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Notch Noise
Colored Notch Noise Generator


Brown  •  Pink  •  White  •  Grey  •  Infra  •  Ultra •  Around 60Hz  •  125Hz  •  250Hz  •  500Hz  •  1kHz  •  2kHz  •  4kHz  •  8kHz  •  Speech Blocker •  Ear Massage Surprise!

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Animation Parameters

mode Soft HardSolo Duo Trio
speed ÷8 ÷4 ÷2Normalx2 x4 x8
range [Low High]   set→ [Low High]

Tape Speed Control

G #A #BC #D #EF #
Speed ÷2Speed x2TransformReset

Spatial Width


iEQ • Calibration

NoneBalancedFull > Apply to Sliders

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Keyboard Shortcuts

Visualizer • White • PiNk • Brown • J↓↑KHelp

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White Noise is created by a continuum of frequencies equally distributed over the whole hearing range. Notch Noise is a variation that introduces a strong frequency dip in the middle of each band. If you are suffering from tinnitus, you can use notched noise to stimulate auditory cells adjacent to those creating your tinnitus. To program the correct settings, start with the Peak Noise first and try to reproduce the sound of your tinnitus with that one. Then, replicate the same slider settings here, or follow the instruction found on the peak noise page.

Published by Stéphane on June 18th, 2019

User Stories

Write your own here. Click the blue bulletsto load associated settings.

  Incredibly pleased with this! I followed the instructions on Peak Noise and this not only covers my tinnitus completely but really minimizes it for hours or days afterward. This is a massive comfort, thank you!

  Incredible. I have had LOUD tinnitus for years, which even prevented me from hearing my students at times when the HVAC was blowing hard. Literally a few minutes with Peak then Notch and the tinnutis is 80-90% reduced. It is so freaking QUIET now! Grazie!

  Using this as a noise cancellation of my work room beside my bedroom. Nicely blocks my voice and noise at night with a good consistent rumble that doesn't wake people!

  My tinnitus was acting up last night. My internet was down, and my mom had my Chromebook. I had to sleep in silence. Then, today, I did the peak noise thing and my tinnitus was squished. Thank you!

  You have to go to the pitch noise page first, follow the instructions and you'll get a tool to "heal" your tinnitus that some sell for hundreds of $. Supposedly you have to use it at least 1 hour a day for a few months to see results. Thanks to MyNoise we get this tool (which has yet to prove its efficacity) for almost free. Nice!

  I love this setting! It's like being in a cave with a bit of breeze.

  Sounds exactly like when I hear trains drive by our station at night.

  Great for noise blocking. Easy to work over. Love layering Tibetan singing bowls over it for a serene and focused work day.

  Sounds like a huge crowd cheering in a stadium!

  This is so really fun to play with. I like that sounding.