From Darkness to Dawn
Born during my hospital days, Time Still is a reflection of my experience during those times. Its darkness encapsulates those challenging moments. Now that I am back home, I felt compelled to create a contrasting soundscape, a generator that reflects my current aspirations: positivity and happiness. Here it is.
Visualize this soundscape as the dawn of a new beginning, where morning rays of light promise a wonderful day ahead. The birds are in a quite cheerful mood, and sing almost in tune with drone tone. If you listen carefully, you can hear my voice too, as I've resumed my harmonic singing practice.
And if you're in a good mood today too, don't hold back, join in, sing along, and add your own vocal layer to this soundscape!
Not many people realize the hard work it takes to make soundscapes. This one, for example, only uses original acoustic sources, no samples. You can hear me on the cello, tongue drum, acoustic guitar, and rainstick, as well as throat singing. Talented musicians like Rémi Decker on the flute, and Ben Clark on the marimba and vibraphone, have joined too. Without contributing patrons, hiring musicians or purchasing the necessary musical instruments to create these unique sounds wouldn't be possible. Help me help you, become a patron of myNoise today.
Published by Stéphane on June 23rd, 2023
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Absolutely gorgeous. Especially hits hard when I'm listening to it at my grandma's house. It just has the perfect vibe to go with the sound. Thank you, Stéphane.
Truly amazing. I would totally recommend.
Now that I've moved quite far north, and that autumn is turning into winter, days are short and dark, and seasonal depression is looming... This generator is the perfect way to lift the mood and think of brighter weather! Thank you!
I like this very much. A perfect background sound combination for my working hours. Thank you!
After listening to Time Still, I wanted to come here and create a noise setting that reflected the aftermath of a very hard year. Peace and hope abound. There is room to breathe, at last. I am close to tears (happy ones!) at the thought of the new days ahead.
This is a bright crisp morning out where houses are scattered far apart and wildlife is plenty. And a new day is coming to life around you. You have a breakfast at a rustic table in the stillness of the early morning right before the first rays of the rising sun break the horizon. From the window you can feel the cold, humid morning air. This sound is beautiful, calm and inspirational. Thank you.
This + Bamboo Garden on Windy Day setting + Slow Vibes...Perfection.
I've been struggling a lot trying to find anyone to help me, as I am disabled and I currently have the bare minimum amount of space to start healing slowly. This was really nice to listen to while I listened to my partners play games and I worked on my novel a bit more, it was like a breath of fresh air after a long day of suffocating calls and emails to insurance, doctors, and support groups.
Dr. Pigeon, I cannot compliment the poetry of your recordings highly enough, but I cannot listen to this without being reminded of the luminous silence of Sky: Children of the Light.
This setting is magical for me, so relaxing while I'm reading in the background, or gently falling asleep. New favorite for sure. Thanks for sharing Stéphane!
Fell in love instantly. The drone in the background is calming, and the flute-like birdsong and subtle instrumental are engaging without being distracting. New favorite!
This is lovely, and the perfect feel for the scenes I'm currently writing! I have used so many of your soundscapes to write my stories, and I was looking for something I hadn't tried yet. This is perfect!
What a beautiful, peaceful, soothing composition. It feels like the best days, the small moments when you stop and think everything is working like it should.
This soundscape embraces me like the wind on a spring morning.
Thank you Doc.
Very lovely! Uplifting and calming at the same time.
Amazing mix, nothing to change! And New day is now one of my TOP sounds :) And knowing the background, "your story", it gives a completely new dimension to this sound, feelings, emotions. Positive emotions. Feeling rested, comfortable, sun gently warms but does not burn, light wind in the grass, a beautiful day ahead of us open to all possibilities and all you have to do is "reach out" and start...
Thanks for all your work Stephane, I am a fan of yours since long time, and since I started suffering from tinnitus your sounds became an Indispensable tool that helps me cope with the uncomfortable silences. This new sound is just great and full of positiveness. I hope you can stay positive too! A big hug from Germany.
This one really breathes joy, feshness and full life. Every single slider is a perfect blend and even as I'm not so much a listener to bird songs, I love how you managed to fit them in as an inseparably part of the symphony. Great job!
Doc, This is going to be big!
Tears filled my eyes immediately upon hearing this. It perfectly embodies hope, peace, and joy. It just sounds like love for the beauty of life. Makes me think about how happy I am to be here. I've been struggling so much for a very long time; recently I've been having a breakthrough in my journey... It's still been hard work getting here, but I am feeling REAL HOPE for the first time in a long time.
A beautiful, serene morning soundtrack. Coffee steaming, mist slowly clearing from the fields, dew slowly evaporating.
This sounds calm, serene, hopeful, light, green, golden... To me, it represents possibility, hope, and relief. It sounds like waking up on a fresh spring morning with no worries except deciding what you want to do that day... So glad you're able to join us again, Stephane; your work is so important to many of us. You make a difference in this world. Thank you. - Holly
I love this - it sounds like dawn. Particularly fitting as a generator inspired by overcoming dark times.