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Examination Time
Interactive Background Noise Generator


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The Sound of 'Silence Please'

Over the years, numerous students have asked for the sound of an examination room. it's hard to see why students would want this, as exams always have been associated with stress, headaches, and all-nighters. It may be difficult to understand how anyone could enjoy immersing themselves in such an unpleasant atmosphere at first glance, however, the answer is simple.

The sounds made by an exam hall full of students can be deafening, even if the room is supposedly quiet. The silence can only serve to amplify the myriad of sounds created by students writing their exams, even if none of them utter a single word. If you are used to studying in a very silent environment, such as your bedroom, it can be very hard to focus on your exam when it's time to write the real thing. Some of the sounds can be very annoying, and once you—ve noticed them, concentrating on your exam can become very difficult, even if you have thoroughly prepared.

This soundscape has it all: the exam hall background noise plus all the annoying sounds, each associated with its own slider so you can produce your ideal (or worst-case scenario) examination ambience. Use it while studying, and you will be ready for the worst!

Special thanks to Matt Lebl, a Canadian student and fan of this site, for recording all close-up sounds on this one!

Published by Stéphane on September 12th, 2016

User Stories

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  You guys are perfect! It's such a pity that I'm from a country where I can't make any kind of payments like this without a lot of sweating. But thanks, you are a lifesaver!

  I swear, you will be the reason I pass the UK Bar. THANK YOU FOR CREATING THIS! You are heaven sent!

  Wow, this is just amazing. Exactly what I needed. Thank you so much for creating this!

  This is literally only way me to focus on studying. And way better than studying with music.

  I put on my glass and take it serious now.

  Great! _ADHD kid's brother

  I had a hard time focusing in school so I made a new sound to focus.

  Yet another student with ADHD over here lol. I love this machine. It's probably the only one on the internet that works. Combined with Stormy Weather machine.

  I love this. It really helps me with my school work.

  I always use this during exam prep. Simulating that nerve-wracking feeling is so good to get my brain used to it. Love this. The idea is ingenious and I love how it is perfectly customizable…

  Another student with ADHD, and I love using this generator's absolute ~panoply~ of writing sounds to boost the atmosphere from the Medieval Library generator. The music or musical generator I listen to as I work changes constantly, but these two generators together are an indispensable background for helping me feel and be my most productive -- I feel like a mage studying sigils!

  I like the background noise of only the quiet room sliders while doing something that requires concentration. It makes a nice combination together with the low hum from 40 Hertz generator.

  This site helped me so much for studying and work. Thank you for making this. This site helped me improve my study time, and now I got a job, and I still use this site. It's so great.

  I've struggled to find a good background noise that makes me feel like I want to work and be productive. I love this one because it feels like I am achieving great things!

  This helps me so much during study times. Thank you for making this :)

  Thank you, helps me study and simulate exam situations :)

  Hi, thanks for creating this, even though I like nature sounds more this is reality and I have to face ıt. It somehow did help me study though, ı love it :) oops, the supervisor is coming, take care. ;v

  I personally love this setting, and I'm trying to use this to shift realities. Hope it works!.

  I personally test really well, and the noises of a class taking an exam help me focus better. This is perfect for helping me get work done at home, where other noises could distract me, or at the library, where it's far too quiet.

  This is so great! It somehow gets you in the mood for working and I find I work really hard listening to this, with all the scribbling etc going on! It's great and also helps you focus!

  I have a final Biology examination tomorrow morning, which I'm really stressed about. I think I know most of the content, it's just a matter of getting used to the unpredictable questions and not panicking in the exam lol. This sound is helping me get into the mindset of the exam. Thank you so much!

  Using this while studying for and english essay - a really big help!

  I use this in my house, where my family always LOVES to chatter in the background. It honestly sounds like I'm in a cafe of sorts. Thanks for making this! <3

  If you pair this one with the laundry noise machine then it sounds like you are studying with your friends while waiting for your clothes to finish washing. It honestly sounds so comforting.

