User Stories
Write your own here. Click the blue bullets ● to load associated settings.
This actually works! I got on my typing lesson, muted it (it makes sound, I wanted it to not interfere), opened up myNoise, and used the "learning" preset. I started typing, and I got most right, and previous times it was just chaos. The sound itself started forming one singular tone. Weird.
I doubted the effectiveness of sound waves, that is until I decided to try them out.
I slept much better with this tool in the Deep Sleep setting. I am excited to see if the other settings will also work.
Active helps me run faster to the bus every day.
I feel inspired. Loved.
You can immediately feel "Mind Power" poking the insides of your brain. It does prevent me from sleeping.
Take this, combine it with the same in the Binaural Beats generator and prepare for focus, clarity, and a singularity of attention that exceeds stimulants, and any "brain tricks" you may have come across.
This helps me focus and calms me down, as well as prevents me from overthinking and overcomplicating things that it should be.
I have been using isochronic tones to assist me in daily life for a while, whether or not they are just a placebo it has definitely been helpful, and this allows me to much more conveniently control the tones I'm listening to on desktop.
Literally, this will help you relax to the point that, I'm sorry, I have ADHD and it's no joke when I say I was listening to this sound with the sound changer and LITERALLY FELL ASLEEP ON THE COMPUTER. Just to give you an idea, on average it takes me 4 WHOLE HOURS to fall asleep. It seems to me that this sound has too much power...
These settings give me a surge of energy!
The difference between earbuds and no earbuds makes me so confused. What is GOING ON. I don't have very good earbuds but I can hear the deep sleep preset REALLY loud, but if there's nothing plugged in, I can barely hear it at full volume...I am bamboozled.
I love this! When I put it at the "Relaxed" preset, my body just wants to slow down.
This feels like an endless cup of virtue coffee.
I have chronic insomnia and sleep issues, just as a general rule. On a whim, I decided to try this and turned on all the "sleepy"-associated waves to a level barely audible underneath the sound of Brood X, one of my favorite noise generators. I proceeded to get cozy under the blanket- then I slept the dreamless sleep of the dead. For whatever reason, these sounds work. Sweet dreams!
Never thought polyrhythms could be so useful.
The low frequency helps me stick to one task and the higher ones mimics nature. The ones in the middle make me feel a bit anxious.
I put all the "alpha" tones in the middle (only alpha) and put grey noise in the middle (on another tab) from the same website, and BOOM. My procrastination is fully gone, it’s incredible.
This sounds like a coma. Love it.
It's pretty good that there's an insochornic tone that basically gives you cocaine.
The sensation I experience is a unique blend of calmness and restlessness, which can be quite overwhelming at times. It's as if my mind is at ease, yet my body is in a constant state of alertness, ready to react to any external stimuli. The feeling is hard to describe, but it's almost like being in a state of heightened awareness.
Mixed with custom settings of The Mind's Ear and Nocturion, this is truly haunting, and brings to mind the image of a derelict spacecraft, just floating lifelessly, lights and engines off, a mystery that will never be solved; what happened?
This (for me) is the sound of getting things done.
Mimics a heart beat.
The experience is similar to the one we`re making with the eyes while we`re watching a stereogram.
I`ll mix it down with a stereo sound sketch I made myself, to hear if it deepens, too.
Try using this with other enchanting soundscapes, such as Anamnesis, Black Hole, Osmosis and others. They will truly sound synchronized and omniversal! It will create a magical experience beyond others. This quickly adds +10000 to creativity stats as I managed to gain a clear view of the future timeline in my stories! ;)
I have no idea what this is doing, but when I listen to it I feel relaxed and creative, I honestly kinda would wish I could be in theta and beta states at once but I'm not sure if that's possible, though this is pretty interesting to me. (I like the low alpha tones the most of all of them but if I had to choose one it would be theta).
