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Polyrhythmic Patterns


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It's an honor to welcome Ben Clark, a fan of this website and a professional drummer based in London, now writing and touring with Zooni. Though Ben is primarily a drum kit player, he is passionate about percussion of all kinds, particularly the marimba and vibraphone. Ben has played with some of the finest musicians on the planet, and is now contributing to the myNoise project with one of his favorite instruments.

The marimba is a gorgeous instrument that is capable of creating beautifully sonorous combinations of polyrhythms, intertwining together to make something that keeps changing — even more so on myNoise with its unique audio engine that relies on free-running tracks. Even at startup, the generator plays differently. Have a try by reloading the page; it's subtle, but not for the trained ear.

The attentive listener will also notice two synthesizer tracks on this soundscape. I have always been reluctant to mix electronic and acoustic sources, as the charm of one often destroys the charm of the other. It's like mixing horses with motorcycles in the same race. Now, there are some artists that do master such an eclectic blending of acoustic and electronic sounds, and Peter Gabriel is my favorite. I was surprised to find two synth tracks on Ben's contribution and was ready to discard them without further judgement as I believed I am yet to have someone like Peter Gabriel among my fans. However, I then realized that these two tracks were sonic gems, totally making sense sonically in the soundscape. And this, to me, confirmed the indisputable talent of Ben Clark.

Published by Stéphane on January 28th, 2018

User Stories

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  I actually am so happy.

  This sound gives me the perfect serotonin boost to motivate me through my studies, as I often get very distracted when working on uninteresting subjects. It's simple and to-the-point. Stimulates my brain just enough to feel good yet remain locked in. Wonderful. I plan to use this more often!

  This is just so happy! This may be just me, but I turned off the synth. I like the simple, pure sound of the marimba by itself.

  I love the marimbas. I put on myNoise to feel motivated and uplifted when I'm doing academic drudgery or something digital that scares me, like writing. It's whimsical, calming, and focusing all at once. Thank you!

  One of my favorite "tunes" on myNoise. Uplifting, I feel like I am in a movie during that period when a lot of things develop, happen, and change for the best. Thank you for that. Big fan of myNoise!

  Very helpful! When I just need to focus on the things I have to do after school and I want no disturbances and just work this is very helpful. Also, if i'm feeling down this cheers me up and, makes me feel like i'm free and I can just relax. My music teacher introduced it to me and I have loved it since I started using it.

  These gentle, complicated rhythms engage my brain just enough that I can focus on work without anxiety or boredom. No synths, just vibes (-:

  This really helps me clear my mind whenever I’m overthinking something bad (A main one being about life after death or things similar to that. They really overwhelm me), And overall it’s really relaxing to listen to. Just hearing the marimba sounds overlap eachother in perfect harmony is beautiful. I really love it!

  I've been having trouble with studying because of lack of motivation and I get distracted pretty easily. myNoise has helped so much in terms of focus. I love this website's vision and hope it continues. <3

  I love it so much, especially my settings and the fact that its free and has an app for android and apple.

  This is just magical! I can feel every beat inside my brain, I love this app so much, but this one is the best one by far.

  Bum, baaa, dun, daaaaa! I love marimbas, very good for sleep! <3

  I was feeling really horrible lately and after listening to this I feel so much better now. Thank you so much.

  This just makes me feel all warm and happy inside :)

  Hard to focus? Try 4-5-10

  I have been enjoying this website for well over a month now. Every time I hear these tones, it shocks me such a great website can be free. I plan on donating soon so that everyone can continue appreciating this work of art. Bravo Stephen!!!

  Listening to this as I finish my first semester as a senior made me feel really nostalgic and relaxed. Sad that this part of my life is reaching its end, but the music made me so optimistic for what's ahead.

  It's like sunshine for my ears!

  When I mix this with Jungle Noise it makes a great backround for hard algebra problems.

  Thank you Ben, once again keeping me awake after a roughly slept night.