  I love these sort of gentle writing sounds, makes me feel more like I'm in a relaxed yet focused environment.

  I'm newly homeschooled, so I'm quite used to the sound of others around me when I study and do work. If it's too quiet when I study, this soundscape really helps me and it makes me feel like I'm back in the classroom, with actually having to be in a classroom. Super helpful and I love how customisable it is! I was super unproductive all day and couldn't focus and this helped immediately. TYSM!

  This place does more than make me feel at the time of the exam. This place gives me all the details of that moment.

  It really helped me on my exam. Voices like "page turning" are always make me really stressfull!!

  I used this while revising for my A levels and it was so helpful for getting into the right headspace! I always found libraries and coffee shops too loud and distracting but my own desk too quiet, and using this was the perfect middle ground (having the noise turned up was the perfect extra time simulator too). Good luck to everybody else doing a levels!!

  This custom noise helped me through my finals study. At first, it was a bit hard to get used to, mainly due to my ADHD, but its the closest I could be to replicate the usual sound of being in an exam. Hope it helps!

  Currently revising for my alevels and this is so helpful, it makes me feel prepared for the real thing since I didnt get any exam practice for gcses because of covid. Doing practice papers with this is a must!!!!

  I am an A-level student studying in the UK, and I always find it very easy to get distracted by noises around me, but I love using this sound to help me focus and get me into "exam mode" as well as subconsciously learning how to drown out the noise around me! Very useful, I love this site and used it all throughout my GCSES, and it simulates very well what it's like in the real exam hall!

  I just started using this site to put myself in the LSAT testing environment while taking practice tests at home. I'm loving it so far--coughs and all!

  I'm a college student with ADHD and this audio makes it so easy to get work done. I always use it when I'm working alone and helps me focus a lot better. It's like I'm tricking my brain into thinking I'm body doubling!

  I like to slow the sounds down a bit, so I don't feel like I'm being left behind in an exam.

  Helps me (An 11 year old with ADHD) focus on my work! Helps me get missing assignments done :)

  Amazing for getting used to exam hall sounds during finals season! Makes me think I'm doing so well on my review assignments...

  In some reason when I'm working remotely this landscape is the most effective for me giving deep concentration for a looooong time :)

  I'm so in love with exam time audio it keeps me focused. I really love this platform: to my future self (10 years later when you come back here to this platform remember how you pushed through all the barriers and you decided to go after your dreams regardless and now you've made it) : congratulations.

  Couldn't find anyone to body double with while doing schoolwork, and this sort of scratches the same itch. It gives me a similarly ready-to-be-productive feeling and is less distracting than music.

  Thanks for the generator Mr Pigeon! It helped me study quite a few times. Hope you get well soon.

  I decided to return to education to retrain and got accepted into Uni. I hadn't done any exams for over 10 years and was very nervous about my first exam. My partner told me about this site and honestly it's my go to for focusing at uni or at home. The examination time one is so accurate and helped me get used to the noises in an exam hall after so many years. Thank you so much for this :D

  As a fellow student with ADHD this site is a treasure for me. I've been using this site actively for a few months now and it seems to be working great for both reading (brown noise+reading is magical) and studying. I dont have the money to support the creators but I hope they continue to do what they do.

  This program is so awesone-- only thing I would add would be a typing slider and sniffling sounds!

  That's a good sound for the study to exam. Thank you. Geliyorum LGS Bekle Beni...

  I have a really hard time focusing and concentrating in an examination hall. I used to struggle so much because of how loud the room felt, filled with pen clicks and footsteps and a cacophony of sounds. This noise generator has helped me through the worst of it, and even though I'm merely a student who's unable to support the website, I hope to do so in the future to repay how much it's helped me.

  Good for working in a room that is literally too quiet.

  This makes me feel good during my studies.

  Wow. It is like I am making myself anxious on purpose, but after a few minutes it drifts away. What a cool psychological trick to make me prepare for an exam. Hearing students do things loud and quickly makes me think "oh no, everybody is so fast and I'll be left behind". Now this tiny bit of anxiety while listening will become a cue for focus. Genius.