I could feel the vibrations echoing through my head and constantly making me feel relaxed as I tackled my Subtraction of Frations homework. -Myra S, Year 3 8-year-old student
I put Low and Mid Delta at -5 dFBS, high delta and low theta at 0, and high theta at -15, the rest muted. Maximum focus. I call it Chromatic Theta.
The "Alert" preset always helps me to start studying.
This helps me focus so hard!!
This I can't live without, It reminds me of a mix between Halo and Doom, I love it!
The 32 Hz beat can work either as a high beta brainwave or as a (low) gamma one. IMHO, this sound itself stimulates a high beta brainwave, and in combo with any relaxing natural or synthetic noise it activates a gamma wave with the same frequency. Anyway, listening to this tone, I can wake up quickly and stay awake then! ;)
This is a great beat generator!
This sound is making me have paranoia.
I am professional engineer and these tones has helped me to cope with the daily mundane tasks, as well as for learning new material. Better than brown noise.
I noticed that I was drawn most to 'Fantasy,' but I wanted to feel a little more focused. Somehow, stretching it out made me able to keep the relaxation but boost my attentiveness just enough <3
I don't know what it is, but there's something about the key of E that speaks to me - I have what I call "partial perfect pitch" because I can identify notes based on their relationship to E, which I can produce at any time. Love this. Thank you!
Brilliant. I am a 6th Grade student with ADHD and this helps so much when I do homework, classwork, or if I just want to focus on a simple task. Thank you :)
This + Black Hole is quite an experience!
Very effective! Didn't expect this much.
When I read the description, I was skeptical. But the tones really do produce all of the desired effects listed. It's like magic.
I have been dealing with some insomnia recently. What works is to play the deep sleep setting to the room on my phone's speakers while I am sleeping. This helps me fall asleep and stay asleep. I hope this case study will help someone else.
I teach and have found that having the 16 Hz focused running barely audibly under either a rain or crowd sound while teaching or music while testing helps keep my students focused. Haven't run a full study on it but I'll take personal anecdotal evidence in the meantime.
Finding this to be relaxing; good for meditation. Effective for twilight headspace where I want maximum relaxation combined with flights of fancy and dreaming.
I have ADHD on the slightly more severe side, so studying as a college student can be difficult, especially when my ADHD gets out control at the more crucial times I need to study. I pulled up the Isochronic Tones tool from my highschool days, and it's allowed me to learn and absorb more information ("Learn" preset) and be more productive ("Concentrate" preset). Such a lifesaver!
I never thought a thing that goes "beepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeep" would help me so much!
This is another poster's settings. But add those settings to Space Odyssey radio and Impulse noise (calibrate your headphones) - definitely an experience that is keeping me awake and helping me concentrate and focus on work when feeling tired.
When I'm not using the myNoise white noise generator, I do nearly all of my homework and writing with this noise machine. The higher tones really do help me focus and keep me on the edge of my seat, and this specific arrangement of custom noise helps keep me awake and gives me juuust enough stress to function. As someone who struggles with distraction, this is exactly what I need. :)
I use this with the 'relaxed' preset in order to keep my mind from overthinking and to get my emotions freely flowing, over the course of a week I've even started to see a change in my own thinking patterns. And now I can rest easy.
LOVE this setting. It helps me to concentrate every time.
This is super useful for getting "in the zone" if you're a writer or an artist. I've tried other noise generators and soundscapes, but the isochronic tone machine is the only one that really gives me the focus I need. My favorite setting is in the high alpha and low beta range. Maybe it's just the placebo effect, but I personally find this super helpful!
I'm impressed. I was able to put both my puppies to sleep within three minutes using the three delta wave tones. I waited a bit, turned off those tones and turned on the two lower beta waves, they immediately woke up and stared at me.
Leave this by your bed and take that nap when life overwhelms you. Your subconscious will access some surprising areas. Remember, never be afraid of a dream - master the link there is with your conscious mind, and you can start to heal. Truly worth the donation, M. Pigeon!
