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mode | Soft Hard • Solo Duo Trio |
speed | ÷8 ÷4 ÷2 • Normal • x2 x4 x8 |
range | [Low High] set→ [Low High] |
Mono • Narrow • Stereo • Wide
None • Balanced • Full
Visualizer • White • PiNk • Brown • J↓↑K • Help
For a brief moment you wake up, although you have not slept at all. Your body has been moving for hours now, pulsating in unison with the music, and your thoughts became indistinguishable from the motion. Your feelings were one with the sounds and rhythms and lights that surround you, and your senses merged into one never-ending delicious experience. People around you are dancing ecstatically, everyone in their own way and yet all connected to each other as they worship the energy of life. You don't know if you are in some sort of temple, part of a divine summoning or just in a regular club. But it does not matter. The moment of distraction passes, and you sink once again into the coalescence of body, sound and consciousness.
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