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Lulls Your Baby To Sleep


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Hush little baby, don't you cry...

YouTube offers countless options for calming a crying baby or lulling them to sleep, but a majority of the audio in these videos could be considered low quality and not as effective as they could be. As an alternative, this calming myNoise sound generator designed for restless infants offers a higher sound quality and original features you won't find elsewhere. You can design a unique shushing pattern for your child using the myNoise sound sliders. Experiment with the various presets to better understand how they work and how your baby might respond. For longer playing sessions, turn the Animation feature on to add some variation to the patterns.

Published by Stéphane on June 5th, 2016

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  This TERRIFIED me the second the lullaby started playing and I dont know how yall can sleep with this.

  So pure! I'm crying from how safe I feel with this! It's like my comfort character's here to lull me to sleep as they wipe my tears... Thanks! -Shikirin

  This is also good for puppies!

  Welp this didn't help but sure xD

  This is perfect for people who Age-Regress as a coping mechanism, makes me feel safe and like a baby again. A perfect noise maker!

  I like this... this is creepy especially with Oblivion!

  This with Oblivion is truly eerie! Nightmare fuel right here! Well done!

  This is oddly satisfying.

  My baby reacts very well to this, this and the Waterfall are an indispensable part of our bedtime routine. The only annoying thing is that the music box here only has three of the four bars of this lullaby which always slightly grates on my nerves. See this one one YouTube for the full melody :

  Turn off the shushers and leave the lullaby on. Then add the 'Oblivion' soundscape. Really eerie.

  This is the exact song my lullaby machine made when I was a kid! You had to wind it up too, wow! This generator makes me feel so much better, I just loved that lullaby, makes me think of the colorful lights.

  This is so peaceful! I fell asleep after only a minute and a half of listening. Really helped calm my head after a rough week.

  This is best for making kids be quiet in class.

  After listening for only a minute, I found myself lulled into a peaceful state of mind. Playing this with a rain sound in the background makes me feel very nostalgic.