Amazing - all of the Beta sliders work really well to keep me focused.
I've been pretty irresponsible lately. This definitely helps me focus. I need to do a lot of makeup work to fix things and there's no way I could get through it without this. This, copious amounts of water, and a bit of caffeine, to be specific. I have no choice but to focus, this is impossible to ignore.
When paired up with the Binaural Beat Machine you can make your brain do task you never thought were possible.
This is so helpful, sadly I found out about this on the last day of school, imagine if I saw this earlier.
If you set the volume high on low frequencies, you get a head massage.
I HIGHLY recommend this for people who find it hard to concentrate! I was focused on my work enough to make me think magic did the trick! I love to hear this with the sound of rain dropping on a tent. <3
I didn't expect an immediate reaction, but when I started working on school work, it kept me focused on school and nothing else that usually distracts me.
It has ACTUALLY had an immediate effect on me! It's TRULY amazing how it works so well!
I didn't expect much, but this helped me a lot! At first, it tingled me a bit, and then my muscle relaxed, especially my jaw (which I struggle to relax). It also helped me work during a depressive episode when could do nothing but blankly stare at my walls. Thank you so much!
It feels like a beat is about to drop at any moment, and I love the fact that it doesn't.
Intergalactic spaceship meets night's crickets, and I am here for it.
Dark Side of the Moon anybody? The focused 16Hz helped with an easily distracted mind.
It felt like a heartbeat, something I find inspiring. It's great for exercise pacing and schoolwork.
My head feels like it is spinning slowly in circles. Annoying at first, but then, the most calming thing ever made.
I was really not expecting the "Learning" preset to be so effective! I study in 50 or 70 minute sessions, and by the end of my first 50 minute session listening to this I was amazed at how focused I was and how much I managed to get done!
After stopping, for a few minutes I can here a hum noise like the 50Hz in old radios.
Probably I'm the only one here sense this completely different. How people can sleep on this? I cannot imagine! My brain is firing all around stricking all the way down thru the spine and than back again. Like an energy of some sort!
Does anyone experience this like me, or I'm the only one feeling this way?
it makes my brain feel like its moving and any other sound seems really distant.
Inspires me to write polyrhythmic music.
The "learning" preset helps my tinnitus as well as my focus!
Give it about 10 minutes and you’ll be so relaxed you’ll probably end up falling asleep..
This one makes me calm and happy!
This + beta binaural beats + brown noise + instrumental music = ideal thesis concentration + productivity
I guess I'm weird.. I fell asleep listening to this one :( was actually trying to get a focused state of mind xD maybe my brain is trying to tell me something there?
All I can say is PERFECTION. This has literally been a lifesaver. After my concussion, my brain was gone... caput. I love putting this on with my in ear buds, then cover it with my over ear headphones playing chill lounge or rain, and then doing my therapies. It helps focus AND stimulates my brain to help recovery.
It sounds like crickets.
This setting helps me stay awake and focused in the office after a long, sleepless night.
Usually use the purple and pink waves for productivity. Really invigorating for thinking and still subtle background noise. Thank you for this tool!
Combine this with the Binaural Beat Machine's Complex High preset and Binaural Harmonics's Alert preset for a real eerie time.
This feels like a hug on my brain, like a weighted blanket almost! Feeling a little energy boost, less anxious, more confident, and MUCH more focused. I was having a rough time tapering off of Zoloft (with infamously rough withdrawal symptoms!) and this is really helping so far. Massive shoutout to Dr. Pigeon for creating this resource, especially since it's free and eco-friendly!
I’m a long time student. And some days no amount of coffee will get rid of the brain fog (specially when I'm starting to burn out before a test). I did some research on sound waves and gave this a try. I call this setting sound coffee. Always makes me feel clear headed.
I'm just sitting here listening to a mash-up of the delta and theta waves and it about as effective at making me very sleepy as Benedryl's been doing. It might also be a lack of sleep but I will be experimenting with this.
