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Bardenas Reales
Natural Soundscape Generator


Evening ThunderLast CallUnder A PinetreeAfternoon NapDesert LifeHeat Winds Surprise!

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Holiday Postcard

This year, I promised myself that I would take a break and not record any sound during my family summer holidays. Though sound recording is a passion, still it is a demanding activity when you are aiming at delivering excellence. Sound recorders sometimes need recharge their internal batteries, me too :D

The family - wife, kids young adults, and dog - drove all the way from Belgium to the north of Spain. The highlight of our trip was a short stay in a shepherd cabin in the middle of the Bardenas Reales semi-desert. Classified as a World Biosphere Reserve, the Bardenas Reales has been forged by flooding in the rainy season, and by wind and extreme sun during the summer. This gives this desert a look reminiscent of famous American national parks. We slept there for a couple of days - in the middle of nowhere, literally - hiking in the morning and evenings, and napping in the afternoons because of the extreme heat.

The Bardenas Reales offers gorgeous landscapes. And to my torment, fabulous sounds too! In front of our cabin, there was a lone pine tree that sung nicely with the wind (the teal slider). It was like a call to unpack my recorder and microphones. Plus, during our walks, we discovered a pond that would go dry very soon and was packed by frogs, probably singing their farewell song. I love frogs. And then, in the evening, thunder - a favorite of so many listeners of myNoise - announced its arrival. My quandary was how not to succumb to the temptation of recording a new soundscape for myNoise, just one...

Published by Stéphane on July 24th, 2022

User Stories

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  I, for one, am very glad that you ended up deciding to record this soundscape as it has become my number one choice!

  For my recent flight from Paris to Osaka, I downloaded an hour-long mp3 of this noise generator with my custom setting and listened to it repeatedly. Its serene soundscape offered a welcome escape from the noisy plane engines, the sound of plastic wrapping on in-flight meals, and the chatter of fellow passengers.

  That thunder rumble, is spot on! I swear, that I could feel it, in my chest! I also love the chattering frogs.

  Noise! I just found your project (again…) on the weekend, when I realized that some otherwise good app has too short loops that annoy me after some minutes. The new 'animate sliders' feature is so good for me.

  It's just as well you did succumb to temptation Stephane, I do enjoy this one. Sans larks, add frogs, and thunder, more or less depending on what I'm doing.

  Another amazing sound!! The wind is so serene, it helps me relax while I'm doing homework.

  The right amount of wind and thunder to write to.

  So glad you always carry your recording equipment with you. Truly delightful to listen to and I look forward to playing with the presets this week at work.

  I'm very glad you decided to do just a /little/ recording. I love this wind and rolling thunder, uninterrupted by gentle raindrops the way the other thunderous recordings are. Ok, the occasional bird trill is still there, but really this is just lovely and feels very far away from everything I'm blocking out. Wonderful!

  Absolutely LOVE the way the thunder just rolls on! Thank you for digging out the recorder!

  I have been to places like this all over America. It's like the essence of God's peace. This takes me mack to that exact moment, even the very thoughts and emotions I was having.

  This evokes a deep sense of peace and calm. It feels like the winds are blowing away all troubles and worries.