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Generally, I find the most interesting level designs to be the ones that get changed between Acts (or at least at some point that causes an obvious "first phase versus second phase" distinction); 3&K and Mania are particular favourites of mine from how often they can change things up within the same level and basic idea, and just how much they can do it.
When I put together "Sky Palace", the thunder rumbles were the sounds showing up the most within the results pool; for "Ruin Labyrinth", it gave me a whole bunch of echo-y, indoor rain / falling water, so I decided to lean into the different weather condition as a distinction factor. "Hidden Sanctuary" offered some of both, but I stuck with just a little thunder and one single dripping water, making a throughline of "there's a lot of thunder, but no rain (yet) → there's a downpour (drowning out any thunder) → a bit of thunder lingers, and the last of the rainwater drips down the interior".
This is "Ancient Ruins" #3 of 3.
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