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Mysterious Island
Custom Composite Generator
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Slider Animation
Meditation Bell


FlatWarmBrightOddEvenLowerUpperPairedMirroredTriplets Surprise!

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Tape Speed Control


Animation Parameters

mode Soft HardSolo Duo Trio
speed ÷8 ÷4 ÷2Normalx2 x4 x8
range Set→[ LowHigh ]←Set

iEQ • Calibration


Keyboard Shortcuts

Visualizer • White • PiNk • Brown • J↓↑KHelp

A contribution by Garrett22

The last thing you remember was a strange book in that old forgotten part of the library. You did not recognize the language inside, but that illustration of a tiny isle dotted with strange machines was so vivid you could not help but brush your fingers over it. Now you find yourself standing on that same isle, alone, save for the tiny birds you may spot flitting among impossibly tall trees.

Published on February 12th, 2021
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  The soundscape instantly took me to the world of Myst, the game from 1993. That's what the story hints at, right?

  Author's note: Yes, this generator is based on the 1993 computer game Myst. As a young nerd growing up in the 90s, Myst holds a special place in my heart and I wanted to recapture that feeling of stepping onto the island for the first time and becoming lost in the atmosphere. I hope others can feel that original magic too. Be sure to try out slider animation to simulate moving around the island.

  This is so accurate. I was 12 and I remember sitting in a hot room just puzzling away....what good times! Thank you so much, I'm really enjoying the memories!

  I remember watching my brother play Myst, this perfectly captures the ambiance! A sound I didn't know I needed...

Create Your Own

Use a laptop or desktop computer, as you will be asked to use keyboard shortcuts.

To create your custom composite generator, browse the site for slider contents: open any generator on myNoise, and select the sliders you want to use in your custom set by 'zeroing' all others, then hit [c] to collect all active sliders into a hidden stack. Move to a next generator and repeat the process until you have accumulated 10 sliders. Now hit [shift+c] to render your custom composite generator. At any point, press [x+c] to clear the hidden stack.