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Bird Calls
Magic Generator Series
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mode Soft HardSolo Duo Trio
speed ÷8 ÷4 ÷2Normalx2 x4 x8
range Set→[ LowHigh ]←Set

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Visualizer • White • PiNk • Brown • J↓↑KHelp

Discover our Magic Generator Series... for Patrons Only.

You may have been amazed by a couple of myNoise sound generators before, but these ones will quite literally surprise you, always! Our Magic series is a bonus for the people who support this website. Every time the page loads, stems are blindly drawn from our large pool of high quality audio recordings, creating an ambience that is unique to this moment. Enjoy your lucky draw - now - as this particular combination will probably never happen again!

User Stories

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•  An absolute joy to have on as I work. I love that it's always a little different, and I'll futz with the sliders every now and again just to see who else has come to say hello.

•  Beautiful. I usually combine this while I work with a TV showing someone walking through a forest. Helps me escape from my home study and the monotony of video calls.

•  I love listening to bird calls. Keep up the amazing work. You are an artist Stephan.

•  Smally cuty birds make me feel happy.

•  I have a new baby parrot that's missing her siblings and this generator perks her right up. She loves it and I love her loving it.

•  I use bird noise to make my lonely budgie chirp and sing, she really like it and I like her being happy. The generator here work better than actual budgies noise so I use them for her often. It's nice.

• I have ADHD and tinnitus, among other things, and all the noise generators on this site help so much, but I always love the birdsong especially. There isn't always a lot of it to be heard around here, and this is just such a peaceful and calming thing to listen to.

• This generator helps both me and my cat fall asleep pretty quickly. Keep up the good work.

• This is one of my (many) favorites. I really enjoy listening to classical music with Bird Calls. It creates a sense of peace and calm, and just makes me smile. Thank you, Stephane! Jennifer in New Hampshire

• I suffer from an extreme anxiety disorder and OCD. When I get bad, I play this generator along with a calming choral playlist on spotify. It sounds exactly like paradise, and easily helps dull my anxieties.

• A bird literary flew in...

• When things are calm at work, I open Bird Calls and Brooks and Streams at the same time. Great combination! When things are NOT calm at work, Brain Hacks is a better fit. Either way, Stéphane, you have just the right sound for me, Toujours. ~Janet McKensey, your patron in Corvallis, Oregon, USA

• I greatly depend on this site to help me stay focused and mindful. This new generator is a wonderful addition. Thank you for all you do, Stephane.

• This is an amazing generator. No words, not like I needed any.

• This generator is another of my favourites. It's great to be able to imagine being in a sunny summer garden. Thanks Stephane!