  Once again keeping me on track of tasks when fighting with headache.

  I have only been listening to this for a few days, but am already thrilled. I wanted white noise to help with my migranes, but found so much more. This peppy beat beat is great for lifting your mood or distracting you from pain. Love it!!!

  I'm taken back to playing SimCity 3000. That's wonderful.

  It feels like the animal documentaires I used to watch as a child when paired with Primeval Forest. I love it. It helps me draw when I don't have any inspiration.

  If I ever want random calming music, I would recommend this. I'm not a fan of the synthesizers, but the natural noise is great

  Something about the sound of marimbas is incredibly satisfying. The warm wooden tones with their full, round shapes touch something just right in your ears and your emotions.

  I used to play marimba in school and it was one of the happiest times of my life. Now that's not possible for me, but this mix helps me reconnect with how the mallets felt when I played and the emotion of being lost in playing music. Perfect for reading and getting through tasks that are well, less joyous than playing marimbas.

  I listen to this when I feel depressed, and this helps so much. Thank you.

  This is a great app! I use it both to fall asleep and (in the marimba's case) to wake up.

  This is my favorite sound generator! It is super helpful for focusing with ADHD. I like to combine it with Sleeping Dragon and a few sliders from Take it Easy.

  Beautiful and peaceful; reminds me of a kaleidoscope. I love these generators for one instrument -- I'd love to hear one for a violin or cello.

  Perfect for absorbing beeping sounds in the hospital.

  You wouldn't believe how good it sounds mixed with a few of the sliders from Hydrogen XII!

  Thank you! After almost two years working from home (and hating it) I am LOVING your office sounds. Silly, but I find it soothing. Then ALL the others! I am spending so much time on each. I am jealous of all the traveling, international connections. And thanks for mentioning my fav, Peter Gabriel!!!

  The Marimbas are so happy. I feel very connected with this sound. Was having a terrible in-my-head kind of morning today. Thought to try listening to this, but it was too energetic for my mood. Swapped it to half speed -- instant calming effect!! Sounds like the player shifted to the lower register of the instrument; it's very natural and soothing. Thank you for producing this sound!

  It reminds me of a BBC Planet Earth documentary, like the parts where the animals are in the trees and stuff.

  Very agreable with African Life. It gives life to the place. It subtly stimulates.

  Just beautiful. Really puts me to sleep.

  Definitely invokes "Changes" by Yes for me. Love it.

  This reminds me of soundtrack composer Thomas Newman's work. Particularly his work on 'American Beauty'. It's beautiful in rhythm and perfect in tempo. Sounds urgent but calm.

  ADHD who? We're hyperfixating on being productive right now. Absolutely fantastic generator, absolutely fantastic website. 10000/10, reason I'm doing well in school.

  Wow, if you want a trippy-cool experience, layer this with Black Hole - sliders animated on both! I tried it just to see how it would sound, expecting a strange result with a lot of dissonance. I was pleasantly surprised!

  Wow, what a happy music!

  I have a hard time focusing on my homework when I'm not listening to something, but the songs I listen to grab my attention too much. This is perfect because while making music to listen to, it doesn't grab all your attention. It's perfect.

  Makes me feel as if I was in the middle of a pure marimba and synth percussion ensemble. As a high school percussionist, I love hearing an instrument I am somewhat familiar with while doing my school work.

  I use this sound in combination with Sleeping Dragon to help me work. Truly amazing

  A lovely, uplifting generator! I'm coupling it with the "Close to the water" setting on Unreal Ocean for a perfect work ambience on a beautiful, sunny day. Thank you.

  Coronavirus has been extremely demanding on my mental health and has made it extraordinarily difficult to focus on my ap classes. Suddenly, with this generator, it feels like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. Stéphane, I can't thank you enough for providing this website for FREE!!!!!!

  Yes! This specific setting is so peaceful and relaxing! It really helped me with my homework, and just absolutely brightened my day ;)

  Very peaceful! I put them all low and let them animate and I could listen for hours.

