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Desert Night
A Night in Wadi Rum


Summer ThunderWind on a TentDesert WindsEvening GatheringBy the FireDesert Campfire Surprise!

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The Desert of a Million Stars

By day, Wadi Rum is a spectacularly scenic desert valley in southern Jordan, recognizable by its distinctive red sands. Because of its resemblance to the surface of Mars, Wadi Rum has been used as a backdrop in many films, especially sci-fi movies. By night, the pitch-black sky over the desert shines by the light of a million stars.

With the kind help of Dario Swade, who recorded these sounds when he was working on a film set in Wadi Rum, you are invited to spend an evening at a Bedouin camp.

Relax by the sound of a campfire, surrounded by the sounds of the local nightlife, both human and animal.

Published by Stéphane on September 19th, 2022

User Stories

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  Awesome!! For focusing the most, I let out the whispers and the crickets :-)

  I have spent a few nights camping in Wadi Rum and the only missing element from this generator is the occasional Toyota Landcruiser going by, well done.

  This is my favorite setting. I find it very helpful for studying. I love that it has just enough noise without being too busy.

  I feel like I’ve been transported to a desert village, nicely done.

  This one transported me back to the night camping in Wadi Rum before going to Petra in the morning. The only thing I could think of it missing is the purring of the cat that was sitting next to me and the sound of tea being poured.

  Desert Night quickly rose to the top of my favorites. Two things going on here. The dichotomy of the distant rhythm of drums and activity (that I am not a part of ) along with the nearby sounds of the night that I am a part of creates a strange kind of here/there enlivening vibrancy. I like it.

  Loved listening. Helped me write during the winter with some warm noises and sick tunes. Also speech randomness was good.

  I coupled this one with... Shower room (foreground), and some voices found here and there in other MyNoise' generators. And I'm back in Africa. Senegal, 1990-1991. The late shower, in a hot, humid and perfumed air. Random voices, parts of conversations. A dog. Someone cooking on a wood fire...

  Like sleeping by a campfire on a cold night.

  This one is a banger.

  Excellent! The Fire sounds and Night Atmosphere is both relaxing and help's focus. Thank you so much!

  This brings me back to the summers I spent at my grandma's as a kid, and bonfires she'd sometimes make in her backyard.

  Awesome! Beams me straight out of the office...

  MY goodness! I was peeking out the window to check if there are some dogs. This is awesome! The drumming is special!

  This one is great, it's like I'm alone outside a lively village staring off into the empty desert...