Gaia • Sacred Valley • Glowworm • Free Spirit • Feather Whispers • Ancient Tree • Multiverse •
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Guided Meditation
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Flow for Inner Peace
This soundscape doesn't strive to be anything else but a soothing, calming presence. It feels like gentle breeze in your hair on a warm sunny day. There's something tribal about it too, as if echoing ancient wisdom of the Elders. You may resonate with its energy especially if you're looking for deep relaxation, grounding, if you're interested in yoga, and seeking higher perspectives through meditation.
What's fascinating about this soundscape is how it came to life. No melodies were written prior to the recording session and it all happened in real time, catching the ethereal spirit of "now" as a sound meditation. Performed by Infinity Calling, the recording session went for more than two hours, containing a myriad of melodies and tones. Infinity Calling's true essence is at its best when she flows in music, when she allows herself to let go, follow her heart and voice guide the way. She believes that singing, chanting and letting go is a sacred way of reconnecting one self to the present moment.
Marta, the creator behind Infinity Calling, sings free flow voice mediations as part of her personal healing Journey through living with Chronic Pain. To learn more, and support her, you can visit her Go Fund Me page.
Published by Stéphane on September 25th, 2017
User Stories
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i paired this with Flames of Time from the community page with the vocals all the way up. Amazing! I have ADHD and this totally helps. Thank you.
This was it. The final stage of her plan. Today was the day Micah's cracked kingdom fell. She had been planning his downfall for generations, biding her time, waiting like a viper waits to strike. And here she was. Standing in the very spot where her parents had died. All because Micah couldn't let go of a grudge. Under her breath she swore he would not make it out of that manor. Not on her watch.
Just found this sound and I love it. I'm working on a brain-teaser of a piece of writing, and this is calming my mind. Paired with Spring Water Stream and Sweep Noise, it's both relaxing and just the right amount of stimulating.
I am not a spiritual person, but I would be if the spirits spoke to me like this. What a brilliant collection.
I love this to calm down. I feel like crying the whole time, because it soothes me so much. Incredible voice!
Combined this with Japanese Oase for a truly mystical and relaxing audioscape!
I like to pair this with the Deserted soundscape, especially on the 'Anxious' preset. Unearthly and otherwordly, the pair sounds alien-like and takes me away from all the usual forms and associations!
This combined with 'In The Sky' and 'Gregorian Voices' is stunningly beautiful.
There is something physically soothing about this generator, like someone playing with your hair.
Being on the coast listening to the charming choirs of mermaids and sirens alike. Magical, Thanks be to you.
Thank you so much for this. Noise can really set me off so this calming generator is just what I need most days... well, before Covid at least.
I listen to this to calm down because nothing else works and this does the job perfectly! Thanks so much!
I love this generator, it’s so relaxing! Especially when I put the animation on sequence! Thank you so much for this generator! This website is truly amazing!
I really like this noise! It totally helps me to sleep and study! Thank you El Grey!
This relaxes my anxiety, actually all the category of ''voices'', it's magical. Thank you so much from South America..
The ability to evoke emotion just with the sound of her voice leaves me in awe of El Grey. Whenever I listen to Into Balance, I am always surprised by how I can become so instantly captivated. Simply beautiful.
This mixed with "Duduk Song" and any of the rain generators is my absolute favorite thing to listen to while working. So beautiful!
This is so calming but meaningful at the same time. It's like a spiritual internal dialogue.
Pair with Orchestron on slowest and subtle animation modes and it's a beautiful, sorrowful soundtrack to a movie. Truly amazing.
This is beautiful! It sounds a bit like elves singing.
Try this with the 88 Keys soundscape. Sad and beautiful.
Due to personal issues, I'm behind on deadlines for college, but this gen is helping me work by keeping anxiety down. Thank you.
I've commented before, but I keep coming back to this one - El Grey's voice is such a serene refuge from the stresses of everyday life. Today I paired it with Ice Drone for a deeply soothing experience. Thanks to everyone involved with this.
Magical soundscape - love this!
So beautiful, soothing and healing. Thank you.
Bjork setting.
This is otherworldly, haunting, and soothing all at once, particularly combined with Rainy Riverbank.
Not enough can be said about Ancient Tree. My body may be falling apart but my mind is steadfast, listening to Ancient Tree. Thank you God for El Grey and for such Beautiful Noise.
Combined with Indian Drone & African Trance is mesmerizing......mmmmm, I'm mmmmmelting.
Woah - try this combined with the 88 Keys sound set on Reverie. Incredible <3
Into the Sky + Into Balance = Harmonious Relaxation. Thank you for these two generators. Combining them with the Binaural beats does wonders for anxiety.
This combination is amazing : Autumn Walk + Into Balance. It is like a walk in a mystical forest...
This just helped me avoid a panic attack.
This is some powerful atmospheric sound! I put this on with the new 88 Keys generator, and an outdoor noise of choice, and it's like I'm whisked away to some somber scene. It's a great motivator to create, and a really good way to just daydream away my worries.
I love this so much! It just melts away all the stress at the end of the day.
Pure genius. I absolutely love the way this generator unfolds and slowly takes you somewhere else.
It's so relaxing. I takes away all my stress. I have a lot in my life going on, but this makes me feel like someone. Thank you! This changed my life!
This generator on preset Feather Whispers is magical when paired with Canyon on preset Canyon Spirit. Very calming and beautiful.
I love this generator! It's so soothing and can be mixed with several of the other sounds on the site. Great work and thank you for helping me relax during my stressful work day. I may live longer because of you :)
This generator seeps into my consciousness and is calming, yet haunting and a little mournful, and moves at a nice slow, evolving pace. I find it to be a soothing backdrop to my workday. Reminds me of the amazing opening music of the newest "Battlestar Galactica" series. My new favorite!
Meltingly gorgeous.
I literally reloaded the page and noticed a new generator there. And I fell in love. This pairs wonderfully with the Huu chant, or wind noise, or rain noise... and it is absolutely beautiful. Definitely a new favourite of mine. <3