  Wow - this really makes me feel like I have a math exam. What I like is that you can set all the noises to your heart's content and create the perfect noise for yourself. I have set my settings to match a setting of a classroom after around a few minutes after the exam begins, and it feels very immersive! Great job on this website.

  Really good for some reason! I personally didn't think it would genuinely help, but it does in some weird way. I pair it with the Fire Noise Generator. Turns out this is actually more noise than my exam room lmao.

  I paired this with Calm Office with its 'chatty colleagues' slider. I'm afraid of every human being I see, but now I can actually look/smile at random humans, and that is WAY better than me trying to speak as loudly as possible (about a tiny bit louder than an audible whisper), trying to tell a waiter that I want iced raspberry tea ;)

  I miss the sound of my father's at-home-working, and then BAM!!! I found Examination Time, and I went, "Why didn't I find this months ago, I'm so dumb." It reminds me exactly of what my father sounded like when he was working, and it was just a comforting sound for me. Thank you Dr. S. Pigeon!!! :D

  This website has helped me immensely to boost my focus before a very important presentation I had to make, I will never be grateful enough for what this website has helped me accomplish <3

  Playing this in the background while I revise for my exams is helping me concentrate and stay focused :)

  This website made me focus while studying. It's really useful and I would recommend it to every friend I know! Now I will be even more prepared to these sounds in tests. I hope everyone good luck with grades!

  As a GCSE student, this has been invaluable. Doing practice papers during online school to get myself ready for the examination centre and all those pesky noises! I used to get sooo distracted by them, but now, with these, it's become normal and weirdly calming?? I have no idea but it just gets me in the zone. Thank you, and know that you will have contributed to my GCSE grade in September! <3

  This makes it sound like a classroom. Helps me focus more which is impressive as I am easily distracted. It evens help me to get use to possible noise in class! It is also interactive not like a standard looped sound video. Thanks!

  When I am reading, combining this with a light table and mess sound (Cafe Restaurant) just makes me feel like I am in some place where someone is reading the book with me. Perfect if you want a reading partner or is lonely (like me T-T).

  Combining this with tropical rain is so relaxing and helps me focus while studying.

  This help so much to just focus on my assignment and do work. Homeworks've never seen me this focused until now!

  Best thing ever when mixed with calm office and adjusted to your liking! I sometimes even add tin rain in the background if I want. I feel like I'm writing in a room full of productive people! <333

  This one's the best so far. Very helpful while studying at home for offline exams after all this time in the pandemic. I never get in the 'exam mood' or even studying mood sometimes without it.

  Wow, I always struggle to study for math because of the silence. This really helps me learn to focus in that environment, and I have done better on quizzes since then!

  This is really inspiring. Always supportive as preparation for exams.

  I love the examination room sound. Some people find it stressful but when I listen to it it reminds me of sitting in a classroom with other students is oddly relaxing.

  That soooo beautiful. I love this noise. I always use this website when I do my homework. I love myNoise website. Thanks!

  An amazing generator, especially when mixed with Calm Office.

  I didn't even like studying but a friend of mine recommended me this website and since then (chefs kiss) I love ittttttt! I started surfing around this site and this was/is my favourite. Recommend it. Worth the pressure!!!

  Using this sound magically makes me become productive and trust me, I'm a VERY lazy person lmao. Online classes make it hard for me to focus on my tasks but this sound gives me the feeling of being in an actual classroom which helps me focus even more! I love this so much, this has helped me with my schoolwork a lot <3

  Well, i can't focus on my homeworks nowadays and I find myself here, it somehow works. It looks like I'll be here for a loong time now on :D

  Literally the best thing on the internet.

  This experience is perfect! It is almost like a real classroom.

  I love this noise generator! I use it for doing all of my homework! Thank you myNoise!

  Hello. I am From Turkey and I love myNoise website. I always use this website when I do my homework.

