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Himalayan Chapel
Meditational Soundscape


Voices OnlyYinYang Surprise!

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Animation Parameters

mode Soft HardSolo Duo Trio
speed ÷8 ÷4 ÷2Normalx2 x4 x8
range [Low High]   set→ [Low High]

Tape Speed Control

G #A #BC #D #EF #
Speed ÷2Speed x2TransformReset

Spatial Width


iEQ • Calibration


  Guided Meditation

Enter the Meditation Room beta

Keyboard Shortcuts

Visualizer • White • PiNk • Brown • J↓↑KHelp

Your Meditational Retreat

This soundscape creates a comforting environment when you need to calm down. Close your eyes, breathe slowly, and feel your anxiety melt away as you find your inner retreat of peace and serenity.

Published by Stéphane on March 6th, 2020

User Stories

Write your own here. Click the blue bulletsto load associated settings.

  For me it sounds not as Himalayan monks, but as some Mongolian shamans that reside deep in the mountains on the outskirts of the vast plains... Offering spiritual counsel on the simple matters.

  I've always been intrigued by ancient monks and their secrets. I believe that we have lost something priceless due to forgetting or covering up ancient wisdom & knowledge. Around the world, many different cultures learned that certain frequencies/vibrations affect living beings, this has inspired many instruments and forms of throat singing. Even our modern experts are unable to fully explain it.

  What a transcendent experience! This makes my soul relax and calms me down. This site never ceases to amaze me <3

Create Your Own

Use a laptop or desktop computer, as you will be asked to use keyboard shortcuts.

To create your custom composite generator, browse the site for slider contents: open any generator on myNoise, and select the sliders you want to use in your custom set by 'zeroing' all others, then hit [c] to collect all active sliders into a hidden stack. Move to a next generator and repeat the process until you have accumulated 10 sliders. Now hit [shift+c] to render your custom composite generator. At any point, press [x+c] to clear the hidden stack.