Flat • Warm • Bright • Odd • Even • Lower • Upper • Paired • Mirrored • Balanced • Equilibrium • Triplets • Diffused • ℗ Surprise!
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mode | Soft Hard • Solo Duo Trio |
speed | ÷8 ÷4 ÷2 • Normal • x2 x4 x8 |
range | [Low High] set→ [Low High] |
Mono • Narrow • Stereo • Wide
None • Balanced • Full
Visualizer • White • PiNk • Brown • J↓↑K • Help
While you are fast asleep in a cryogenic tube for thousands of years, your mind tends to wander a little bit, as expected. You can feel time pass by faster than usual, like you are inside a very cold simulation.
However, there are times when your consciousness ends up becoming so potent that not only do you end up in another universe entirely, but you begin pulling everything in your dreamscape towards you...
...only for the walls of that dream-verse to weaken...
...and all of it falls into the void, never to be seen again, so long as you are still alive.
So cold, and yet, so powerful. And your actions here... have DANGEROUS consequences.
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● I keep on listening to this composite as my inner me immediately was dangerously attracted to it ...
Use a laptop or desktop computer, as you will be asked to use keyboard shortcuts.
To create your custom composite generator, browse the site for slider contents: open any generator on myNoise, and select the sliders you want to use in your custom set by 'zeroing' all others, then hit [c] to collect all active sliders into a hidden stack. Move to a next generator and repeat the process until you have accumulated 10 sliders. Now hit [shift+c] to render your custom composite generator. At any point, press [x+c] to clear the hidden stack.