  I'm a 2nd year college student and have always liked ambient noise, but could never find the perfect mix. This whole website is just a dream come true! Thank you for providing a space for me to study, relax, and meditate in.

  I'm a 2nd year college student and have always liked ambient noise, but could never find the perfect mix. This whole website is just a dream come true!! Thank you for providing a space for me to study, relax, and meditate in :)

  Hello. I'm from Ukraine. My name is Nazar. I use your site when I need to concentrate to start or continue writing a book. Thank you very much for your work, you are very helpful.

  I just love this noise for me in online classes. They don't seem serious so I get distracted and then procrastinate until a week before the exam so this is very useful. It helps me feel 'serious' and focus on the task at hand proud to say I got a perfect score!

  This is awesome, great job making this! A fun thing you can do is if you set supervisor footsteps and cough to max and turn everything else off, you can enjoy the unique ASMR experience of a dude walking around a room, occasionally walking up to you, and coughing on you.

  This is really good and helpful, the customised settings alow me to chose what really feels like my classroom! Thank you for this.

  i just went back into lock down, and this with calm office sounds a lot like my classroom.

  It makes me feel like I’m in a real exam while I’m doing past papers at home.

  Hels me concentrate on my exams.

  I use this during online classes. Works well, makes me feel like I'm actually in school.

  The sound of a not-so-quiet library... super relaxing... thank you!

  Helps me concentrate on my studies.

  I just played around with the sliders and it literally sounds like I'm at school! I've been doing remote for the past year so I haven't really been in a class for over a year now, so this was really nice to hear :D

  This is really good! As a neurodivergent person who is terrified of human contact yet needs it to focus properly during this global pandemic, this helps a ton! Thank you.

  This kind of sounds when my 200 person lecture ended, right when the prof dismisses us and we leave. I miss university (I never would have imagined I would say that lmao).

  I think I understand why this works for some people; for neurodivergent people like me, it is so much easier to be productive when "body doubling"; having someone else in the room. It is so much easier for me to concentrate on say, a test when I hear 20 other people writing. This noise simulates body doubling so it helps a bunch. Thanks for this!

  I have tests next week, so this can be perfect sounds to have while in distance learning!!!

  Wow, just wow.

  I am Neurodivergent and struggle to focus on set tasks, as I am used to having background noise whilst I work. My house is quiet and this setting really helps me! Thank you!

  I have ADHD and this generator is perfect for putting in the background of a silent zoom call with only my teacher talking because it makes it seem like I am back in my real, loud, crazy classroom. This generator is the ONLY thing keeping me sane. Thank you!

  I absolutely LOVE this generator! I'm studying for final exams and this helped me focus and procrastinate less. Amazing! Keep up the good work :) lysm

  I have been home schooled for as long as I remember so I'm using this to get used to the sounds of a class room, so I won't yell at people in class.

  I had a assignment I forgot to do and this felt like I was at school. and it got that assignment done faster.

  So good for studying :)

  I absolutely love this. I need the atmosphere of a classroom to do schoolwork in so this has been a lifesaver. It's only missing someone sneezing and a very quiet "bless you" from that one student haha.

  I love this! I suffer from severe anxiety, I have ADHD, AND I'm doing school through zoom. I like to turn this on towards the end of the day when my morning medication is wearing off, but it is not the time for my afternoon meds yet. I just discovered, but I can already feel the difference!

  Fantastic! I have assessments for a big exam in May. I can't focus without the sounds of the classroom. THIS HELPS. A LOT.

  This is amazing, I have my final high school exams coming up, and my family is insufferably loud, this has really helped me escape and feel as if I'm in the exam. It also adds to practising in "exam conditions! Thank you!

  This is great for doing homework! I don't know why, but the sounds of being in a classroom help me focus.

  I've been using this to study for the SAT! Definitely great for trying to prepare yourself for a testing environment.

