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mode | Soft Hard • Solo Duo Trio |
speed | ÷8 ÷4 ÷2 • Normal • x2 x4 x8 |
range | [Low High] set→ [Low High] |
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Stepping off the WonderTrain on a floating island with a lush meadow, a couple trees around the edges. As you sit and lean against the trunk of one of the trees, you notice the other features of the island: a small pond, and a giant ticking marble maze contraption leading up to a transparent clock face in the sky: the Clock of Happiness. One of the colorful fluffball chicks running around the clock maze earlier casually approaches you. It gives a satisfied high-pitched whistle while snuggling into your side and allowing you to stroke its soft fluff. More and more come up to you, some with tufts of fluff on their heads, others with cat or rabbit ears, and still more wearing different hats, until you are literally covered in the sleeping creatures for which the floating isle is named for.
Based off of the video game Balan Wonderworld. Pair this with Marimbas and Orchestron, root note D, for something sounding like the original atmosphere in the game!
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