  Been listening to this for hours now, Made me think of Steve Reich.

  This generator makes my heart do a weird bubbling thing I don't understand! It makes me laugh! I can't stop grinning like a dummy while I listen to this! :)

  This is beautifull. Had a rough day and it was just the right thing I needed. I got the Primeval Forest one running along this and it just instantly erased my worries and tension.

  Marimbas is definitely my favorite on this site! Nice, cheerful, good vibes. Always a good choice when you're feeling down. Hope Dr. Pigeon will add more uplifting patternscapes like this one :)

  This is the only thing that I can listen to for hours that isn't literal noise - I could walk around all day with it, work all day with it - better than a fan or a drone and it really just helps you just feel pleasant! Amazing job on this, really - it's helped me a lot

  This goes amazingly with Sleeping Dragon! My new favourite combo.

  I've been having trouble recently keeping myself stimulated, but these marimbas have gotten me dancing for the first time in a full year!

  This is amazing together with Northern Wetlands!

  This generator never ceases to put me in a good mood. I prefer to listen to it without the synth, so it can match Harmonic Binaural beats and Sad Minstrel.

  Coupled with African Town is one of my favorite ways to listen to this one.

  When I sleep in, I get grumpy with myself. When I get grumpy with myself, I have a shocking morning... until I have coffee. Coffee fixes (nearly) everything. Then I discovered this... audible coffee! Everything will be alright. Thank you, myNoise.

  This is definitely good vibes! Heh, heh, get it? ;)

  I like this setting on Marimbas. Marimbas have a very rich low tone when played in the lower octaves, and this setting brings the low notes to life. There are also high hits that sound a lot like rain dripping off plants after a rainstorm and into a puddle. Marimbas also pairs very nicely with Tierra Del Fuego, and other nature/water sounds.

  I'm pretty sure this is my new favourite generator! I can't NOT be happy while listening to this one. It just makes me bounce. I can't hold still when it's playing!

  This is literally my favorite generator. No matter the setting. I write to this all the time now as I work on my novel. And when I need specific music for certain scenes, I can pair this with anything. I like to pair it with Mr. Rhodes, which gives me this really sweet romantic vibe. And puts me in the mood when I'm writing a romantic scene. It's amazing overall.

  San Jacinto, anyone? I thought of Peter Gabriel the second I heard this, and then read the description... Great stuff.

  I love game OST of "Ori and the Blind Forest" titled "The Waters Cleansed". Sadly, if you put it on the loop, it gets repetitive after a while. Now THIS, this is what I exactly need! Feels like on the same vibe as that Ori's music, but calmer and not distracting. Awesome!

  Favourite noise, this is so nice to listen to.

  This generator and Distant Thunder while both are animated make for an interesting mix. The music will fade out and make the rain seem louder then come back in and blend with the rain and thunder beautifully. It's a very busy day in your little jungle town and nothing stops for the rain, not even you.

  I'm riding my bike through a little port town, it's a sunny day and a salty ocean breeze blows. I see a cafe with people laughing and chatting. Elderly taking a walk on the beach, children who are chasing each other in the sand in their swimsuits, giggling. Marimbas is nice and happy. It makes me feel like I'm in a happy anime or something. All time favorite! Stress becomes creativity & happiness!

  There is a BIG PROBLEM with this site -at least for me! You arrive here looking for ambient sounds to help you focus on your work, and then you find yourself lost in this universe literally for days just exploring the many soundscapes like a child who has discovered a magic land. No work done yet! But still, I am sooo happy!

  Paired with Port Town, I'm a freckled, red-headed ponytailed girl, sitting atop a roof as I watch the sun glimmer golden across waves, seemingly much smaller from such a distance as I hug my knees and process my long day, the first of many I'm to have here. I am filled with an exhilarated fear, knowing the challenges I face now will brighten my future.