  Good for real life scenarios of giving examinations, IDEAL for improving someone's examination stills :)

  Using the "Examination Time" background noise generator has helped me stay more productive while studying from home during the covid-19 pandemic. With its default sound settings, I feel like I am studying in a library filled with lots of busy students, which is the environment I'm used to studying in. The sounds make me feel calmer and more focused!

  I enjoy the peace of Examination Time. I went back to school after starting a family. The prof suggested we do better on exams when we study in an atmosphere similar to the exam space. I asked if I could bring in my kids and have them shout in the background. He said no.

  I LOVE this noise! If I combine it with some songs from 2018 and 2019, it reminds me of art class. Lol! Our teacher put music on to keep us working hard. Lol!

  With the pandemic I lost my ability to really concentrate and do my homework but with the Examination Time noise I simulate that I'm at school so I have the "pressure" of doing the work in time. Thank you!

  I like turning Multiple Choice and Pages Turning all the way up, and cough up a little, and turn the other's off. I also like combining this with Car Interior and turn the rain up and all the others down. It makes me feel like it's the end of the day, and I'm taking a science test or working on a group project for social studies or something. Thank you, this is one of the best noises! <3

  I have an exam tomorrow and I'm far from being ready, but I'm on the net listening to this sound which is nice.

  I don't usually focus on outside or far away noises. This is perfect for you if you're trying to get used to close "noisy people" sound...

  I absolutely love this noise generator! I use it for background noise as I'm writing notes or studying, it helps me concentrate!

  I've been trying to find a noise generator or video that emulates the perfect sound settings that I get at school that allow me to fill my head with just the right amount of noise that allows me to concentrate without wandering off mentally. Hopefully, I can continue to utilize this and boost my productivity :)

  I get stressed when I listen these sounds in school. So, Im trying to start focusing when listening these sounds. That's really helpful!

  This sound has been weirdly comforting. It's hard for me to focus on schoolwork and projects at home; I concentrate best in the campus library or even working during a lecture. I combine this with the Primeval Forest generator, turned down until it sounds like birds heard through an open window in springtime. It makes me feel like I'm surrounded by other students again.

  Great "study hall" simulator for when I'm working at home. I could always get a lot more done there, anyhow. Thank you so much!

  I calibrated the noise to sound like a slightly louder library, since the libraries where I usually work are fairly busy and echoey. Works like a charm, so now I feel like I'm in the perfect headspace to get stuff done non matter where I am!

  Today I suddenly realized that I forgot to do yesterday's task. I was 14 hours late. Every minute was on counting. I was panicking, but I knew what to do. I opened your site and turned on "examination time"... Et voilà! An hour later, the task was ready! Thank you very much! You are the best!

  I'm used to studying in the quiet room of a library. This puts me in the mood for studying as it is very similar.

  I love this site! This helps me focus on my work, and I have a hard time focusing!

  With all my in-person finals cancelled due to Covid-19, I found that I needed to replicate the sound in some way in order to feel any sense of urgency or seriousness while taking them online. This was a godsend.

  This noise is perfect. It helps to create a sense of urgency in my mind that prevents it from wandering off. Exam halls have this feeling of "it's got to happen now, no more delaying" and this generator manages to get the same feeling across.

  I have been using myNoise for years and all the sounds are wonderful! But this one right here! I can use it at my cubicle and no one notices. So subtle, helps me drop right in and focus!

  I love this! Just pure chalkboard sounds. Ah, brings me back to elementary school! So nostaligic.

  Currently using this for LSAT prep. Not going to lie though, the footsteps sound identical to my apartment neighbor upstairs.

  This is super useful for helping me concentrate in my actual exams. I'm revising how memory works and it says that you'll do better if what's around you is the same for both revision and exam. This works perfectly for that!

  Counterintuitive but it works!

  Ok that 'supervisor' sounds downright terrifying! Such heavy footsteps.

  Haha! LOL this actually sounds like an examination room.

  Reminds me of sitting in the library in Uni when everyone got together to study for midterms and finals. The perfect quiet environment to study or work on my book.