Whoa, these tones make me tear up just like another commenter said! I can't figure out which combination or which frequency does it; seems to be various ones, all in the higher levels...
This combination took me in deep meditating state.
This setting seems to be really effective for boosting memory! I recommend trying it.
SO amazing that I cant express my gratitude, Have referred this to a lot of people to listen and get the work done or for sleep. Love you folks. Respect +. A really overwhelmed user.
I mostly use fear, beta active or lethargic tune.
just awesome.
Don't know how but it helps lots!
Using this in the office to keep me awake, cheaper and more effective than coffee and much more long lasting! Gonna use this generator for studying needs later on.
isochronic Tones has helped me a lot in my studies. But of course use this on and off so that you know when it works and when it doesn't . Sometimes mind will be saturated where isotonic tones doesn't work, take a break and restart.
I had so much work to get done this weekend and I made way more progress than I thought I would. Haven't distracted myself with silly things. When the noise starts to bug me a bit, I take a break & walk around the house, get some water, and see I've been focused for 3-4 hours. This is great!
I know these tones sound like they would be annoying and torture to the ears, but if you simply try one like this and focus on something else while hearing it, it somehow makes you focus more. You arent supposed to pay attention to it, just do your work while having it in the background and it will allow you to focus more!
It really helps me to focus. I use it every time I need to study or if I have homework.
This one forces me into a deep sleep...
Combined it with Binaural Beats. Very relaxing, strongly recommend.
Wow! Thanks for this, it's really helping me to focus :-) Love that I can adjust the settings too! Fantastic.
This is excellent for helping me do my homework!
I combine this with the 3-Carrier binaural beats and set both on low. Super relaxing while I'm trying to chill.
Toying with my own brain is a good way to get into reading and writing for me. Currently, I am listening to induce fear into myself, so that I might know how it feels to be the protagonist in the horror story. That, and I love being scared.
I'm currently using this in my elementary school (5th grade) classroom for the first time. I've known about Isochronic Tones for quite some time, years really, but I've never used it in the classroom before. The change was instantaneous and dramatic.
I usually have a lot of trouble concentrating while studying. I tend to daydream a lot and my mind starts wandering off. Then I discovered and then the isochronic tones. I must say, it has helped me heaps! Thank you Stephane!
I'm not sure how it works, but every time I turn it on, my mind calms down almost instantly, like something of a pacifier, works better than music even. Thanks.
This is freaking crazy. I was having a lot of trouble focusing on my assignments but now I feel super focused- kind of weird though, my head around the ear area is literally pulsing? Feels super weird (but kind of satisfying at the same time). I combined this with 'White Rain Noise' and had a great ol' time. Thank you myNoise!
I was recently introduced to the concept of isochronic tones, but most of the online examples I found actually made me feel tense rather than relaxed. When I found the Isochronic Tones Custom Brainwave Entrainement Machine on, I was immediately hooked! I love that I can control the relative decibels of each tone, and I listen every day to help me focus and relax while I write.
I am struggling with a boring task for work at the moment and this setting is helping me so much! I feel like I'm truly awake now, active for the first time in days. Happily bobbing my head in tune with this beat and typing away. You made my day!
With just the Isochronic Tones playing I enter a Zen-like state. However I use this Isochronic Tones generator in combination with the Drum pattern sequencer and Gregorian Male chanting... all playing at once. Nothing can interrupt me!
This player DEFINITELY helps me with studying and doing work. I'd recommend this to anyone who is struggling to stay focused, or anyone who just wants to stay more focused than they already are.
I am a programmer. I need immense focus, but I used to get distracted every 5 to 10 mins. After using this tool, I can write code for hours with extreme focus. It is truly amazing!!
The most relaxing thing ever produced. It helps me sleep, helps me lucid dream, it's just fantastic. Thanks a lot!
