-to. It makes my little work cubicle seem spacious, and calm. I'm getting so much done!
I love this setting: quiet, but blocks out distracting noises from colleagues; calming when the work is stressful; but not *too* calming, because the Shishi-Odoshi keeps me awake!
Soothing meditative rhythm by the stream.
This setting feels like a still summer day in a warm, sunny garden. Love it! It reminds me of home, but is also just different enough to allow me to relax with a focused mind.
Wonderfully relaxing. I'm visiting Kyoto very soon, and this is making me look forward to it even more. I'm sure that when I return to my office, this generator will make me feel like I never left.
This makes me wish that it was summer whilst in fall.
Last summer, I had the pleasure of visiting the Japanese garden section of my local botanical gardens and learn about zen. The principle of zen is not unlike adjusting sliders on a noise machine everything is deliberately put in place to seem accidental and natural. Thanks again for another fantastic environment!
This makes me feel like I'm in a peaceful quiet place.
Very peaceful atmosphere, really nice to listen to! I love the water sounds such as Dark Water and Intertidal, but this perfectly combines those with the insects and Shishi-Odoshi to make a slightly more complex and therapeutic sound. The birds are also a lovely touch. Can't wait to use it for a meditation sometime!
My new favorite. I use it for writing and meditation. It creates a very peaceful and calm environment, perfect for a spacious but intimate moment.
Beautifully relaxing - a new favourite! <3
The perfect soundscape to let everything go and find your inner zen! Absolutely amazing!