  I've been searching for the perfect background noise and oddly enough this helps me focus the most when I'm working on my assignments. Thanks a million.

  Want to know what college sounds like? Want to picture yourself in college? Here it is.

  This great for in class quiet work and this helps me visualize myself in school (that environment helps me focus)!

  I'm amazed at the options available. This is exactly what my exam room sounds like.

  Preparing for Administrative Exams of India. This gives me exact context, emulating exam environment. Thanks Dr. Pigeon. Please do help this guy through donations.

  I'm always focused in exams, but I have trouble staying concentrated when doing homework. I play this to make it feel like I'm in an exam, and it really helps me focus on studying!

  Good silent exam hall sound.

  myNoise I find is perfectly balanced for what our exam room sounds like!

  I use this mix for when I'm listening to MOOC or online lectures. It simulates being in a lecture hall for me. I often struggle with online learning and this helps me focus and retain the information a lot more.

  I just love it! I used this for studying and it worked like a charm on the real exam!

  I listen to just the pages turning with "the fireplace" and "rain on a tent" to get a reading a book while camping feel :)

  This just really helps a lot. I am currently in my senior years and I was always worried from the silence in exam rooms. I already wrote my final exams and this helped me get used to the noise. I just put this now every time I study and put one of these "study with me" videos. Thanks <3

  I love the "old school" setting on Examination Time. The sound of chalk writing on a board is very soothing to me.

  This is GREAT. I would fail to pay attention to my studies without this. As someone who has ADHD this is useful.

  I shared this with my entire AP class and everyone, including the teacher, loved it!

  Funny enough, I actually use this while in class. It honestly helps to relax and focus on my work. Thanks for making this! <3

  This is AWESOME! I'm studying for midterms right now and feeling extremely focused. :)

  This is super useful, as someone with ADHD who does not work well in silence, this has basically gotten me through Ap Lit.

  Played this to a few friends and they all agree it sounds eerily similar to our school auditorium in exams - definitely useful for trying to get used to the environment!

  This is pretty great and reminds me of all those times in exam halls and helps me concentrate.

  I'm really glad you made this. Background noises usually make me annoyed rather than consitrated but the sound of a classroom helps me get lost in my work.

  I pair this with Fireplace - gives the most comfy feeling. Like sitting in a Hogwarts library stuying for Alchemy class!

  I needed to take a practice exam to prepare, but my dorm can be very noisy. This was a great way to block out distractions and ready myself for the actual test environment.

  I had the idea about a site like this during my Literature exam today. Naughty; but I figured I need to get more used to exam distractions even though it's 'silent'. I thought it would be too ridiculous to be an actual thing. I come home, barely remembering it. Googled it and voila... it exists and it's bloody fantastic too. This is actually more effective than music at keep me focused. Bravo devs.

  Thank you for reminding me how much I actually loved this environment. I was never especially bad at tests, but I never liked them. But I have always liked the sound of people working quietly together, and I remember always feeling a sense of calm when I entered the room for an exam. I dunno, maybe it's that sense of 'well, this is it! Whatever will be will be" :)

  The quiet "I'm studying, you should too!" noise of a college library, but at home! The swish of page turning and the slight scratching of pens really help me concentrate, and with this generator, instead of the real deal, you can mute the coughs and sneeze :D

  Listening to this paired with the fireplace and rain noise is my personal dream atmosphere to study. There's just something about studying in a room full of focused students that is really relaxing. (Especially with the fireplace I can imagine myself sitting in on of the common rooms in Harry Potter.)

  The highest level in our library becomes a complete silent zone during exam time, and while I study best in the quiet, it's always lacking something. This noise generator fills that void and simulates the sound of everyone around me also furiously studying to get those lectures and notes down in time for exams!

  When I was studying for exams, I listened to this with Jungle Life to both expose myself to sounds that would be present during the exams and motivate myself with the thought that I'll be studying env sci. in Costa Rica next year. Like a desk in the rainforest! I do love the test environment - no more pressure once you're there, deeply focused atmosphere... I like the footsteps, writing, and pages.

