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Into Light
Vocal Soundscape


ReflectionsAngels HummingCantateDuetOde to Light Surprise!

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Early reflections

It was a late afternoon, on my way back from a long walk in Tuscany, Italy. As I passed by an old church, I heard voices emanating from inside. I sneaked in, and realized musicians were warming up for a concert that would take place later in the evening. I entered, but remained passed the entrance, a distance away from the musicians. All I could hear was a sound that was heavily draped in the church's wonderful reverberation. I was too far from the church's heart to distinctively hear any direct sound. I could only hear what those old stone walls and pillars would tell to me. A sound sculpted by an acoustic designed centuries ago. The experience was truly enchanting for a sound lover like me.

I wanted to recreate this sonic encounter with this vocal soundscape. Some sliders are deliberately very wet - a term used by audio engineers to describe a heavy balance towards reverberated sounds - as to give the listener, the same distant perspective I enjoyed so much then. Browsing the varied presets will allow you to hear the soundscape from different listening angles. Some have been made closer to the singer. The two last sliders for example, are the dry and wet version of the same recording, allowing you to create your perfect mix between the soprano voice and the reverberation in the church.

This soundscape wouldn't exist without the help of Imago Latens, an opera singer from Abruzzo, not far away from Tuscany. Both places share these wonderful picturesque villages and millenary churches. (You can see Imago singing in one of them, here.) Imago sings for as long as she can remember. She loves every story connected to the music, from Disney musicals to Puccini—s operas. Imago Latens is her second identity, an identity that frees herself from the pressures of the classical world. As Imago, she sings everything she wants in every way she wants, like what she did here with this vocal soundscape. Thank you Imago!

Published by Stéphane on July 5th, 2021

User Stories

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  I started using this some time ago while I studied for my upcoming exams...And now it's just an unconsious habit to listen to the tunes while studying, And to be honest, use Medieval Library! It really does set the wibe for a great study session!!

  This is so soothing, with enough variety that I can listen at work without feeling sleepy.

  I don't have a specific setting that I use (I guess just the default setting), but I like to open up this sound in two tabs at the same time (one about 15 seconds after the other). I end up with the same beautiful vocals, but in two different layers. It's calming, beautiful, and, depending on my mood, occasionally lachrymose. Give it a try!

  I struggle quite a bit with depression, anxiety, and ADHD mental paralysis. In those times where I am at my lowest and cannot even get myself to do something fun, this is my comfort. I pair this with Rain on a Tent and just bathe in the soothing melodies and harmonies. This allows me to have periods of reflection. It may be dark and cold now, but there will be sun again. You will be warm again.

  The mood of this can shift so much if you change the root tone - I started out at A, finding it slightly melancholy, then moved up to E and it's just all brightness and hope. A brilliant soundscape, thanks!

  Happy to see the music is inspired by a church in Tuscany, Italy. I studied in Florence for several months and truly cherish that experience. I usually listen to this soundscape alone, but today I just kept all the hummings and layered it with Oak Song— it's so calming, inspirational, and divine. Please definitely try this setting with the Oak Song!

  So gorgeous!

  Ode to Light sounds absolutely perfect when combined with the Orchestron on the "Brass" preset and with the Spring Water on the "Rumbling Stream" preset.

  To whoever suggested layering this with Oaksong... God bless you, man.

  Extremely beautiful and relaxing without being corny.

  Layer with Oaksong... Pure and surreal bliss.

  Literally too gorgeous for words. I floated on these sounds for a blissful hour before I fell into a deep sleep. It just fills my head.

  This setting together with Gregorian Voices the same slider settings (GV just a tad louder) is pure choir bliss...

  Magnificent! I've never heard anything like this since the Hildegard von Bingen Project by Sequentia.

  Love this, just added some extra reverb and here I am, mesmerized by the beautiful voice. This is a serious contender to 'In The Sky' for the spot as my favorite vocal soundscape. Next stop, a staked or composite generator to hear Imago Latens and Enlia duet together! :)

  Incredible! Set this to "Duet" with slider animation, pair it with Irish Coast also with slider animation = perfection. With severe tinnitus and "cookie bite" mid-frequency hearing loss this website has been a true blessing in my life. Thank you once again Dr. Pigeon for your incredible work.

  Imago's voice is so exquisite, and the acoustics to match. This touches me deeply, as a lover of choral singing in stone churches.

  Maybe my favorite soundscape ever!

  Extremely beautiful. Love the duet preset!

  This was gorgeous. I listened to the Duet preset and I swear I transcended. It was beautiful and one of the best soundscapes I've listened to.

  Absolutely perfect when paired with Aeolian!

  Oh, this brings back memories.... I was in a chamber choir in college and my favorite performances were in those gorgeous stone churches. This transports me back there, all wrapped up in clean, pure tones, practically feeling Heaven filtering through my entire being.

  This brings me back to when I was little: I was fascinated by mermaids and then one Xmas I got a large vinyl mermaid who sang when you squeezed her hand. I played with her in the bath, pretending the tub was the ocean. The voice is similar to singer Erutan, who also brings back that nostalgia for my childhood mermaid adventures. I paired this with Subaquatic Dreams sans dolphin noises. Beautiful!

  I really like this one for its delicate vocals. The voice sounds like... the sun, brightening my mood. I could easily see this in a movie like Moana. Best of luck for the future! :)

  I think I have a new favorite! As a writer I often stack your generators to create certain atmospheres to go with scenes in my head and help the words flow better. I have barely been listening to this for three minutes and already I want to pair it with Northern Forest to create the feel of an outdoor shrine, sacred to the nature gods. This is just stunning.

  Paired this with "Irish Coast" and was lulled to sleep almost instantly. Absolutely gorgeous.

  This is incredible.

  Oh Stéphane, you've outdone yourself. This is so soulful and uplifting; a moment of peace amidst the grief and turbulence of the year. Thank you.