I tried this particular mix of high alpha + beta waves because I wanted a focused but creative state but found myself pleasantly surprised that it almost sounds like artificial cicadas or crickets. I don't understand brainwave entrainment enough to know if or how it works, but I like messing with these generators for the fun and interesting sounds they produce. I'm never bored on this website.
I'm a fan :) Helps me focus and concentrate. Great to study to.
One of the best auto/free player I found for producing these tones. Really helpful. Suggested it to lot of friends who are unable to sleep or focus while studying. Kudos to developer.
This noise lets me focus and relax at the same time; really great!
I suffer from severe anxiety and I found that this helps calm my mind and bring me inner peace.
By feeling this rhythm, it seems to lower my exaggerated enthusiasm. I just feel good.
This sort of reminds me of when my cat purrs on my lap. It's comforting, if I really look for the sounds. It's best for me when I sleep.
My muse when writing. Thank you so much for this site!
This was an amazing help, I wrote 2 stories in 1 hour while listening to this, which, was a lot of writing (in fact each was about 1,000 words!) Thank you for helping me get out of my writer's block! ~A Grateful Customer
Oddly enough, I use this more for distracting myself than I do for focusing. I often panic and find myself unable to sleep because all I can focus on is what is worrying me. The low beat is easy to keep my mind on.
I have ADHD and this tone is the best tool I found to help me work on my thesis. The regular low vibration has really helped me focus and sit still for longer stretches of time. It almost feels like it's a hypnotic tone that syncs your heart with your brain in a way that eliminates external 'noise' and draws you in whichever activity you're engaged in. Wonderful series! Thank you!
This help we stay focus during long working session. Also work well with coffee :)
Makes someone sleepy fast!
I feel more aware of my surroundings and more focused.
Nearly gave myself a headache; heartbeat was becoming much more noticeable too. Still, I think this is an interesting thing to mess around with.
The settings I'm using are making me feel terrified! I have this odd sense of dread.
I was feeling kind of lonely, stressed and a little sad, but now I don't really... anything anymore.
Help falling to sleep and helps having a good sleep even over a short period of time.
If you feel powerless, activate this and hear some other music and after a bit you should feel very hyperactive!
This is terrible! I have been listening to this for over a month now and I still don't have super strength! What is this! I'm not angry... I'm just disappointed :D
Noisy awesomeness!
This might just be the best thing I've found in a long time.
Lucid dream!
I don't know, it sounded kinda cool but I don't think it made me feel that much sleepier in general. I really wanted it to work, though.
It acts as a multi-layered iso tones. I had never seen a generator like these before. I will test it for a while!
What a chaser! Awesome vibes from this thing. Listened to it overnight and woke up feeling euphoria.
I'm in the second half of my first year as a new teacher. I used this site several times during my exams and I don't know if it was helpful or not (I usually do pretty well), but even if it didn't help me concentrate directly, indirectly, it gave me a placebo effect in that I tended to concentrate more on a specific task.
At some point it changed in my mind into a trans techno beat, which I guess is quite reasonable. Makes me feel attentive and relaxed.
Now I take 20mg Adderall XR for ADHD (without hyperactivity, thankfully) and 10mg Lexapro for depression... Because I take both at the same time, I get a feeling of relaxation while being alert, focused, and generally inspired. I wasn't paying attention and didn't have a refill at the pharmacy in time to seamlessly move through the week. This setup really helped me out.
So I set this up to focus... and now I'm tearing up. Whenever I hear this my eyes water.
Gets a while to adjust and to focus on the task before one's eyes, so there's a need to be patient. The focus mode won't just magically start. But once it does, it's really something! It's almost 3am and even though I feel my body fatigue, my brain stays conscious and attentive. Truly an amazing tool for studying, big thumb up.
Honestly saying, I didn't really witnessed any change in myself, even after hearing the tones.I guess it very depends on every person, and doesn't work that well for me. Have a good day! :)
This is perfect for sleep, or just tranceing out and relaxing.