  Is it weird that I just found out that I am interested in this kind of specific sound of this when you're in exam? I found this so calm yet disturbing too haha. But anyway, it's amazing!

  I love this. I listen to this lightly in the background while studying and while taking practice tests. This has helped my friends and I become more focused during actual tests. If you train this to be your silence, then it'll be a breeze during real exams. Also, I love page turning and pen writing, it's so soothing.

  I'm a journalism major who is currently writing for my college's newspaper, so whenever I'm having a hard time focusing on writing an article I always come back to this generator. All of it is just so calming - especially those scratching pencils! I love those to death. Thank you so much for this sound :)

  When it's reeeaaally hard to focus on writing my thesis, I come back to this generator. Unlike the other atmospheric ones, which all have a very present backgroung sound, those little individual and isolated human noises give an other "taste" to the silent, they make it more... silent. Like the water drop in a cave, with echo, but less annoying.

  I have ADHD and when I was in high school, I had really bad test anxiety. Before I managed to get the settings to something calming, I almost gave myself a panic attack. In case you're wondering what sensory overload is like during a test, turn the first 4 sliders up a bit, and crank the pen noises up high. The mild settings are pretty soothing though.

  A study by Grant et al in 1998 showed that those who learned in the same conditions that they were tested in performed better. It's called context dependent memory; this generator is great because it lets you learn in the sound environment you might be tested in and may even help you boost your grades! I know I'll definitely be using it.

  This generator is absolutely amazing for my ADHD. For some reason the only time I can ever concentrate without caffeine or medication is in a testing environment, which makes this perfect for studying or reading.

  I started university last year. We were 90 per class and this is exactly how the exams sounded like. I just missed a computer keyboard writing sound to feel like I'm in an IT test

  Speaking of ADHD - this sounds like what a supposedly quiet room feels like to me sometimes. Can't understand why we have trouble concentrating? This is what silence can sound like to us. (Very good gen though! Not half as distracting as the real thing.)

  This generator is the best one I've found so far because it's the most effective one for my ADHD! I really feel like I'm in class and it helps me focus a lot! Thank you so much.

  I'm one of those weirdos who enjoyed exams - not so much all the revision beforehand, but once I was in there, I found the exam hall atmosphere itself really calm and great for concentration. It's been years since I had to take one, but this is a pretty great representation of how I remember it!

  I suffer from test anxiety and it got to the point where I froze up and completely failed my math exam. Hopefully this can help me prepare for the exam environment.

  This couldn't have come at a better time -- I'm in the middle of a two-month-long study session to prepare for the physics GRE, and need to score well to get into my desired degree program. The more ready I can make myself for the day, the better, environment included. Brilliant!

  This is great for focusing! Whenever I hear other people writing/studying furiously it pushes me to do the same. Thanks!

  I enjoy this generator because it reminds me of college. Mix it with the cafe-restaurant generator, to get the sounds of a college cafe -- people in the distance are talking, but people close to you are studying hard.

  I have been searching long and hard for a audioscape that will maximize my productivity. I finally have found the ultimate soundscape. It was getting my bachelors in Homework Studies at America State University that my mind and body were in total harmony. "Examination Time" is a sound board that might as well be time traveling back to college as a rambunctious undergrad. Go State Doggies!

  That may be not so relaxing but very useful one. According to psychological researches it should help to prepare for future exams. Thanks a lot!

  Growing up where there are a lot of standardized tests each year changed my perspective on these kinds of sounds. Most of my memories of these noises come from after the test: when I'm no longer focused and have to wait silently for everyone else to finish the exam, sometimes for hours. Page turning and gentle writing can be soothing when you're trying not to worry about your results.

  Funny enough, I've been thinking about requesting a "Library Ambiance" generator, with sounds like writing, pages turning, and perhaps the sound of lights buzzing. This is pretty much what I've been wanting, thank you!