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Nine Lives: Sunset
Custom Composite Generator


FlatWarmBrightOddEvenLowerUpperPairedMirroredBalancedEquilibriumTripletsDiffused Surprise!

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Tape Speed Control


Animation Parameters

mode Soft HardSolo Duo Trio
speed ÷8 ÷4 ÷2Normalx2 x4 x8
range [Low High]   set→ [Low High]

Spatial Width


iEQ • Calibration


Keyboard Shortcuts

Visualizer • White • PiNk • Brown • J↓↑KHelp

A contribution by Ty41

Our small café above the cliff has only few regulars. Normally, there is lively debate on the terrace about sound politics and wacky travel destinations, or vice versa, and crazy-genius ideas are worked out on how to still save the world. But at sunset, a hushed hour has become customary, with everyone waiting in silence for the green beam of light to hit them at the last moment, while their children on the nearby playground enjoy exciting adventures in Hades, Eden, deep space, or whatever they come up with.
Occasionally, the waitress with the wooden leg picks up the guitar. And I, in the kitchen side by side with my beloved, the tastiest cook in all the universe, seize the opportunity to prepare our famous crème brûlée for everyone. The flambé burner bears my initials, no one else is allowed to use it. Once again, I will provide satisfied, reconciled smiles.
This is where it all began, and this is where it all ends. Sometime, in the distant future.

(10/10.) (Starts with “Zero Proof)

Published on May 20th, 2021
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  This is such an underrated generator. Brilliant idea!

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To create your custom composite generator, browse the site for slider contents: open any generator on myNoise, and select the sliders you want to use in your custom set by 'zeroing' all others, then hit [c] to collect all active sliders into a hidden stack. Move to a next generator and repeat the process until you have accumulated 10 sliders. Now hit [shift+c] to render your custom composite generator. At any point, press [x+c] to clear the hidden stack.