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Finnish Sauna
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"Hi, Stephane. I would like to suggest a new noise. I—m a Finn, and the sounds of a traditional sauna would be very nice as we Finnish people like to sauna bath a lot. For us Finns, the sauna is a place for relaxing and a sort of meditation. I think it would be a nice addition to your soundscapes!"

This is how I became acquainted with Katri, a fan of myNoise from Finland. Users are always welcome to make suggestions, and I do my best to make these happen. However, it helps greatly when users can give me access to interesting recording locations. That is exactly what Katri did, allowing me to make recordings at her traditional family sauna, located by a calm lake in Finland's countryside.

"Old saunas like ours at our cabin don—t even have running water. It is pumped from the lake, heated in a large cauldron and mixed in a bucket, so the water sounds are different from modern saunas that have showers. Also, an old wooden building creates a very different atmosphere than a modern one with porcelain tiles."

We aimed to provide the most authentic sound experience by recording all the sounds separately, in the real temperature and humidity conditions; the sound colors differ, depending on atmospheric conditions! This was a challenge, both for me and my microphones. The session took more than two hours. But we all survived!

Among other things, you will hear the sounds of the kiuas, the special stove used to warm up the sauna; the löyly, the steam that comes when you throw water at it; and the vihta, whisks made of tender birch twigs that are used to gently beat oneself! The ambience was recorded from the perpective of a small group, all enjoying a sauna session together. You will hear some people bathing outside, while others are having a conversation inside.

It is always a pleasure to team up — or to steam up — with fans of myNoise all around the world, in the making of authentic soundscapes. Special thanks to Katri and Pirkko, for organizing the local sampling session with such success!<

Published by Stéphane on September 24th, 2019

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  I'm sorry, but I'm listening to the Finnish conversation first as a Finnish person, just because I can understand it. Though as I wrote this, I ended up finishing it. Back to listening to the lovely sounds.

  Takes me back to being a kid with my family in South Vietnam. It reminds me of going to local spas and bathhouses with aunties, and winding down after a hot summer's day with cold water. Makes my brain go brrr. Thanks, Dr. Pigeon!

  I have trouble sleeping and studying. When studying I love to hear the warm fire in the background, birds in the distance. It makes me think that I'm in a sauna in the middle of a forest with the window open which brings in the singing of the birds and the buddies swimming while I can chill. At night I use the Middle of nowhere preset so I can fall asleep thinking I'm just surrounded by nature.

  Wow, talk about relaxing. This puts me right into my comfort zone!

  I love that you're so loved and appreciated . I hope the Universe is kind to you these days :)

  The talking ruins it. How about Sauna solo? [Editor's comment : how about using the sliders to mute the talking?]

  This is my first comment. This might be helpful in making me learn Finnish and working on moving to Finland. I had trouble motivating myself, as it seems almost impossible, but this way, it looks real, at least as auditory autosuggestion :)

  Oh my! For weeks since I was in the sauna. Tomorrow it’s gonna be snow, it’s dark and cold. Listening this in my winter home really makes me happy, it makes me feel the warmth, peace and voices in and around the sauna in summer. Thank you guys for the visit and publishing the astonishing results of your works. Wbw, Pirkko

  Gosh this brings back warm memories (pun intended) from my childhood when I'd be in the sauna at my grandma's place out in the Russian countryside.

  I love the talking of the Finnish people. It makes me feel so close to them. I have not been near them for twenty years, and to hear then like this and to almost feel the sauna is so good!

  My favorite thing about the Finnish Sauna is its specificity. Putting my headphones on with this playing is like stepping into a portal. Pure magic.

  This makes me feel like it's summer again, spending time at the summer cottage sauna and washing my cousins long hair with water that we had to carry inside from the lake. It's been a few years since I've been there, and this brought back memories. :') I'm so happy to have found this.

  Listening to this keeps me relaxed and happy, while not distracting me from focusing on my work.

  Oh my, this is lovely! I haven't been in a proper wooden sauna for such a long time, and just listening to the noises makes me happy :D I've been creating sauna soundscapes with the fire and rain machines, but this is much, much better. Thank you so much!

  This is perfect. For a finn that lives in a tiny student apartment without a possibility to go to sauna, this noise is almost as good. It is cold outside and this noise makes me feel warm. Only thing better is going to the cottage and actually go to a real sauna, but this is a good substitute while that is not possible. Also makes concentration much easier!

  This is brilliant. I feel like I'm there at the sauna in Finland! It's a complete experience - it's like a story with sounds. I really love it. I want to study sound engineering myself and am very inspired by your work. Thank you and hope you get more locations to record! Shooly

  Oh my. This is my new favorite soundscape. Bring the levels up on the kiuas and loyly a bit over default and feel the heat. Just like home.

  This is nice. But do a Swedish one next :)

  I have been waiting for this soundscape ever since you posted about your trip to Finland in Facebook! It's perfect, the sound of the kiuas, embers, löyly... Brings me back to summer. Thank you for another great soundscape <3

  This is like being in the sauna without feeling like I'm going to pass out any second. Here in Latvia we also have a long tradition of saunas and being beat with birch brooms :D

  Thanks for the visit and this soundscape! You did a amazing job putting all the elements together. Now I can enjoy our sauna in the winter too, when the lake is frozen and birds are in southern lands. Not the same (less wet and hot), but next best thing. All best, Katri.

  I have never been to Finland, sadly. It is on my bucket list for at least ten years now - you can imagine how amazed I am to suddenly find: you actually help me to fulfill this old wish, at least virtually. Thank you! A sidenote: each and every cents I have ever donated to MyNoise went to the best possible place, this soundscape proves it easily. Simply amazing.