  I paired this and Canyon, both on animate, and loved it.

  My favourite generator right now. I find it drowns out background noise and lets me focus while providing a bit of cheer at the same time.

  Beautiful, relaxing sound. Could listen (and have listened) to it for hours.

  I love this gen, but not so much the synth tracks. This setting is perfect!

  This is my favourite music generator on this site. I can't usually listen to music because my ADHD makes it too hard to concentrate but this is the perfect combo of soothing and joyfully chaotic that I can listen to it for a long time. The repetitive rhythms are so calming as well. It puts me in a positive and creative mood while writing and helps me de-stress. Thank you Stephane and Ben!

  I love this soundscape because it's very relaxing, and I can use it anytime, whether I'm studying for a test, drawing or writing my own stories!

  This might be one of the most delightful generators on this site. I don't know what it is about it: the upbeat, energetic, curious, intriguing patterns? The gorgeous marimbas? The perfect blend of acoustic and synth? It's absolutely perfect as background music for writing, and every once in a while, I'll look up from my writing to listen more closely and say, "wow, I love this!".

  Combining this with Mr. Rhodes and any other natural atmospheric sound -- so far I've tried it with Primeval Forest and The Fireplace -- brings me to a state of joyful tranquility like no other. This generator makes me feel like the protagonist in a perpetual feel-good story.

  I played mallet percussion in my high school band for four years. The marimba and the rest of the keyboard percussion instruments (chimes, vibraphone, etc) do not get the credit they deserve. They are gorgeous instruments capable of creating unique and beautiful sounds, and they're incredibly fun to play! This generator gives the keyboard percussion instruments the credit they deserve.

  Marimbas and water sounds combined - the perfect combination on a Friday to finish up for the week. There is an implied optimism in the sound. I also added in Telecaster licks and I'm am managing to tie up loose ends.

  This generator is genius beyond belief. No special settings this time. Perfect out of the box.

  This is such a wonderful, mood-lifting pattern. The moment it started playing it made me smile. Having this on in the background keeps my mind tuned in to creative, inspired, and positive vibes. Absolutely delightful to draw, paint, and write with.

  I like this setting with nature sounds of any kind. Now I just need a David Attenborough narration and I'll be living in a documentary!

  I have a strong hunch something tender, rejuvenating and reinvigorating will emanate from continously listening to this beauty...

  I've turned down the polyrhythmic elements to minimize distraction, because they're just too darn interesting! This in combination with Irish Coast are great for programming.

  Absolutely wonderful! When you do Walking Meditations everyday, you can soon become weary of regular meditation music, and I often longed for something cheerful, yet still meditative and able to mask my tinnitus, to see me home. When I discovered Marimbas, it was as if it had been created just for me, to satisfy that longing. I can't thank you and Ben Clark enough.

  This sounds really good!

  I use this in combination with Sweep Noise and I find this most effective for staying calm, positive and focussed ! Just what I need, just what the doctor ordered :) Even by itself it's wonderful, like a collaboration of Steve Reich and Brian Eno.

  Comfortably absorbing patterns.

  This setting inspires me to question, to investigate, to explore the unknown with hope. It's like discovering a whole new world in each musical figure.

  I love the major key of this generator! It's just the thing to use to keep me going while I'm researching.

  This may just be the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. I resonate with these tonal generators in the major key much more than the darker sounding ones, and this one is my new favorite. Thanks Ben and Dr. Pigeon!

  This setting is so cheerful! But calm.

  My new instant favorite!

  I run it on different animate settings. What a great soundscape, I didn't expect that. The synthesizer fits perfect into this. Sometimes it sounds like a everchanging Philip Glass track.

  One thing I love about this site is the collaborations featuring so many talented people. This is a gem - a happy, positive, relaxing, meditative sound.

  Perfect for letting your mind explore things - will probably also work for physical exploration, like hiking.

  Very interesting, definitely lots to be listened to!