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The Great Infinity Train
Custom Composite Generator


FlatWarmBrightOddEvenLowerUpperPairedMirroredBalancedEquilibriumTripletsDiffused Surprise!

Current Slider Settings

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Clone as Minified Player
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Tape Speed Control


Animation Parameters

mode Soft HardSolo Duo Trio
speed ÷8 ÷4 ÷2Normalx2 x4 x8
range Set→[ LowHigh ]←Set

iEQ • Calibration


Keyboard Shortcuts

Visualizer • White • PiNk • Brown • J↓↑KHelp

A contribution by Lissa & Kestrel106

"Hello, new passenger! I'm 1 (1), and I'm the conductor of the train you just boarded." "The Infinity Train: the train that goes on forever..." "However, each car has an amazing puzzle just for you to solve!" "A few of them may be hard and life-threating..." "Others are there just for you to explore! And who knows, you might learn a bit about yourself, which is what this train is all about: Helping you pick up the pieces and move on to a happier life!" "Hopefully this journey will not take you very long, unless the number on your hand says so."
"Good luck, passenger!"

Based on the TV show Infinity Train. Click 'Slower' once for a Season 1 type vibe.

Published on November 5th, 2021
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Tip : posting a comment shares your current slider settings, accessible by clicking the blue dots.

  I've never seen the show but I like this soundscape very much!

  How a dream catcher should be

Create Your Own

Use a laptop or desktop computer, as you will be asked to use keyboard shortcuts.

To create your custom composite generator, browse the site for slider contents: open any generator on myNoise, and select the sliders you want to use in your custom set by 'zeroing' all others, then hit [c] to collect all active sliders into a hidden stack. Move to a next generator and repeat the process until you have accumulated 10 sliders. Now hit [shift+c] to render your custom composite generator. At any point, press [x+c] to clear the hidden stack.