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Growling Didgeridoo Drones


Single PlayerBeating DuoGrowling TrioDown UnderHauntingBright SkyThe Sub Surprise!

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Animation Parameters

mode Soft HardSolo Duo Trio
speed ÷8 ÷4 ÷2Normalx2 x4 x8
range [Low High]   set→ [Low High]

Tape Speed Control

G #A #BC #D #EF #
Speed ÷2Speed x2TransformReset

Spatial Width


iEQ • Calibration


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Visualizer • White • PiNk • Brown • J↓↑KHelp

The Archetypical Drone Instrument

Traditionally crafted from hollow eucalyptus branches by Australian Aboriginals, didgeridoos produce deep and resonant drones. Because these instruments are nothing more than fixed length wooden pipes, they only produce a single note. Their strength doesn't come from their ability to play melodies - they can't - but in their capacity to produce constantly changing tones, modulated by the player's lips, tongue, and mouth.

The most prominent feature related to didgeridoo playing is circular breathing: players appear to blow air through their instrument as they don—t ever need to breathe in. In fact, they use their cheeks as an air bag, just like a bagpipe. When they need to take a breath, they use their cheeks to keep pushing air into the instrument, while inhaling fresh air through their nose.

Didgeridoo playing techniques can be varied and rhythmic. This generator plays a steady growling tone, which plays very well along with the other sound generators, and the Tibetan Choir, in particular.

Published by Stéphane on June 25th, 2014

User Stories

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  An excellent generator for when I have a headache; the low sounds don't set the pain off again.

  I've been to Australia and heard live didgeridoo and violin, it was beautiful. I got a CD and have looked for other didge music but it is hard to find and never really did find any more that was good. This is perfect didgeridoo and can be mixed any way you want it. Amazing!

  I am using this as a balance to some Solfeggio Tones which tend to be kinda high-pitched and harsh. Works pretty good to drown out my roommates playing video games while I'm trying to meditate or break through mental blocks.

  Perfect drone hum for zoning.

  I put the "sub" (leftmost) slider to the maximum and I felt the vibrations all through my upper body and diaphragm -- this is wonderful, I feel like I've morphed into a benign sleeping dragon! It's so powerful and relaxing at the same time. Ordered custom file straight away. Aaawww....

  I agree with the person who said, "I play didgeridoo myself, and this is wonderful. Try combining it with the duduk generator <3 " - Add in Indian Drone for a midtone and it gets even better. Three cultures, one sound, beautiful.

  I play didgeridoo myself, and this is wonderful. Try combining it with the duduk generator <3

  This is a great droning blocker for my USB headphones that don't have great response in the lowest registers, but it drives hard enough at the bottom that I can start to feel it.

  The Haunting Didgeridrone, the Dark Rain Ultimate Rain, and Sheltered Desert Wind. I've sat here for an hour and listened to it flow in the dark with headphones. The rain beating down. The winds just barely at the edge of perception, always there. And the sounds of something out there, bleating, calling. Do you answer? Or do you hide and listen?

  This is literally putting me to sleep it is so relaxing! Great Job with this one! *smiles sleepily*

  North meets south with Didgeridrone and Canyon Drone. Peaceful and relaxing.

  I love playing this on animate with Mr Rhodes (also on animate). Many points of audio drama and surprise.

  This with some grey noise and sometimes rain noise is how I get work done :) It really calms my mind. Thank you!

  This setting alongside the 8-6 on African Trance is great if you're needing something to energize you!

  This is DEEP.

  The originality and quality of the sounds on this site never ceases to amaze me. Opening the website and seeing brand new sounds is like waking up on Christmas morning and finding a full stocking at the bottom of your bed. Thank you for all the hard work!

  This is a great board, but it's even better if you punch it up with African Trance!

  Beautiful and so endlessly calming.


This soundscape is a derivative work of Drone_key-d by Anton, used under a CC-BY license.