I do school on an online public school called k-12, which you may have heard of before. I'm normally extremely slow in just about every topic in school. However (even though I am judging this off of the change that I just recently experienced in my most recent science class that I completed), when I tried isochronic tones while I was doing my most recent lesson, I witnessed a dramatic change.
When I listen to this at night it helps me get to sleep, and I even need less sleep! Strangely, I feel like I didn't sleep deeply enough, but otherwise it's sure as heck an improvement on my normal sleep patterns.
Brown, Red, Orange and Purple is a nightmare in a beautiful way.
Putting only the red slider up with headphones on is like something from pure nightmares... And it's so cool.
Put on headphones when you listen to this. It seems to spin around your head, and it's sooo weird, but I love it! XD
Has helped me sleep deeply better than I have in years, I highly recommend listening before going to sleep and during sleep!
Donated. Thank you for your work! Helps me feel better. Struggling with low levels of neurotransmitters.
Outstanding! Really works and I love it!
This is a very thought-invoking tone, and listening with earphones is definitely recommended.
Wierd, but fun. Recommended.
I don't do any kind of drugs, so instead I play around with the brainwave sounds to stimulate my brain. It really works, and I don't have to take anything harmful for it.
I donated monies... So far I've only donated to charities where people were guilt tripping me into it on the street. When I grow up to be a rich space pirate, I will donate a galleon filled with rubies, diamonds and doubloons!
Playing Destiny with music & this. #wrecked
This is so good!
I have been blending solfeggio frequencies (trialling different frequencies for different contexts - primarily how I'm feeling and what I'm doing). Finding they work best when laid under music or alternatively if I want a really deep focus, I've been using the rain noise generator, temple bells, tibetan bells, and most recently with the isochronic generator as well. Transformative app, thank you!
Space cats purring.
This,combined with a custom 10 hz isochronic tone from Gnaural, makes me feel physically and mentally relaxed, yet alert and agitated.
Trying this out as a background noise to help me stay concentrated. Tiny bit of Beta, some Theta, heavy on Alpha, and a touch of Delta.
Felt strangely comfortable, like waking up in the morning after sleeping late.
Made me feel like a zombie.
The closest thing to Adderall I could find... This is the one!!
This setting really gets me/ I follow the tones through my mind... left right left right. Really awesome, mentally energizing.
This way no one can hear my thoughts.
This sound makes your ears pop a little, so weird yet so fun. And if you want max focus, use the Alphas at medium sound and use a little delta, then combine that with grey noise... You may not consciously hear it but the sound is going and adjusts your brain... so weird yet so freaking awesome!
Wanna be alert and calm at the same time? Try this blend of Theta and Alpha waves, with a touch of Beta wave.
This setting is great for focusing with mild relaxation, while at work or at home ;)
I'm using this setting for work right now. Some low, some mid and just a little high. Keeping me relaxed and focused at the same time .. Relaxed .. Focused .. Relaxed .. Focused .. I have Explosions In The Sky's music (ambient music) playing in the background at the same time. Nice!
Actually made me a little scared.
I love this setting! It takes away any tension/stress. I have with low delta waves, some theta and beta waves, and lots of alpha waves. This helps me keep focused while doing studying or schoolwork. Thank you for helping me! :)
I don't normally like listening to Isochronic/Binaural beats because they make my brain feel frazzled. I came here to play around and found that this delta-heavy mix is really helping me focus. I will start listening to "deep sleep" patterns to see if they work for me. Thanks a ton!
I wasn't planing on sharing, but just so you know, this setting here made me paranoid, starting to see things (if y'all into that). I'm going to try something smoother then. What I like about this site is that I can specifically go for what I want, and if I want I can just run or something in the background. Cheers!
This shuts my brain down enough to enable me to get stuff done - up to and including lengthy e-mail writing sessions; something I'm 100