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Forest Breath
Background Ambience Generator


Northern ForestAfter the RainBirds Birds BirdsAutumnal Morning Surprise!

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On a Breezy Morning

Wind blows softly, branches gently sway back and forth, and birds constantly seek their own balance...

Published by Stéphane on December 11th, 2018

User Stories

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  This is my go-to background for work, so calming and really helping me focus.

  Pair this with Mozart piano sonatas to feel as though you're in a villa in Austria overlooking the mountains.

  Here is a sweet spot in the forest, for a picnic!

  This sound feels like home. You walk through the forest, soft morning breeze on your face washing away all your worries - embrace it and go with the flow.

  Combined with the "Etheral" Tibetan Choir and with RPG Battlefield on the "Distant Fight" preset, it's the sound of my dreams!

  Forest sounds offer comfort and peace like nothing else. I would love a soundscape dedicated to a pine forest - the wind sings through pines with a particular sweetness. The sound of wind in their tall branches, the smell of the soft bed of needles underfoot, the graceful patterns of pine cones... Such lovely trees.

  When I listen to the "Northern Forest" preset paired with the "Penetrating" Trip of Mind, I truly imagine myself sitting next to a cold stream and watching the red spring dawn in the boreal forest.

  This with 'Night Blue' is wonderful for school work. I love this website so much!!!! Thank you, Stephane for 'Forest Breath'! And thank you Stephane and Franco for 'Night Blue'!

  This mix feels like a breezy afternoon hiking though a park. I love this combination, it has such a peaceful feeling.

  Perfect settings for me!

  The bird sounds are really relaxing and the water is really calming and it really helps me work in a quiet place. In winter at my house, the only thing there is to listen to is wind. Thank you for making this sound!

  This one sounds like a crisp pre-winter snap in Virginia. I was only there a short time but fell in love with hiking through the woods... thank you for allowing me to do so once again!

  I have tried a lot of the soundtracks here - mainly so I can focus on my work in a loud environment. This on is the best one for blocking out noise. As a plus :) it reminds me of sunny days, outdoors, in a peaceful secluded spot - exactly what you need to be reminded of when doing mundane/focus work.

  I struggle with amnesia and it sounds like this that help release any tension, doubts and fears I have about the coming day.

  This sounds great especially with fireplace and distant thunder as it sounds like reading by a fire while it's raining.

  Here's a slider setting without the water, for if you just want some happy birds and the ambience of a forest on a sunny day. It's making me forget about all the wet and uncomfortable things I'm dealing with, like damp laundry and English rain, so maybe someone else can benefit!

  This soundscape takes me to a place where I can focus on my work (intellectual work from home) and feel less anxious when tasks are difficult. And if I ever get bored of this forest, there so many other places to visit on your site. Thank you!

  I am a huge fan of bird and forest generators, but the first time I heard this it felt more real than anything I've heard on this site before! I live in the deciduous forests of the Southeastern US, and this perfectly captures a cool spring morning next to a creek in the woods where I like to hike.

  This is my home. I live in the woods, and work from home, but spend my days in my home office. This soundscape lets me be outside in my heart, even when the rest of me can't be. It's magical.

  I was enjoying the Ultimate Jungle but I am loving Forest Breath even more, it's just right for me! It takes me to a wonderful place.

  Loving this... very calming. I have to play with it more but I am glad you created this one. This is very helpful while I am working... keeps me calm and focused. Now all I need is bare feet and some grass under foot...

  This is sheer perfection. A touch of wind, birds off in the distance, and a babbling brook in the foreground. It reminds me of when I was 13. We lived in a shitty apartment complex , with a little patch of woods with a small creek behind it. Looking back, the woods were dirty and the creek was just a trickle of runoff, but at the time, it was my escape my life and write in peace.

  This is so relaxing and peaceful. And its great to mask the one very loud bird sitting outside my window while I'm working. Thank you so much!

  This sounds like my favourite place in the world, the place where my valley begins, not much wider than a crack in the mountains but full of creeks and trees and birds and so near my home - and I'm very far away from home now. Thank you Stéphane. Grazie.

  The balance of wind, trickling water, swaying trees and singing birds is just right for me. Listening to this track helps bring me back to a place of peace and stillness.

Create Your Own

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To create your custom composite generator, browse the site for slider contents: open any generator on myNoise, and select the sliders you want to use in your custom set by 'zeroing' all others, then hit [c] to collect all active sliders into a hidden stack. Move to a next generator and repeat the process until you have accumulated 10 sliders. Now hit [shift+c] to render your custom composite generator. At any point, press [x+c] to clear the hidden stack.